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Hmm ...

Did you know that multinational corporations and foreign and domestic governmental policies account for the vast majority of the negative effects driving climate change.

Whether or not I eat a hamburger or drive my car today is an infinitesimal contribution to the existential threat posed by climate change.

Thats called Fear Mongering and False Equivalency.

Dude was accepting an award for helping move the needle on a global scale towards saving our environment. Oh but that doesn’t matter to you because he didn’t take a bike across the world to receive the award.

Bruh, Are you in third grade?

Perhaps maybe we should restructure our priorities on a global scaled towards the 500 other structural ways that actually impact 99.999% of the affects of climate change instead of singling out individuals for adding a proverbial drop in the ocean while actually trying to move us towards a solution.
Hmm ...

Did you know that multinational corporations and foreign and domestic governmental policies account for the vast majority of the negative effects driving climate change.

Whether or not I eat a hamburger or drive my car today is an infinitesimal contribution to the existential threat posed by climate change.

Thats called Fear Mongering and False Equivalency.

Dude was accepting an award for helping move the needle on a global scale towards saving our environment. Oh but that doesn’t matter to you becuse he didn’t take a bike across the world to receive it.

Bruh, Are you in third grade?

Perhaps maybe we should restructure our priorities on a global scaled towards the 500 other structural ways that actually impact 99.999% of the affects of climate change instead of singling out individuals for adding a proverbial drop in the ocean while actually trying to move us towards a solution.

But that takes 5 second

He knows, he’s just here to “trigger the libs”
I feel sorry for conservatives who aren’t trolls. Because they REALLY are THAT stupid.

Pick your issue.

The conservative position is obliterated after 10 seconds of critical thinking.

It’s legit sad as fuck.
im comparing di Caprio footprint to any single individual and you bring up corporations and entire governments. Is this not false equivalence on your part? The man take cruises on a luxury yacht that emits tons of more pollution than a a single man can do in years. And he does this for his own leisure. The mental gymnastics you just attempted to pardon him by shifting blame is hilarious. At least corporations and governments keep the economy going with their policies. What the fuck does di Caprio do?
im comparing di Caprio footprint to any single individual and you bring up corporations and entire governments. Is this not false equivalence on your part? The man take cruises on a luxury yacht that emits tons of more pollution than a a single man can do in years. And he does this for his own leisure. The mental gymnastics you just attempted to pardon him by shifting blame is hilarious. At least corporations and governments keep the economy going with their policies. What the fuck does di Caprio do?

Bruh ... let’s say I grant you your illogical argument.

For the next 30 minutes, Leonardo DiCaprio is a horrible hypocrite who is solely responsible for climate change.

Now .... Who gives a fuck?

What is your point?

Where do we go from here?

Are we just going to let the earth become uninhabitable because of one rich white dude?
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Bruh ... let’s say I grant you your illogical argument.

For the next 30 minutes, Leonardo DiCaprio is a horrible hypocrite who is solely responsible for climate change.

Now .... Who gives a fuck?

What is your point?

Where do we go from here?

Are we just going to let the earth become uninhabitable because of one rich white dude?
Quote me where I’ve said he sole responsible. I only pointed out the hypocrisy of him being uppity about the climate when he himself produces more than 11 tons of pollutions. And he doesn’t do it to eat or arrive to work. He does it for leisure. That it. No need to reply to me or @ me. I’m personally going to buy a v8 the second when I get the chance.
Quote me where I’ve said he sole responsible. I only pointed out the hypocrisy of him being uppity about the climate when he himself produces more than 11 tons of pollutions. And he doesn’t do it to eat or arrive to work. He does it for leisure. That it. No need to reply to me or @ me. I’m personally going to buy a v8 the second when I get the chance.

So there is no point.

Leonardo DiCaprio is still responsible for less than 0.1% of the problem.

And we still have a climate crisis that threatens every living person on the planet.

Talking about one celebrity’s travel habits only serves to distract stupid people from becoming educated; organizing and bending our democracy and elected leaders towards dealing with the existential threat that is climate change.

“I know I know, but hey look - Leo took a Private Jet!”

“Fox News told me so!”

Random thoughts this Navy seal shit is supposed to be a shot in the arm to his upcoming race let's be real there's ot of Muslim hate from many other races than white folks so even people who dislike Trump don't see a issue with bringing somebody like Gallagher home.

But Trump can't ditch this guy if shit goes south he has attached this man to his campaign and here's why imo

If you read about all the incidents you know the guy is a bitch ass murderer point blank

The Republican spin on his war crime scandal is Soo stupid " people in suits that are not out there with our real warriors shouldn't have say in war issues- pussy ass's Republicans in suits/ draft dogging fake bone spurs having Commander in chiefs

But he was reported by his own squad who was in the trenches with him smfh

Gallagher is a whole psycho and he will fuck up at home one way or another his name will come up again for largely negative reasons. He was a blood thirsty evil piece of shit his own soldiers called him the devil he was trying to get fully reinstated into the Navy again but Trump couldn't push that through

Then what the fuck is he going to do? He can't throw him under the bus. He has the guy going on tour with him probably about to sneak him into a White house position don't let the guy have actual political interest because now he's in the presidents ear think about it we have a psychopath in the presidents ear another one on top of steven Miller.

1.general for Trump's civil war
2.future domestic terrorist
3. Raiser of future domestic terrorist

This shit is like reverse Homeland

Trump had some Chinese lady sitting in meetings with him and for him that wasn't associated with with the government she was the brothel owner that Robert Kraft got caught up in.....

Imagine failing to put a war criminal away then you have to fight to stop him from getting reinstated then he now may have to sit with him in presidential meetings......sheesh
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