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The most painful point about all of this -

Is that this situation perfectly illustrates to Trump voters why facts actually matter and why you cant just make shit up and do whatever you want...

You know like they have been doing for 4 years claiming everyone else cares to much about the details.

Even their flawed justification for Trump’s actions that have endangered our country, is contradictory to their own behavior.

They say that General was a bad person and likely connected to bombings of Americans.

I agree.

But here is the finer point - How do you know?

“Well of course we have intelligence and data and intel and evidence... “

What if someone told you that is fake news?

Like the millions of Iranians marching the streets mourning the generals death.

I bet you they think that intelligence is flawed, and to the extent it isn’t - everything done was all justified based on the actions of America.

Regardless of laws, or facts, or evidence. Based on the fact that he was “their guy”.

Trump supporters would like for a sovereign nation to not launch a missle into their dining room.

In fact they would feel that foreign nation was unjustified in doing so. Why? Because they BELIEVE the US intelligence that their General was a “bad man” and deserved to be killed.

But they refuse to believe the thousands of pages of evidence and US intelligence that Trump is a repeat felon, has ignored the Constitution, and committed flagrantly impeachable offenses.

Because it is inconvenient.

We need to evict these folks to Trump island so they can run their own dysfunctional country full of lies, racism and criminality.
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