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I hope ur right

Conservatives been goin' crazy all over the West coz they kno' their time endin' soon. Their whole way of life is under threat. Soon as a few socialists get in power it'll be the beginnin' of the end.

These conservatives don't even bother discussin' policy any more. They stick with the social issues they kno' will get them votes. We just need enough more white people to vote for their children's futures instead of voting to hurt brownies and its done

DOJ Denies Claim That A Top Official Lied In Census Citizenship Case

The Justice Department said Thursday that the assertions of new, damning evidence in the census citizenship case were “false” in a fiery statement that nonetheless did not specifically dispute core claims in the latest allegations.

“These eleventh-hour allegations by the plaintiffs, including an accusation of dishonesty against a senior Department of Justice official, are false,” a Justice Department spokesperson said in the statement, which was issued more than 12 hours after the allegations were made public in court filings.

The challengers in the case have accused John Gore — a DOJ official who played a crucial role in the administration’s effort to include a citizenship question on the 2020 census — of false testimony for failing to disclose that he received a draft of a request to add the question from an outside advisor. Newly obtained documents revealed that the draft — allegedly passed along to Gore by the advisor, Mark Newman — was ghostwritten by a now-deceased Republican gerrymandering expert. The expert had conducted a study in 2015 that said a census citizenship question was needed to conduct a redistricting overhaul that would boost the GOP’s electoral advantages. The challengers claim that key points from the study made it into the formal request that Gore wrote.

“Before today, Mr. Gore had never heard of the unpublished study apparently obtained from the personal effects of a deceased political consultant,” the DOJ spokesperson said Thursday. “That study played no role in the Department’s December 2017 request to reinstate a citizenship question to the 2020 decennial census. These unfounded allegations are an unfortunate last-ditch effort to derail the Supreme Court’s consideration of this case. The Department looks forward to responding in greater detail to these baseless accusations in its filing on Monday.”

Gore did not disclose that he had received the draft from Neuman until well after a trial court had already decided the case. He admitted it in a closed door interview with Congress. However, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross quickly cast doubt on the claim, telling lawmakers in public testimony that Gore only “thought” it “might” have happened and that Neuman had denied passing the draft in his trial deposition.

The Justice Department did not respond to a follow-up inquiry by TPM seeking to clarify whether it was disputing that Gore received the draft from Neuman.

The Neuman draft included the rationale — that data from question would enhance Voting Rights Act enforcement — the Department would point to in its official request that the Census Bureau add the question. A key paragraph in that draft was in fact written by Thomas Hofeller, Republicans’ go-to consultant on redistricting issues until his death in 2018. Hofeller first suggested to the Trump transition team that it seek to add a citizenship question to the census, Neuman — a transition official who did not join the administration — said in a deposition. The challengers in the case are accusing Neuman of lying about the reasons Hofeller was recommending the question be added.

Neuman denied claims of lying in a statement to NPR that said “any inference that I would advocate actions that would harm the interests of the Latino community is wrong and offensive to me.”

The statement did not directly dispute the challengers’ allegation that Hofeller provided the key paragraph in Neuman’s draft.

A major issue in the case is whether VRA enforcement was the real reason the question was added, with the trial court judge having concluded that rationale was merely a pretext. Hofeller’s study — which was obtained by lawyers for the challengers after his estranged daughter found his hard drives — shows that he believed adding a citizenship question, rather than enhance minority representation, would lead to a new redistricting system that would advantage Republicans and non-Hispanic whites instead.

Trump Camp Spins Admission That Russia Helped Get Him Elected:

They have a talking point.

After President Trump’s admission in a tweet that Russia helped get him elected — which he walked back minutes later — Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale minimized the remark as a mere “typo,” while simultaneously attacking The New York Times for writing about the President’s tweet.

In an early morning Twitter rant about the Russia probe, Trump claimed he had “nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.” While speaking to reporters shortly after, Trump flip-flopped: “No, Russia did not get me elected. Do you know who got me elected? I got me elected. Russia didn’t help me at all.”

Despite the supposed mistake, the tweet has not yet been deleted.

Trump Acknowledged Someone Hid USS McCain To Please Him. Now He’s Backtracking

While reiterating he had nothing to do with the process, President Trump acknowledged to reporters on Thursday that someone in his administration likely went to great lengths to hide the late-Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) name on the naval vessel named for McCain in order to please Trump.

Now, he’s back pedaling, casting the entire saga as “fake news.”

The Navy tweeted earlier this week that it did not make any efforts to conceal the name on the USS John McCain during Trump’s visit to Japan, but multiple reports indicate that conversations about obscuring the name took place.

The Wall Street Journal reported that the ship’s name was covered with tarps and the sailors who usually have McCain’s name emblazoned on their uniforms were asked not to come into work.

The Journal also reported that acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan knew about the conversations and even approved the plan. He denied those claims.


