Breaking News The Taliban topples city after city as they continue their campaign to takeover Afghanistan

i think some of the people at that time didnt like the rapid westernization and thats what made Ruhollah Khomeini so appealing. some if those people wanted shariah his rapid liberalization and giving women rights upset some folks.

I blame israel and saudi arabia for constantly lobbying for war with iran.
Facts. Like if y'all got beef with them motherfuckers, y'all fight them. Israel can fight but ain't got the numbers, Saudi Arabia kinda has the numbers but can't fight lol.
Philosophically this can get deep.

Che Guevera in his book Guerrilla Warfare wrote that you can only succeed in revolution if its popular. The term "popular revolution" exists for a reason. Che wrote that the first thing you need to do in revolution is to get the backing of the people quick, if not, your revolution will fail.

This can be applied to the US failure in afganistan. The US isnt popular in Afganistan, and neither is the regime the US backed for 20 years.

And this proves no matter how powerful you are as a military, you wont succeed in regime change unless you have the support of the people
of course the pashtuns are going to hate america they removed them from power, all the minorities in Afganistan want america to stay.
Afghanistan was at it's peak when it was still a kingdom and was being courted by all sides. When the king was overthrown and the Soviet Union invaded, they started down the path to where we are now. America made it worst.
Afghanistan was at it's peak when it was still a kingdom and was being courted by all sides. When the king was overthrown and the Soviet Union invaded, they started down the path to where we are now. America made it worst.
how did america make it worst?
By failing to cement change. The optics of this look terrible on the outside but imagine how much of a blow this is to those inside who strive for change? They've seen two global powers fail to set a different course for the country, that's a big blow to what hope they may have had.
true this sucks for the shia population and others. but these global powers are only there because they want access to what Afghanistan has to offer i.e commodities, new trade route with central asia
I think a lot of people have the wrong idea of what’s going on. The Taliban is in direct negotiations Afghanistan and America in Qatar.

They were even trying to get the Taliban to be apart of a presidential election.

When you see these words like “topple” and “seized” , understand they are getting these cities and territories through negotiations as well as fighting. America wants the Taliban to negotiate to get back in power. It’s pretty much all that’s coming from the White House.

The media got people thinking they cutting heads off and taping children. Crazy.. Are we really believing some dudes without bulletproof vests or modern technology, just emerged from some caves after waiting 20 years and took control of 70% of the country in a week?

The ANA isn't equipped to resist them. They are moving so quickly because they have offered the option of surrendering without being killed. The ANA is, by and large, similarly equipped. There's only a percentage of the ANA, the Commandos, that are equipped and trained up to snuff. Outside of that, it's the same as the Taliban, only without funding from a foreign power (Taliban has Pakistan) and other ventures (drugs). They coming through, releasing their homies from the jails as they go, and taking the weapons left behind by the fleeing/surrendering ANA soldiers.

Also gotta give props to the Taliban.

They got bombed, killed, and pushed out all their cities, waited a whole 20 years, and as soon as the US left, they took back over in a matter of weeks.

Thing is the US keep forgetting this ain’t about one group every single group out there believes and knows the us is trash. They know Americans ain’t gonna colonize them. Shit gonna keep happening
The saddest part about this is the sex slavery I don’t know if it stopped when our troops were there but that’s the worst
“I was the fourth President to preside over an American troop presence in Afghanistan—two Republicans, two Democrats,” he concluded. “I would not, and will not, pass this war onto a fifth.”- Biden

This is it. Too many times 'America' has given a fuck about another country when its own is fucked up

Afghanistan will be aight... or it wont🤷🏿‍♂️