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Report: Cohen Gave Prosecutors Info On Trump Inaugural Donor

President Trump’s former attorney and fixer, Michael Cohen, provided federal prosecutors with information on Franklin Haney, a real estate mogul who gave Trump’s inaugural committee $1 million, the Associated Press reported Monday.

The AP cited an unnamed person familiar with “what Cohen told the authorities.” The publication additionally reported that Haney’s donation “is being scrutinized by federal prosecutors in New York who are investigating the committee’s finances.”

Haney initially hired Cohen as a consultant in an effort to court potential investors, including Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund, for a long-shot nuclear plant project. The Wall Street Journal reported in August last year that Haney had offered Cohen $10 million if he successfully secured funding, including a $5 billion Department of Energy loan, for the project.

The Department of Energy told the AP that the loan application was “business sensitive” and declined to comment further. Cohen reported to prison on May 6to serve a three-year sentence after pleading guilty to tax evasion, bank fraud, campaign finance and false statements violations. His attorney, Lanny Davis, said as Cohen began his sentence: “Michael will continue to be accessible to Congress and to federal, state, and local law enforcement.”

Federal prosecutors from the Southern District of New York subpoenaedTrump’s inaugural committee for records in February. The Wall Street Journal, citing an unnamed person familiar with the matter, reported at the time that prosecutors had also asked Haney for documents related to his donation.

Earlier this month, CNN reported that prosecutors were examining tens of thousands of documents handed over by the committee. Among other things, prosecutors are looking into potential foreign contributions made to the committee; political operative Sam Patten admitted, as part of a plea deal, to coordinating a straw purchase for inuauguration tickets on behalf of a Ukrainian oligarch.

In a profile in the Daily Memphian, Haney claimed that a year after donating the $1 million to Trump’s inaugural committee, Trump personally introduced Haney to Cohen and a “Qatari official” within a few weeks of each other.

“He (Trump) says, ‘I know you’re working on this nuclear plant. They (the Qataris) are going to invest $45 billion (in the U.S.) and they’ll loan money for nuclear plants,’” Haney said, as quoted by the Daily Memphian.

Will the swing states save America in 2020? Or will the fact the economy as a whole is still doing pretty decent carry Trump thru to a 2nd term?

Fuck if i kno...

Dinesh D’Souza: The Left ‘Hates’ Black Icons Like Harriet Tubman Because They Were Republicans
Right-wing author and pseudohistorian Dinesh D’Souza wildly claimed that modern progressives “hate” black American icons like Harriet Tubman andFrederick Douglass because they were Republicans.

D’Souza made the comments during an appearance on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show last night as the two were discussing if the left can still promote Martin Luther King Jr. in light of unearthed FBI tapes about his alleged affairs and sexual misconduct.

“[The left] can’t really dispense with someone like MLK. I mean, that’s a body blow to a lot of what they represent today, correct?” Ingraham asked.

“When you think about it, the great black Americans of our history — I think of people like Frederick Douglass, the runaway slave, Ida B. Wells who fought against lynching, Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington, all of these were Republicans — they were conservatives,” D’Souza replied. “They were celebrators of self-help and of what Douglass called the self-made man so the left hates them. The left doesn’t want to teach them.”

D’Souza provided no evidence to prove that progressives “hate” these African-American icons, but there is an ample amount of recent evidence disproving his claims.

During former President Barack Obama’s administration, he established the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument and pushed for Tubman to become the face of the $20 bill to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment passing (which the Trump administration has delayed). As vice president, Joe Biden celebrated Frederick Douglass’ legacy by debuting a statue in the U.S. Capitol depicting the civil rights icon, while Sen. Bernie Sanders cited Douglass just a few months ago while arguing for policies to curb corporate money in politics.

He continued:

The only guy they’ve been able to push to the front is Martin Luther King. He was the only guy that they in a sense can cling to. So if they lose King, they’ve sort of lost their one claim to be a champion come if you will, of African-American rights. This is a very awkward situation for them. Of course, the #MeToo movement came from the left, so this is not a right-wing critique they can dismiss.”

Earlier in the segment, D’Souza argued that King is not just celebrated “for his antisegregation views or for his dream about wanting us to live in a country where we are judged by the content of our character, people treat king as a secular saint.”

“Innumerable schools are named after a king. so think about it, how can you actually have a school upholding a role model when the actual conduct, I mean this was not a matter of having foibles or falling short, this was behavior which, if true, goes way beyond that,” he added.


NRATV Firm Makes Noise About Ending NRA Contract

The ad firm embroiled in a very public shooting match with the National Rifle Association is saying that it wants out of its contract with the gun rights group.

Oklahoma City-based PR shop Ackerman McQueen said in a Wednesday statement that it has “decided it is time to stand up for the truth” and end its 38-year partnership with the NRA.

The NRA and Ackerman have been trading public accusations and lawsuits over the past six weeks, as a power struggle within the firearms group exposed allegations of widespread self-dealing among its top execs.

“Over the last very difficult year, the NRA’s chaos led us to lose faith in the organization’s willingness to act on behalf of the NRA’s mission,” Ackerman says in the statement, emailed by a company spokesman to TPM. The Wall Street Journal first reported the statement.

In the statement, the PR firm goes on to accuse the NRA of attacking it with “frivolous lawsuits” and of slandering it “with made-up stories that were then cowardly peddled to the media.”

Ackerman has been responsible for some of the NRA’s most visible media campaigns, from the “I Am The NRA” effort to Charlton Heston’s septuagenarian rebirth as a gun-toting Moses, who would only allow a gun to be pried from his hands once cold and dead.

As the NRA raked in cash from these marketing campaigns, recent allegations suggest that money flowed between top NRA and Ackerman officials in various ways that may be out of line with the gun group’s status as a New York State non-profit. New York Attorney General Letitia James is investigating the group’s compliance with state regulations that govern charities.

Ackerman accuses the NRA of “drag[ing] false allegations into the public with leaks and innuendo.”

It’s not clear how much of Ackerman’s business has gone to the NRA. An April court filing said that the NRA paid it as much as $40 million per year.

“The turmoil the NRA faces today was self-inflicted,” the statement reads. “It could have been avoided. We deeply regret that it wasn’t.”

An NRA spokesman did not immediately reply to an emailed request for comment. The NRA has accused Ackerman of running a smear campaign against it in the press.

So pretty much...Mueller sayin the muthafucca committed a crime...but b/c the DOJ told them that bs they can't indict a sitting president...that's why he didn't push forward wit charging him.

BUT...he's tellin Congress "I'll leave that up to yall...hint hint". So in other words...folks need to VOTE and VOTE OUT these GOP senators so the Dems can reclaim the Senate...AND THEN...produce the articles of impeachment
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