The Official World Politics Thread

Lol @ unwillingly. They knew the game. Kushner explicitly went to them to get bailed out. When they refused Kushner then supported a saudi arabia naval blockade of their country.

Tillerson is the only reason the UAE and Saudi arabia didnt invade them last year. Im sure kushner supported that too since they wouldnt bail him out of his billion dollar pet project.

What they mean is they want to keep their bribery business of foreign leaders more closely under wraps!
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Yall can’t hate them and think they aren’t progressive enough all you want - but these crackers are looking to pit the Democratic part as “evil, anti-religious socialists” ... we need a moderate to win the nomination.

It’s more important to get cheeto out of office than to win some moral high ground in 2020


You don’t think the left being branded as the “Raise all your taxes” “government takeover” “socialist” “anti-Christian” party; carries significant risk of this dictator rising his conservative base to another victory?
No its already baked into the cake.. you think there is another level nope..

and incrementalism gets us no where.. i abhor centrist.. and ill be damned if he start from there..
No its already baked into the cake.. you think there is another level nope..

and incrementalism gets us no where.. i abhor centrist.. and ill be damned if he start from there..

I respect that. I don’t like them either. I’d vote for one IF it meant getting Trump out of office tho.

Its an interesting premise tho - implying that most Republicans will never view the left in an accurate light - when at its core we rest what the same things.

Just looks like more senseless division to me. But perhaps their will never be a sense of unity among the electorate again...

WH Asks Trump Rally-Goers To Be ‘Respectful’ After BBC Cameraman Attack

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders released the following statement Tuesday in response to a Trump rally-goer attacking a BBC cameraman in El Paso Monday night:

President Trump condemns all acts of violence against any individual or group of people – including members of the press. We ask that anyone attending an event do so in a peaceful and respectful manner. For questions around security at Trump campaign events please contact the campaign directly.”


Trump Pal Tom Barrack Defends Khashoggi Murder

Trump confidante Tom Barrack defended the Saudi state murder and dismemberment of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at a panel discussion Tuesday in Abu Dhabi, according to The Gulf News, an English language newspaper published in the United Arab Emirates.

Asked about Khashoggi’s murder, Barrack said “whatever happened in Saudi Arabia, the atrocities in America are equal, or worse …”

Barrack went on to argue that Western criticism of Khashoggi’s murder was part of a history of high-handed misunderstanding by the Western powers tracing back to the Sykes-Picot agreement, the secret protocol by which Britain and France agreed to carve up thee Arab Middle East in the aftermath of World War I.

“The atrocities in any autocratic country are dictated by the rule of law,” Gulf News reporter Ed Clowes quoted Barrack as saying. “So for us to dictate what we think is the moral code there, when we have a young man and regime that is trying to push themselves in to 2030, I think is a mistake.”

Barrack is a longtime friend and confidante of President Trump and played a key role both in his 2016 campaign and the Trump-Russia scandal that grew in its aftermath. It was Barrrack who helped usher Paul Manafort into the campaign in early 2016. Barrack was back in the news last week for his role as chairman of the Trump inaugural committee, which is now the subject of a federal probe.

Milestone: National Debt Tops $22 Trillion For The First Time In History

WASHINGTON (AP) — The national debt has passed a new milestone, topping $22 trillion for the first time.

The Treasury Department’s daily statement showed Tuesday that total outstanding public debt stands at $22.01 trillion. It stood at $19.95 trillion when President Donald Trump took office on Jan. 20, 2017.

The debt figure has been accelerating since the passage of Trump’s $1.5 trillion tax cut in December 2017 and action by Congress last year to increase spending on domestic and military programs.

The national debt is the total of the annual budget deficits. The Congressional Budget Office projects that this year’s deficit will be $897 billion — a 15.1 percent increase over last year’s imbalance of $779 billion. In the coming years, the CBO forecasts that the deficit will keep rising, top $1 trillion annually beginning in 2022 and never drop below $1 trillion through 2029. Much of the increase will come from mounting costs to fund Social Security and Medicare as the vast generation of baby boomers continue to retire.

The Trump administration contends that its tax cuts will eventually pay for themselves by generating faster economic growth. That projection is disputed by many economists.

