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NBC News: Trump Told Aides Not To Publicize Weapons Sales To Ukraine

President Donald Trump told aides not to publicize his decision to allow the sale of U.S. weapons to Ukraine, NBC News reported Thursday, so as to avoid agitating Russian President Vladimir Putin.

NBC News reported the development based on the accounts of multiple unnamed senior U.S. officials.

“He doesn’t want us to bring it up,” one unnamed White House official told the network. “It is not something he wants to talk about.”

Another motive for not broadcasting moves seen to be against Russia’s interests, according to similarly unnamed officials, is Trump’s “stubborn refusal to be seen as appeasing the media or critics,” in NBC’s words.

Yet another unnamed official quoted in the report said the President “thinks a better relationship with Russia is good for the U.S., and he really believes he can deliver it.”

The official also said Trump wants to prove he can achieve such a relationship.

Carter Page Says He Talked To FBI About 2016 Republican Convention

Former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Thursday night that he spoke to the FBI about his time at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

“I told them, you know, a lot of everything I’ve essentially been doing for quite a long time, including, obviously, you know, everything in Cleveland,” Page said.

Page’s comment came after Reuters reported earlier on Thursday that special counsel Robert Mueller’s team is looking at Trump campaign contacts with Russian officials in Cleveland during the convention.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Page both encountered Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak while in Cleveland for the convention.


Fox & Friends Edits Out Diamond & Silk Claim That Hillary Clinton is Reason Russia Has Nuclear Weapons

Staunch pro-Trump vloggers Diamond & Silk made an appearance on Fox & Friends to talk about, in part, how awful and evil Hillary Clinton is.

What was most alarming about this particular diatribe from the duo, however, was their completely falsifiable claim that the former secretary of state sold a bunch of uranium of Russia and now the country has nuclear weapons.

“I think and we think that Hillary Clinton reminds us of a nasty sore that’s rotten to the core that really won’t go away,” Diamond said, as Silk said “That’s right” to punctuate her every point.

“And listen, I think it’s time for her to go somewhere and be quiet,” Diamond continued. “If she’s going to be on the national platform, or on her little platform, she needs to talk about her dirty deeds. How she paid for that fake dossier to try to undermine President Trump during the election. How she sold 20 percent of the uranium to Russia and now Russia have nuclear weapons. And you know that uranium is bomb-making material.”

To be clear, Russia has had nuclear weapons since the 1940s, and Clinton did not sell “20 percent of the uranium to Russia.” Needless to say, the absurd claims did not receive any pushback from the Fox & Friends hosts, which is even more concerning given reports that President Donald Trump is a fan of Diamond & Silk.

Funnily enough, later on in Friday morning’s episode of Fox & Friends, they replayed the segment, but edited out the false claims made by the pair.

Watch the original video above, via Fox News, and now look at the little “retrospective,” conveniently leaving out the wild conspiracy yammering about selling uranium


White House Now Claiming David Shulkin Resigned and Wasn’t Fired As VA Secretary

Earlier this week, it was announced that embattled VA Secretary David Shulkinwas out and President Donald Trump was nominating White House physician Ronny Jackson to replace Shulkin. Since then, Shulkin has said that he was fired by Chief of Staff John Kelly minutes before Trump tweeted out the news, adding that he actually spoke with Trump that day and wasn’t informed his ouster was coming.

While it seemed apparent to everyone that Shulkin — who was battling controversy — was fired, the White House is now arguing that Shulkin actually resigned and wasn’t kicked to the curb.

In response to a Politico piece about the legal issues surrounding Trump tapping Defense Department official Robert Wilkie to serve as acting leader of the VA instead of the deputy VA secretary, White House spokesperson Lindsey Walters said the following:

Secretary Shulkin resigned from his position as Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs.”

As Politico noted, this runs counter to the accepted narrative that Shulkin was fired, something that the White House had seemed comfortable with over the past few days as numerous media outlets reported it as a termination. Meanwhile, the White House wouldn’t elaborate on this new assertion that Shulkin resigned.

A person close to Shulkin pushed back against the claim, telling Politico that Shulkin did not submit a resignation letter and that his removal occurred so fast that he was unable to go back to his office to address employees.




Trump Declares ‘NO MORE DACA DEAL!’ After Quoting Border Patrol Union Prez

Months after ending an Obama-era program to protect young undocumented people from deportation, President Donald Trump on Sunday continued to make explicit what he has told undocumented immigrants repeatedly since announcing his presidential aspirations in 2015: You are not welcome here.

Trump in September of last year ended Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which grants work authorizations and protection from deportation to undocumented young people who meet certain qualifications. Two federal judges later paused Trump’s action, leaving DACA recipients to face an uncertain future.

DACA applicants must have entered the United States before their 16th birthday and continuously resided in the country since June 15, 2007, on top of other requirements.

Since September, while occasionally voicing support for DACA recipients as a political cudgel against Democrats, Trump has made no serious effort to help turn protections for DACA recipients into permanent law.

The Trump administration has also intervened against a handful of DACA fixes that otherwise had bipartisan support, to the frustration of Democratic lawmakers and even some Republicans.

All the while, the Justice Department has also continued to fight in court for Trump’s right to terminate the program. The Supreme Court in February deniedthe government’s attempt to leapfrog the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals with an appeal of a lower court’s injunction.

The so-called “catch and release” policy refers to undocumented immigrants being released from the government’s custody while awaiting court dates. While serving as secretary of the Department of Homeland Security last year, John Kelly said “We have ended dangerous catch-and-release enforcement policies.”

But as Reuters pointed out at the time, it’s not so simple: Various court rulings govern how long undocumented immigrants can be held in the government’s custody. Also, there simply aren’t enough beds in the nation’s immigration detention centers to house every undocumented immigrant facing potential deportation.

Unsurprisingly, Trump’s outburst borrowed nearly word-for-word from an interview on “Fox & Friends Sunday,” minutes earlier, with Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council.

That border patrol union made the unprecedented decision to endorse Trump, without a union-wide vote, during the Republican presidential primaries. Judd later served on Trump’s transition team.

Judd and the “Fox & Friends Sunday” crew discussed a “caravan” of Central American migrants and asylum seekers — as reported by BuzzFeed’s Adolfo Flores — organized by the group Pueblos Sin Fronteras. The caravan is making its way through Mexico, toward the United States’ border, hoping, according to Flores, that it finds safety in numbers during a journey known for legal impediments and dangerous gangs

“What’s funny about this is President Obama used to say, ‘Well, they’re hiding in the shadows,’” Judd said. “Well all we’re doing is we’re going to release about 1200 people that are then going to go hide in the shadows again. They’re going to wait for a immigration reform, and they’re going to create havoc and chaos. I mean, how many times do we have to hear stories of United States citizens being killed by people that are here illegally before we actually do something?”

Before Trump used the term “nuclear option” Sunday, Judd did, referring to a potential Senate procedure to eliminate the legislative filibuster and allow legislation with a simple majority of support avoid minority obstruction.

“They can go the nuclear option, just like what they did on the confirmation,” Judd said, referring to when the Republican Senate majority nuked the filibusterfor Supreme Court nominees before Justice Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation vote.


Roland Martin Rips MSNBC Guest’s Defense of Trump’s Lack of Diversity: ‘Please Don’t Quote Dr. King’

Political commentators Roland Martin and Jennifer Grossman got into a heated match on MSNBC’s Live with Alex Witt on Easter Sunday. The tense moment occurred after Grossman used a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to defend President Donald Trump’s obviously non-diverse White House intern program.

When asked her thoughts on a photo showing mostly-white interns in the program, Grossman said, “My thoughts are largely that the most important thing is the content of our character and what’s in our heads and our ideas and our thought, not the color of our skin.”

“So whether or not you have racial diversity in that intern class, I would argue probably you have a lot more diversity in terms of political viewpoints,” she added.

Martin immediately rebutted Grossman for employing a quote from the civil rights activist to defend lack of racial diversity. “Jennifer, do me a favor, please don’t quote Dr. King, the bottom of his march on Washington, ‘I have a dream’ speech,” he said.

Grossman refused to be silenced, however. “No, no, no. This kind of thing does not work,” she interjected, waving her fingers and moving further up into her seat. “If you want to have more debate on race, your political correct bullying is not going to work. I will quote Dr. Martin Luther King every single day and you won’t stop me.”

The two spoke over each other as MNSBC showed a photo of former President Barack Obama with his intern class, featuring a room filled with a far greater variety of ethnicities represented. Martin said the stark difference could lead to lasting issues in society.

“When you look at this class, these are future leaders. So if you have a class that is largely absent of minority people, these are the folks who will be leaders in the next 10, 15, 20 years,” he continued. “You better have a diversified class to lead America otherwise you’re going to have the same problem.”

Martin added, “You go talk to black Republicans and Latino Republicans and expand your applicant pool is not that hard. It’s not hard to find them. You have to have eyes and ears that are open to receive a diversified White House intern class.”

so dont fight for the fuckery or the rights of the people who are citizens here....but fight for the rights for someone to just come here as an anchor?

but we more worried about fab hitting a chick..


an yall wonder why i stay heated at my people

After Fox & Friends Slams ‘Caravans’ of Immigrants From Mexico, Trump Goes on Tweetstorm: ‘DACA is Dead’

President Donald Trump spent part of Easter Sunday going to church, and the other part freaking out about how our immigration laws don’t work – a diatribe he continued on into this morning.

Fox & Friends pointed out that the president wants the “caravans” of people entering the U.S. to be stopped at the northern border of Mexico, where they “laugh at our dumb immigration laws.”

“Here’s a president saying: ‘Hey, Mexico, shouldn’t you be stopping people in your own country if they are trying to come into your country illegally?'” Steve Doocy said. “‘Or maybe you should even help us?'”

President Trump must have agreed with his own points said back to him, as he sent out a second string of DACA-related, Dem-bashing tweets just an hour after the segment on Fox & Friends


Trump’s Monday morning tweets echoed comments he made Sunday on Twitter, when he blamed Democrats and Mexico for weak security at the border.

His angry weekend tweets about immigration came after he huddled with Fox News personalities at his Florida estate Mar-a-Lago, as CNN noted. Trump met with both Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro and Sean Hannity, per CNN, two conservative personalities who push hard-line immigration views.


AP: White House Pushes Back On Shulkin Claims He ‘Did Not Resign’

Retaliating against comments that the ousted former head of Veterans Affairs didn’t resign, the White House on Sunday circulated a memo among veterans groups disputing David Shulkin’s claims, the Associated Press reported.

The White House maintains that Shulkin left his job willingly. The three-page memo obtained by the Associated Press, points out seven “lies” that Shulkin has shared, including his response to the ethics investigation into his use of taxpayer dollars to travel with his wife to Italy and his acceptance of free Wimbledon tennis tickets, according to the AP.

Shulkin made the rounds on cable news Sunday claiming he did not resign from the administration, a revelation that could hinder President Donald Trump’s ability to pick an acting head, which he announced on Twitter last week. A president is allowed to appoint an acting head to temporarily fill a federal agency job if a person dies, resigns or is unable to perform the job, but it’s unclear what the President is allowed to do in the case of a firing. Trump announced on Twitter last that his physician Ronny Jackson would become the new secretary of Veterans Affairs and Defense Department official Robert Wilkie would serve temporarily.

A Veterans Affairs watchdog determined last month that Shulkin violated ethics rules with his European trip. The White House reportedly was also frustrated with Shulkin after he spoke with the media infighting within the department and his suspicions of political appointees within his department attempting to oust him.

In a New York Times op-ed the day after he was ousted from the White House, Shulkin said he felt he was let go because of his opposition to privatizing veterans’ heal care.


White House Now Says Shulkin Was Given The ‘Opportunity To Resign’

The White House’s talking points on the departure of David Shulkin as Veterans Affairs secretary shifted slightly Monday morning, with Mercedes Schlapp, the director of strategic communications, telling Fox News that Shulkin was given the “opportunity to resign.”

Over the weekend, as Shulkin insisted he was fired from the Trump administration, the White House insisted that he resigned. Yet pressed on his ouster Monday morning, Schlapp did not say that Shulkin resigned, just that he was asked to.

“Gen. Kelly called Shulkin and gave him the opportunity to resign,” she said on “Fox and Friends” when asked whether Shulkin resigned. “Obviously the key here is that the President has made a decision. He wanted a change in the Department of Veterans Affairs. He felt it was time. He wanted more results coming out of that particular department, which as we know is incredibly bureaucratic. And so that is why he moved to make this change.”

Pressed again on whether Shulkin resigned, Schlapp said, “Gen. Kelly offered him the opportunity to resign. At this point the President said it was time to move on in terms of Veterans Affairs. He thanked Secretary Shulkin for his service.”

The distinction between a firing and a resignation could be important. If an official resigns, the White House has the power appoint an interim official, but the rules are less clear on what the White House can do if someone is fired.