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I'll give du this... when I said what I said in that donkey thread, he did give a nigga a warning. That seemed fair and I never called her a bitch again.
No target b

I think with this in place you can show a clear pattern of harassment that should hold up in any ABW court room.

I don't know how much she talked to you anyway tbh but if she does.....BOOM! You got her.

That is a target b lol. I ain't tripping tho.... it's a joke's to me

I think an informal submission should count in most of these cases. For example, Chitown made it quite clear you were bullying him and we as mods did nothing about it

I don't wait until you cause him bodily harm or worse before we act. I think prudence is the word of the day

Why the hell I need this, I'm more than happy to disrespect ol girl whenever she pops off. And you know damn well that didn't happen, quit being a dumbass
@Sam Crooke OPP against @Whispering Eye. Sam has accused Whis of being biased and using her mod power against him. Until he brings up a court date we will grant him a OOP

Whis refrain from @ing or quoting the victim unless in direct lines with you mod duties.

Sam don't @, quote, or antagonize your aggressor

Thank you
I don't actively seek out fuck niggas.

Don't paint me as some bully when I'm doing my job.

This thread just pissed me off more than he did.
Here I go trying to do a good thing and have a place where victims and bullies alike can draw a line in the sand and I get slapped in the face by bully and victim alike

Is it the labels?
Is it the stigma of getting an OOP?

What is it!
I will say this @Chicity I commend you for searching for peaceful resolutions, but you can't save everyone, my nig...

I hope your thread does whatever it is you're trying to accomplish.
Never understood... if you gotta problem with a poster why not just don't say anything to em... I've ruffled enough feathers round here and it's many posters that don't post towards me. My feelings ain't hurt. It's one maybe two poster I don't post towards cause they sum bit... what's the word @Chicity used... oh yea that's right nefarious people... and also everytime @Kandy gotta problem with Chi she lumps me in with him, I don't gripe about that