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Trump Giving Medal Of Freedom To ‘Trickle Down’ Economist, ‘Trumponomics’ Co-Author

President Donald Trump announced Friday that he would give a Presidential Medal of Freedom to the “trickle down” economics evangelist and co-author of “Trumponomics,” Arthur Laffer.

“Arthur B. Laffer, the ‘Father of Supply-Side Economics,’ is one of the most influential economists in American history,” read a press release from the White House Friday afternoon. “He is renowned for his economic theory, the ‘Laffer Curve,’ which establishes the strong incentive effects of lower tax rates that spur investment, production, jobs, wages, economic growth, and tax compliance.”

The medal will be awarded on June 19, the White House said.

Laffer is perhaps best known for advancing the belief that cutting taxes on the wealthy and corporations, which Donald Trump and congressional Republicans did to a significant extent in late 2017, will increase tax revenue and benefit the economy overall.

Trump’s timing is notable: A nonpartisan analysis from the Congressional Research Service released last week found that, far from the Republicans’ tax cuts “paying for themselves,” as was widely asserted as a talking point during the 2017 debate over the tax cut legislation, the cuts did not have their advertised effect.

The Los Angeles Times summarized: “The CRS finds that the cuts have had virtually no effect on wages, haven’t contributed to a surge in investment, and haven’t come close to paying for themselves. Nor have they delivered a cut to the average taxpayer.”

Laffer, along with right-wing pundit Stephen Moore, who was briefly considered for a Federal Reserve Board nomination, together wrote “Trumponomics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive Our Economy.”

It’s hardly the first time Trump has used the powers of his office to boost an ally: In May, he issued a pardon for his friend, former business associate and author of “Donald J. Trump: A President Like No Other,” the billionaire Conrad Black.

‘A Request Was Made’: Navy Admits Someone Wanted USS McCain Hidden For Trump Visit

The Navy acknowledged Saturday that “a request was made” to obscure the USS John S. McCain during President Donald Trump’s visit to Japan.

“A request was made to the U.S. Navy to minimize the visibility of USS John S. McCain, however, all ships remained in their normal configuration during the President’s visit,” Rear Admiral Charlie Brown, the Navy chief of information, said in a statement quoted by multiple outlets.

The Wall Street Journal first reported this week that the White House ordered the McCain be hidden ahead Trump’s visit. The McCain name on the ship was covered with a tarp, per the report, and sailors who normally wore caps with the name were given the day off. Responding to the report, the Navy denied that the ship’s name was obscured during Trump’s visit.

Trump and Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan pleaded ignorance of the order when the story came out, but their reactions otherwise differed significantly: Trump, who seized the moment to repeat that he “was not a fan of John McCain,” said whoever was responsible for the request was “well-meaning, I will say.”

Shanahan, meanwhile, said “I would not have moved the ship”: “Our business is to run military operations and not to become politicized,” he said. “Our job is to run the military.”

The ship was not ultimately moved, as it is currently under repair after a deadly 2017 collision with a container ship.

Brown’s statement Saturday added: “There were also no intentional efforts to explicitly exclude Sailors assigned to USS John S. McCain.”

That appeared to be a reference to the New York Times’ reporting that, according to unnamed sources, “The McCain sailors were not invited to hear Mr. Trump speak that day aboard the amphibious assault ship Wasp.” When “several” sailors from the McCain “showed up anyway,” the Times reported, “they were turned away.”

Brown added on Twitter: “If a Sailor says he or she was turned around because of the ship name on their cap, I would believe them. I haven’t been able to confirm that happened, but if it did, it was wrong.”

Shanahan said Friday that he’d asked his chief of staff to look into the incident.

Brown said in his statement: “The Navy is fully cooperating with the review of this matter tasked by the Secretary of Defense. Our forward-deployed Naval forces continue to stand ready to execute their assigned missions.”

Trump Campaign Contradicts Itself In Single ‘Fake News’ Tweet

President Donald Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign contradicted itself in a single tweet Saturday, asserting that Trump had not called British royal Meghan Markle “nasty” above a recording of him doing so.

Ahead of his upcoming trip to Europe, Trump gave an interview to the British tabloid newspaper The Sun.

In the interview, Trump was asked about old criticisms of him from Markle. “I didn’t know that. What can I say? I didn’t know that she was nasty,” he responded.

He then wished Markle well. The Trump campaign’s own account printed the exchange, bizarrely claiming that it was proof he hadn’t said something he did, in fact, say. Specifically, the account took issue with a CNN report quoting The Sun interview.

Responding a request for comment, the Trump campaign shared a statement from its national press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, with TPM.

McEnany said “the distortion and mistruths from the media” were “shameful.”

“Any fair observer observer of President Trump’s comments can clearly hear that President Trump was saying that he was not aware of previous comments made by Meghan Markle,” McEnany said.

Trump Reportedly Pushed for Mexico Tariffs Despite Advisers Seriously Lobbying Against: ‘Administration-Wide Scramble’

President Donald Trump pushed for tariffs on Mexico despite serious objections from top advisers, a new behind-the-scenes report shows.

The Washington Post reports that there was such strong internal pushback that Jared Kushner called in ‘from his travels in the Middle East”:

Kushner argued against imposing unilateral tariffs, warning that the move could imperil the prospects of ratifying a new trade deal with Mexico and Canada, according to officials familiar with the meeting. Kushner, a senior White House adviser, insisted that he could still work directly with Mexico to resolve the burgeoning migration crisis.

U.S. trade representative Robert Lighthizer also lobbied against it, as well as Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin.

But Trump made up his mind and “repeatedly said Mexico had to do more,” leading to what the Post describes as an “administration-wide scramble as aides continued to have meetings with Trump on Friday to try to persuade him to reverse course.”

Several Republicans have publicly spoken out against the tariffs, something Trump was apparently well aware of.

The president himself took to Twitter this afternoon to defend his decision and take a swipe at the Post for, presumably, another report he saw on the tariffs:
