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7 Celebs Who Were Shockingly Different From Their Reputation

Robin Williams Was A Prolific Joke Thief
Settle down, we'll explain.

Robin Williams was as funny as he was hairy, which is to say extremely. It's unfortunate, then, that during his days as a stand-up comedian, he was renowned by his fellows for stealing their materialand passing it off as his own at other clubs -- or worse, regurgitating it during one of his early television appearances, rendering it useless for all time.


He was, to put it plainly, not very popular with other comics. Some would walk off the stage in the middle of a performance if they saw him enter the room, and one LA venue even developed a special warning system to alert comedians that they were in danger of losing their material to one especially hirsute audience member.

The thing is, Williams wasn't pulling a Mencia or a Schumer. He had original jokes in his brain, but his rapid-fire delivery and improvisational style would cause him to blurt out whatever came to mind -- including stuff that came to other people's minds first. This is not a rare phenomenon, either, at least judging by the number of comedians who are genuinely scared at the prospect of being sabotaged by their own brains. Marc Maron, for instance, calls this his "biggest fear."


As for Williams, he never denied or pretended that he didn't sleepwalk-steal jokes, and would happily cough up cold hard cash by way of apology to anyone he lifted from, with the amounts reportedly ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 (that must've been a fancy joke). By the end of his time, he was so famous for paying back his victims that, in a total reversal, comedians would flock to any club in which he was seen, in the hopes of accidentally incepting an entire set into his head and earning themselves a major payday.
Richard Pryor Boned Marlon Brando

Richard Pryor was one of the most badass comedians of the day. His routines covered every subject imaginable, from racism to sex to drugs to how being in movies with Gene Wilder got him laid constantly. You might get the impression that Pryor was a ladies' man, and you'd be right. He was, however, also a dudes' man. Yep, Pryor was one of the proudest, wildest bisexuals of the day -- a day in which, we need not remind you, being anything other than the straightest straight ever would send people into a panicked frenzy.

In a recent interview, Pryor's wife confirmed that her hubby couldn't get enough dick, including that of -- as first claimed by Quincy Jones -- Marlon Brando.


This wasn't a secret shame either, because surprise, Pryor wasn't a shrinking violet. He was as "out" as he could be among his friends, and would regularly write about his sexual adventures in his diary. As his wife wrote, he "saw himself as a sexualized creature, who wasn't afraid of exploration and experimentation." In all fairness, it was the 1970s, and if you weren't arranging your genitals in new and exciting configurations, were you really living?

Amy Winehouse's Death Was More Eating Disorder Than Drugs

Amy Winehouse has a reputation among music buffs for being a tragically romantic figure -- a talented young woman who couldn't exorcise her booze and drug demons, and eventually succumbed and became a member of the afterlife's rowdiest super band, the "27 Club."

It's a compelling story, but the truth is far less "sexy" than that. While drugs and drink were involved in her 2011 death (her blood alcohol level was five times the legal driving limit), no one wants to talk about her other affliction, the one that arguably made all of this possible: her bulimia. She picked up the binge eating/purging habit from her friends as a teenager, and it weakened her body over time. If you watch footage from her earliest years, for instance, her appearance is closer to that of an average-sized woman (albeit one with a voice like a Valkyrie) than the gaunt figure on all the magazine covers.

Unlike the drugs or drinks, this addiction went unnoticed ... and when the signs were noticed (her yo-yo'ing weight, her "puffy face"), the media quickly explained them as side effects of her rock n' roll lifestyle. "She barfs a lot" doesn't move as many newspapers as "She's a wild party monster."

Her particular cocktail of addictions isn't that uncommon, though. According to one group, "nearly 50 percent of individuals with an eating disorder are also abusing drugs and/or alcohol [at] a rate five times greater than what is seen in the general population." Why? Because those things are also great at suppressing appetites -- exactly the sort of thing that you want if your brain is constantly yelling at you to stay thin.
Dolly Parton Is America's Secret Saint

Dolly Parton is famous for two things, and we don't mean "9 To 5" and "Jolene." Despite writing some of the best songs of the 20th century -- seriously, fight us -- to a lot of folks, she's still predominantly known as a vacuous blonde attached to two zeppelin-sized mammaries.

And that's a damn shame, because she's basically the patron saint of childhood literacy. Through her own charitable initiative, the Dolly Parton Imagination Library, she gives out free books (one per month) to any pre-kindergarten child whose parents apply. She was inspired to do this after learning that her father, despite being the "smartest man" she'd ever known, had grown up without learning to read or write. It's a good way to promote childhood literacy and keep her Google search suggestions safe for all ages.


Parton started the initiative in 1996, and since then, it's expanded to the UK and Australia, handing out its 100 millionth book in 2018. If only a tiny percentage of those kids develop a serious interest in literature, that's still a whole army of future Hemingways.

And that's not even her only ambitious philanthropic project. Alongside establishing a foundation in 1986 to provide Tennessee high school students with college scholarships, she also pledged $1,000 per month for six months to thousands of Tennesseans who lost their homes to wildfires in 2016. That's on top of devoting significant funds to helping AIDS victims, treating cancer, saving the bald eagle, etc. -- essentially every cause that makes you say "Aw, someone should do something" before you click away to laugh at a meme.