Trucking Company Owner Says He’ll Vote for Trump Again Despite Trade War: ‘I Don’t Blame Him For It’

CNN’s Martin Savidge has conducted a new series of interviews with Donald Trump’s supporters, including those who say they’ll vote for the president again despite being hurt by the administration’s trade wars.

Mark Zimmerman, owner of Zimmerman Truck Lines, spoke to Savidge in Pennsylvania about recent indications that trucking company charge rates are plummeting around the country. Savidge explained that Trump’s trade wars have much to do with this because companies are no longer asking for as many trucks to move imported goods coming into U.S. ports.

Zimmerman said company revenue is down 8 percent from last year, and that “the trucking industry is a challenge. Every day we come to work is a fight.”

Zimmerman conceded that Trump’s trade wars are a factor to his business’ setbacks, “but I don’t blame him for it,” and “I am 100 percent certain I’m voting for President Trump in 2020.”


Jake Tapper Calls Out Fox News After Laura Ingraham Promotes White Supremacist: ‘Defending’ a Racist

CNN host Jake Tapper called out Fox News after the network’s host Laura Ingraham promoted an avowed white supremacist who was banned from social media platforms for posting violent, racist content.

“Just a reminder that Paul Nehlen is a racist and if you’re defending him that’s what you’re defending,” he tweeted along with a screenshot of a Nehlen post that included a racist depiction of Meghan Markle, who is of mixed heritage.

“Cc ⁦@FoxNews⁩,” Tapper added in his tweet.

Tapper posted another tweet reminding Fox News that Nehlen is also an open “anti-Semite and if you’re defending him this is what you’re defending,” while linking to a compilation of the countless times Nehlen has pushed antisemitic conspiracies by compiling lists of Jews he identified in media.

During a segment on Facebook’s supposed censorship of conservatives last night, Ingraham attacked the social media giant for banning right-wing media figures, including Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Michelle Malkin, James Woods, and white supremacist Nehlen.

“Facebook now, what do they monitor quote, ‘hate,’ that sounds good until you realize hate and these are some of the people they’ve shunned, are you on there? Oh, there you are,” Ingraham opined, before arguing that those being banned are “people who believe in border enforcement, people who believe in national sovereignty.”

Ingraham did not mention the white extremist views held by some included in the list.


Laura Ingraham Accuses CNN of Promoting ‘Racists & Anti-Semites’ After She Defends Racist Anti-Semite

Fox News’ Laura Ingraham fired back on Friday at critics after she was called out for defending blatant racist and anti-Semite Paul Nehlen.

After several CNN anchors called out Ingraham for defending Nehlen, posting screenshots of his racist and anti-Semitic tweets, Ingraham responded with a tweet of her own.

“Retweeting screenshots of despicable old tweets by racists and/or anti-semites must make those racists & anti-semites very happy,” Ingraham said on Twitter. “Unfortunately it does zero to elevate the debate in America. cc. @CNN”

Ingraham’s response came after CNN’s Jake Tapper and Chris Cuomo called out the Fox host for complaining on her Thursday night show that “prominent voices” like Nehlen have been banned on social media. Nehlen recently called for a race warthat would eradicate Jews and Blacks. Tapper’s response included examples of Nehlen drawing up lists of his Jewish media critics.

Needless to say, it’s bizarre and inane for Ingraham to accuse CNN of promoting a white supremacist… for calling her out for defending that white supremacist on her prime time Fox News show.

Fox News Stands Behind Laura Ingraham: ‘Obscene to Suggest’ She Defended ‘Despicable’ Paul Nehlen
Fox News defended Laura Ingraham following a segment where she presented an open white supremacist as one of a number of “prominent voices censored on social media.”

On her show Thursday, Ingraham showed off a graphic presenting “prominent voices” banned from Facebook, including white supremacist Paul Nehlen.

Nehlen, who has been permanently banned from Facebook and Twitter, is an open anti-Semite and racist who has praised the man accused of killing 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue.

Fox released a statement defending Ingraham on Friday:

It is obscene to suggest that Laura Ingraham was defending Paul Nehlen’s despicable actions, especially when some of the names on the graphic were pulled from an Associated Press report on best known political extremists banned from Facebook. Anyone who watches Laura’s show knows that she is a fierce protector of freedom of speech and the intent of the segment was to highlight the growing trend of unilateral censorship in America.”

The AP report cited by Fox News notes that Facebook banned a number of extremist personalities from the platform, including conspiracy theorists Alex Jones and Laura Loomer.

Both Jones and Loomer were also listed on Ingraham’s graphic of “prominent voices censored by social media.”

During the segment, Ingraham defended those pictured as victims of a social media crackdown on conservatives. “It’s people who believe in border enforcement, people who believe in national sovereignty,” Ingraham said of the people on the graphic.

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