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The shape of the Universe is a pyramid! Do you agree?

1. His name Yeshua Ha Mashiach
2. Yes, He sits on a literal throne
3. He is still omnipresent even though He sits on a throne
4. He holds together the Universe by the power of His might.
5. He loves you. Amen.

Like Thanos in the Avengers?!
The Bible told us this thousands of years ago.....science is just now catching up. Amen.

The water that surrounds the universe is the sea of glass that separates this world from eternity. Or the 2nd heaven (outer space) from the 3rd heaven (where God is).

When the war in heaven happens the fallen ones will be permanently banned from going between the 2nd and 3rd heavens. And they will be permanently confined to the earth. This all happens on the cloudy day. The cloudy day will include the following:

1. The war in heaven
2. The casting down of Satan and 1/3 of his angels to earth.
3. God coming down on the clouds of heaven to fight the nations that try to attack Israel; which the Bible calls the Battle of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39.
4. The beginning of the Day of the LORD.
5. Hailstones and coals of fire raining down on planet earth.
6. A great earthquake.
7. Every mountain, wall, hill, island, and valley moved by the presence of God coming on the clouds of heaven.
8. The rapture of the Church.
9. World War 3.
10. The total destruction of the United States of America

Plus a lot more. The leaders of this world have planned for this day but they aren't ready. They have no clue what is about to come through the sea of glass. But they have been trying for 1,000's of years through their Occult practices and "secret" societies. But now is the time because the Technology is here to roll everything out once the dust settles from the cloudy day.

You got this:


You got this:


You got this:


which will all equal this:


This was all written. The finishing touches are being polished as we speak. The big roll out happens sooner than we all think......Even the "elites" spoke about how close it was 30 years ago and reminded us 5 years ago....See:



this nigga crazy
I have something to be thought about.

Ok... So God made Adam and Lilith...

Then she gets mad and leaves....

Instead of going after her, Adam immediately requests a replacement....

This in and of it's self.... Wrong?

Not only did he not be the "man" and go after her... But he went and asked God to change his entire plan... That's why Eve cost Adam a rib... Everybody wants to joke about how Eve was framed....

Eve shouldn't have even existed.

There was no sin in the Garden of Eden prior to Adam and Eve eating from the forbidden tree so why would:

A: There be disconnect prior to the fall? Only sin brings discord.


B: why would “Lilith” leave if everything was Echad (one) with God in unity and harmony prior to the fall?

Sin is the reason why there is animosity, evil, and pride in the creation. There were none of those things taking place prior to the fall, so to say that there was disconnect between Adam and “lilith” prior to the fall is to call God a liar by saying His word can’t be trusted for it records His testimony to man.
I have something to be thought about.

Ok... So God made Adam and Lilith...

Then she gets mad and leaves....

Instead of going after her, Adam immediately requests a replacement....

This in and of it's self.... Wrong?

Not only did he not be the "man" and go after her... But he went and asked God to change his entire plan... That's why Eve cost Adam a rib... Everybody wants to joke about how Eve was framed....

Eve shouldn't have even existed.

Not only was Adam the first man ,he was also the inventor of "I don't chase 'em I replace 'em. That heifer Lilith wouldn't act right and she water to be the dominant one in the relationship so Adam was like: " uhh... Lord? Can I get another girl? I think this one is broken."
Not only was Adam the first man ,he was also the inventor of "I don't chase 'em I replace 'em. That heifer Lilith wouldn't act right and she water to be the dominant one in the relationship so Adam was like: " uhh... Lord? Can I get another girl? I think this one is broken."

RiGhT. Thus questioning/tempting God. God says fine disrespect me right off the bat... Here have Eve. Deal with the repercussions. He already knew what would happen. Duh.