The Official World Politics Thread

Pentagon To House Up To 20K Migrant Children On Military Bases

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Pentagon will make space available on military bases for as many as 20,000 unaccompanied migrant children detained after illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, a spokesman said Thursday.

The request for temporary shelter — amid a growing political battle over detained migrants — was made by the Department of Health and Human Services and accepted by the Defense Department, said the spokesman, Army Lt. Col. Jamie Davis.

Davis said the space is expected to be required at least through the end of this year.

It’s not clear which bases will be used to house the children. HHS has assessed facilities on four military bases, but the Pentagon said it has not been told which, if any, of the four will be used. The Pentagon said it will have no role in operating the temporary shelters, which would be controlled by HHS.

The four bases already assessed as potential shelter locations are Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas, plus three bases in Texas: Dyess Air Force Base, Goodfellow Air Force Base and Fort Bliss.

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said Wednesday he is not involved in decisions about housing migrant children detained after crossing the border. But he said the Pentagon will provide whatever support is requested by either the Department of Homeland Security or HHS.

The children who would be housed on military bases are those who cross the border illegally by themselves, as opposed to those accompanied by adults. On Wednesday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to keep together children and parents apprehended for crossing the border illegally for at least 20 days. The order also directs the Justice Department to fight in court to permanently remove the threat of separation.

Ex-Kentucky Cop Charged With Making Threats To Kill Trump On Social Media

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A former Kentucky police officer has been charged with threatening President Donald Trump on social media.

Federal prosecutors say 37-year-old Andrew Long Ryan was indicted Wednesday on two counts of making threats against the president. The Greenbrier, Tennessee, resident is a former police officer in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Authorities say that in two social media posts on May 28 and May 29, Ryan posted “Death is coming” and “I will kill Donald Trump if you don’t follow my leaders (sic) lead.” Trump visited Nashville on May 29.

Prosecutors say law enforcement seized firearms from Ryan’s home in February and expressed concern that his threatening behavior would lead to mass violence.

Andrew Brandon is the public defender assigned to represent Ryan. He said Thursday that Ryan plans to plead not guilty.

The democrats are not talking about closing the border or any type of security. That is what will sink them. They learned nothing from the 2016 election disaster. People don't want illegal immigration.

The only reason the Democrats are in between a rock and a hard place is because they are indebted to corporate interests that are keeping them further right on many key issues.

The progressive wave that would easily crush the right in the coming years will never fully catch on because their pocketbooks are going to suffer, and they know it.
wait wait wait... are we meant to believe she actually meant to wear that intentionally?

But His Emails: Scott Pruitt’s Correspondence Is Nowhere To Be Found

If his government email record is to be believed, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt has sent a grand total of one email to anyone outside of the EPA in his first ten months on the job, causing watchdogs concern as they try to figure out how else he is communicating and if he’s covering his tracks.

According to a Friday Politico report, EPA spokespeople maintain that Pruitt prefers to conduct business in person or over the phone, accounting for the microscopic body of correspondence.

Outside groups counter that it is highly unlikely that someone who meets as frequently with political allies and industry bigwigs as Pruitt would have sent only one email to those external contacts. Some reportedly point out that he also has a history of using private email while serving as Oklahoma’s attorney general and of keeping ethically dubious meetings off the public record.

In addition, his call log is suspiciously empty for the head of a large agency who supposedly conducts the bulk of his business via phone.

Per Politico, the Sierra Club has filed Freedom of Information Act requests and follow-up lawsuits to get records of Pruitt’s correspondence, and is now pushing the EPA to search Pruitt’s private email accounts to ensure that he never used it for government work. If the EPA ignores the request, the Sierra Club could go to a judge to force the review.

Through its efforts, the Sierra Club obtained some text messages, suggesting that much of Pruitt’s contact with outsiders may have been conducted that way. Those records are reportedly much harder to obtain.

Previous reports have catalogued Pruitt’s unscrupulous contact with lobbyists and industry players who have done everything from set up his international tripsto try to finagle his wife a job, making the communication void even more suspect.

Arpaio Claims DOJ Interfered In His 2016 Sheriff Race, Seeks Investigation

PHOENIX (AP) — Joe Arpaio is seeking an investigation into his claim that the U.S. Justice Department meddled in his unsuccessful 2016 campaign for sheriff in metro Phoenix.

Arpaio, now a candidate for the U.S. Senate seat held by retiring Sen. Jeff Flake, alleges the federal agency tried to sway voters against him by agreeing to push a criminal contempt of court case against Arpaio just weeks before the election.

In asking Attorney General Jeff Sessions for the investigation, Arpaio’s lawyer Mark Goldman made parallels between the Justice Department’s actions in Arpaio’s case and its conduct in the investigation into whether Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential race and whether then-candidate Donald Trump’s campaign was involved.

Goldman cited an anti-Trump text message made by an FBI agent who was once part of the team conducting the Russia investigation.

“Given that these high-ranking FBI officials had no qualms about discussing methods of overthrowing the future president, it is more than reasonable to believe that the there was a concerted effort to steer and influence the election of Sheriff Arpaio,” Goldman wrote in a June 1 letter to Sessions.

Months after losing the sheriff’s race by nearly 13 percentage points, Arpaio was convicted of criminal contempt after he was found to have intentionally disobeyed a judge’s order to stop his traffic patrols that targeted immigrants.

The retired lawman was spared a possible jail sentence a month later when Trump pardoned him, reversing what critics saw as a long-awaited comeuppance for a lawman who escaped accountability for headline-grabbing tactics.

While Arpaio has acknowledged disobeying the judge’s order, he said he was treated unfairly when Justice Department lawyers appeared in court a few weeks before election day to say they would prosecute Arpaio.

Arpaio blames the Justice Department, but the criminal charge against him was filed by a judge, not by prosecutors from the federal agency.

In an interview Wednesday, Arpaio insisted he wasn’t opportunistically using a Trump strategy by attacking the Department of Justice’s conduct. “I am not jumping on a bandwagon,” Arpaio said.

The Justice Department declined to comment on Arpaio’s investigation request and the claim that the agency tried to turn voters against Arpaio.

“It’s unfortunate that Joe Arpaio is focused on re-litigating his unsuccessful 2016 election — as an Arizonan, I can tell you he lost because he doesn’t have command of the issues affecting our state,” said Shawn Dow, campaign manager for former state Sen. Kelli Ward, one of Arpaio’s GOP primary opponents in the Senate race.

The campaign of U.S. Rep. Martha McSally, another Republican running for the Senate race, didn’t respond a phone call and email seeking comment.