Despite the rising levels of federal debt, many economists say they think the risks remain slight and point to current interest rates, which remain unusually low by historical standards. Still, some budget experts warn that ever-rising federal debt poses substantial risks for the government because it could make it harder to respond to a financial crisis through tax cuts or spending increases.

Michael Peterson, head of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, says “our growing national debt matters because it threatens the economic future of every American.”

Joy Villa Claims She's Being Attacked by 'Feminists,' Called N-Word by Anti-Trump Latinos

Joy Villa has a thing or two to say to her "attackers." After wearing a controversial gown to Sunday's 61st annual Grammy Awards, the singer alleged that she has received threats from feminists, "anti-Trump Latinos" and Black Lives Matter activists.

Villa, 27, hit the Grammys red carpet on Sunday wearing a white and silver barbed wire border wall gown that read "Build the Wall" on the back. The look, which was created by Desi Designs Couture, was paired with a silver crown and a red purse featuring President Donald Trump's campaign slogan "Make America Great Again."

Villa has received a lot of criticism on social media for her bold Grammys look, which has led the "Devil In The City" singer to issue a response.

"I just want to give a warm shoutout to all the women attacking me with 'feminist' in their bios," she tweeted Tuesday. "The Anti Trump Latinos calling me the N-word. And the Black Lives Matter activists telling me to chop off my Afro before they violently do it for me. Bless your hearts."

Villa later issued a second statement via Twitter that argued the need for having security, tweeting: "I've been listening to all your liberal arguments against the wall, and you're right. No more walls. No more locked doors. No more locked cars. No more rooms! Get rid of BOX STRUCTURES and buildings and keys and alarms all together they are racist!"

On Monday, Villa said she was being subjected to "hatred" and "racism" over her attention-grabbing Grammys look. She shared screengrabs of messages she's received from opposers, one of which deemed her to be a "n***** ugly nappy headed h**." Another person threatened her, writing: "I hope someone runs you over."

Criticism aside, Villa said she wouldn't let the backlash deter her from supporting Trump or a border wall. "Do you want more drugs brought in? (70% of heroin from Mexico) More illegal women getting sexually assaulted (1 in 3)? More children being trafficked? (Thousands a year) because I DO NOT," she tweeted Sunday.

Villa spoke with Virginia-based CBS affiliate WTKR on the Grammys red carpet Sunday about her bold gown. She explained she chose to wear the look since she's a "proud Trump supporter" and because she's "known for wearing my heart on my sleeve."

"I'm making a statement," she began, "I made a statement last year with my pro-life dress. I made a statement the year before last with my 'Make America Great Again' dress. And today, yes—we're going to make America great again. We're going to build the wall...It's not to keep people out, it's to protect the people who are in this country."

"It's not about color. It's about protecting our borders. It's been talked about for 17 years. Obama talked about it, Clinton talked about it. It has nothing to do with race. It has everything to do with protecting American citizens," she added.


Schultz On Racial Bias Training: ‘I Honestly Don’t See Color’

Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz raised some eyebrows Tuesday night with his stance on racial bias training after two black men were arrested last year for just sitting in a Starbucks.

“As somebody who grew up in a very diverse background as a young boy in the projects, I didn’t see color as a young boy,” Schultz said during a CNN town hall. “And I honestly don’t see color now.”

Howard Dean Set To Make Comeback As Head Of New Dem Voter Data Program

Howard Dean is back.

The one-time presidential candidate, former Vermont governor and ex-Democratic National Committee chairman is set to return to prominence as head of a new operation that Democrats hope puts them back on par with Republicans in the never-ending race to use voter data to drive Americans to the polls.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Dean confirmed that he’s signed on to lead a planned data exchange hammered out by DNC officials, state party leaders and Democratic consultants. The agreement still requires the expected approval from state party leaders gathering Wednesday in Washington, but it would end more than 18 months of internal party wrangling that has dogged DNC Chairman Tom Perez amid fights over money and control.

“This is a big breakthrough,” Dean said. “This is a model we’ve needed, and Republicans have it already. I’d sort of given up that we could get it done.”

The arrangement would allow the national party, state parties and independent political action groups on the left to share voter data in real time during campaigns. That means, for example, that a field worker for a congressional campaign in Iowa and another for an independent political action committee knocking on doors in Florida could update a master voter file essentially as they work. When a presidential campaign spends big money on consumer data to update voter profiles, the new information would go into the file as well. And all participating organizations would have access to the latest information.

Parties, campaigns and PACs use that kind of voter data to decide which voters to call and who to visit in person or to determine which voters receive targeted digital ads on platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, among other things.

Currently, political action groups on the left must gather, update and use data independently from the party.

Perez made a Democratic data exchange a top priority after Republicans used their own version to help Donald Trump win the White House in 2016. But Perez ran into resistance from state parties that have long controlled their own voter files and used them as a revenue source by selling them to candidates.

Party officials say the new model still allows state parties to withhold certain data from the central exchange if they choose and to sell their files to campaigns. And Democrats at party headquarters and in the states say Dean’s participation helped allay concerns.

Dean, who ran for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004 before becoming party chairman, has established relationships with national Democratic heavyweights. He enjoyed special prominence among state parties because of his “50-state strategy” while leading Democrats during President George W. Bush’s second term.

“He’s really a unique person in the DNC,” said Mary Beth Cahill, a top Perez lieutenant who led the negotiations and who managed John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign that defeated Dean. “Just looking at the landscape, he seems like one of the best signals we could send” to get everyone on board.

Ken Martin, who leads Democrats’ state party chairs association, said that he’s “had a very good conversation” with Dean and that the pending plan meets “most of our concerns.”

The new exchange will operate as an independent for-profit enterprise led by Democratic strategist Jen O’Malley Dillon, once a top adviser to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Martin and Perez would chair a party committee that would license the party’s voter files to O’Malley Dillon’s group, which would establish its own agreements with PACs and other groups. Dean would chair the governing board of the new outfit.

Republicans’ data trust was a key achievement of then-GOP Chairman Reince Priebus, who wanted an answer to President Barack Obama’s effective use of data in his two national victories.

The Republican National Committee’s work caught Democrats off guard in 2016 amid widespread scoffing at Trump’s loosely organized campaign operation and his open mockery of using data to target voters. But they ignored that the Republican Party machinery had been building its voter files for years with help of other organizations on the right and that Democrats’ 2008 and 2012 successes had been Obama’s, not the party’s.

The GOP’s independent group and the Democrats’ planned exchange are necessary to comply with Federal Election Commission rules that bar coordination among independent groups, campaigns and certain party organizations.

The FEC didn’t waive that ban but blessed the GOP model because, they argue, the exchanges simply allow various organizations to share data — without knowing which organizations have gathered which piece of information. Certain organizations are still banned from coordinating on how they use that data. So a super PAC can’t confer with a presidential campaign on which advertising they are running in which swing state. But the groups can make separate decisions with the same dataset.

“This is the single best thing we can do for the nominee” in 2020, Cahill said.

WH Struggles To Explain Trump’s Silence On Steve King Amid His Omar Critiques

CNN’s Jim Sciutto pushed White House Director of Strategic Communications Mercedes Schlapp Wednesday morning on why President Donald Trump so gleefully calls for Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) resignation while Rep. Steve King (R-IA) continues to serve.

Schlapp spent most of her response bashing Omar, but added: “The President was critical of Steve King. He applauded Congress when they took action to strip him from his committee positions.”

The President did no such thing.

He stayed largely mum on King and his history of offensive comments and retweeting neo-Nazis, telling reporters that he hadn’t been following the controversy. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders condemnedKing’s comments, but referenced Republican leadership’s actions without revealing where Trump stood on the issue.

And what about a liberal who is perceived as a moderate?
Ill respond to the other post first as far as division we didn't have access or the volume or the slight pull to even be considered so theybhad political disagreements that didnt center race or the third rails because minorities were virtually a non factor and the electorate didnt participate or have nuanced awareness..

As far as the quoted all moderate means to me is status quo and compromised agenda... which is the enemy if progress... that seek to assuage white people fear of a darker planet in terms of power and influence..