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hes going to have alot of support with this.

amazon is killing niggas out chea.

the come into an industry....undercut everything and everyone to get a market share and keep it like that.

then buy up those who cant hang.

that lost a shit load of money but they are gaining in the market share...

i assume once they get the largest market share....then the prices will come up along with the price of the stock.

Trump’s Friends Are Advising Him That He Doesn’t Need Advisers

President Donald Trump’s top-level appointees are leaving the White House in exodus, either through their own volition or with brute force. But fear not: the voices in the president’s telephone are telling him he doesn’t need those officials anyway.

The commander in chief is reportedly being told by the friends he frequently speaks with on phone calls that there’s no need to replace White House Communications Director Hope Hicks (her last day is this week) and Chief of Staff John Kelly, should he decide to remove him from the administration. What’s worse, is that he actually might be starting to believe them.

Via CNN:

Trump has expressed frustration at the management structure in the West Wing, believing it doesn’t suit the freewheeling style he employed as a businessman. And he’s persistently annoyed by headlines and television coverage of his presidency. After a year in office, he’s more willing to change long-established West Wing structures, people familiar with his thinking say.

It isn’t always clear who Trump has spoken with on any given day, though reports indicate the president typically leans on “outside advisers” for tips on how to run his White House, as well as to see how his base may perceive reports coming out of the West Wing.

He called multiple friends after referring to Haiti and other nations as “shithole countries,” believing the comments would go over well with his most loyal supporters
, according to one conservative columnist. He also continues to speak with former White House advisers and Trump campaign officials, including former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. Trump dined with Lewandowski on Monday night in the residency, Bloomberg reported Thursday, despite Kelly saying he was only allowed on White House grounds if the chief of staff was escorting him personally.

Trump’s phone buddies reportedly create a web of more than two dozen billionaires and influential figures. When the president calls one of them, they often loop each other in on details surrounding their conversations, and where Trump’s head is at.

“Everything he does is strategic, especially his many relationships and constant communication with a vast network of individuals,” Hicks said in an April statement to CNN.

Trump doesn’t have any official plans to oust Kelly as of this moment. That said, the president has been known to make impromptu firings, most recently announcing the expected — albeit surprising — departure of Veterans affairs Secretary David Shulkin via Twitter on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Hicks appears to be Trump’s one that got away: multiple outlets are reporting the the 29-year-old is virtually irreplaceable in Trump’s eyes, serving as his adviser, confidante and closest aid all at once.

“She’s the glue to the entire place,” one White House source told CBS News. “She helps keep the White House from fracturing. I don’t think people realize what’s about to happen once she leaves.”

Trump’s billionaire buddies are playing him for a fool.. And he’s so stupid he doesn’t even realize it.. They’re telling him he doesn’t need advisors because that want to become his advisors.. And want to do it without seating foot in White House and by being anonymous.. So they don’t have deal with scrutiny of being associated with Trump and having answer for him when he does/says something dumb or racist...

Trump’s billionaire buddies are playing him for a fool.. And he’s so stupid he doesn’t even realize it.. They’re telling him he doesn’t need advisors because that want to become his advisors.. And want to do it without seating foot in White House and by being anonymous.. So they don’t have deal with scrutiny of being associated with Trump and having answer for him when he does/says something dumb or racist...

This is basically exactly how we had imagined the “Illuminati” operated a few yrs back when it was trendy to talk about that.
Interesting I thought him and his ilk were all about free market and less government.

The market is dictating that Amazon is the shit and spending their money with them.

Why they big mad when Amazon is practicing what they always preaching?

I think the only things Republicans truly believe in ideologue wise.. Is tax cuts for the rich and corporations,anti-regulations for huge corporations,being anti-abortion, being the NRA’s bitch,evangelicals and being pro-racism.. That’s pretty much it.. Everything else they will flip flop on...
I think the only things Republicans truly believe in ideologue wise.. Is tax cuts for the rich and corporations,anti-regulations for huge corporations,being anti-abortion, being the NRA’s bitch,evangelicals and being pro-racism.. That’s pretty much it.. Everything else they will flip flop on...

My post was sarcasm for real. I know they fucking haters for real especially when they can't eat off someone else plate.
I thought he was gonna pat her on the butt in that video, his left hand looked like he was ready to swing it forward when she turned

Trump Says US Is ‘In Many Cases’ Like ‘A Third World Country’: It’s ‘An Embarrassment’

While speaking in front of union builders in Ohio today, President Donald Trump slammed America’s infrastructure system, claiming it is like “a third world country” and “an embarrassment.”

Trump, who focused the speech on his passion for construction and touted that he “was always very good at building,” made the comments while pushing his plan to roll out a roughly $1 trillion infrastructure plan. However, the “third world” comparison is a particularly noteworthy one, as Trump was under fire earlier this year for reportedly calling Haiti and developing African countries “shithole nations.”

“For most of our history, American infrastructure was the envy of the world,” said Trump. “Go back 30, 40, 50 years, they would look at us like — now, we are like in many cases a third world country. It’s an embarrassment.”

He continued by pointing back to American infrastructure achievements in the past:

We are the ones who had the imagination and the drive to get it done. But we’ve got that again. Other nations marveled as we connected our shores with transcontinental railroads and brought power to our cities that lit up the sky like no other place on earth. We built mile after mile of Internet capabilities and interstate highways to carry American products all across the country and around the globe. Nobody did it like us.”

Trump concluded the segment of the speech with a call to “rebuild this nation,” saying Americans “must reclaim that proud heritage.”


Report: Mueller Investigating 2016 Republican Convention In Russia Probe

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is looking into Russia-related events that occurred during the 2016 Republican Convention in Cleveland, Reuters reported Thursday.

Anonymous sources told Reuters that Mueller is primarily investigating a meeting between then-Sen. and current Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Russia’s U.S. then-Ambassador Sergei Kislyak at a convention event, as well as the softening of platform language supportive of Ukraine after Russia’s invasion.

The platform reportedly initially called for the United States to supply “lethal defensive weapons to Ukraine’s armed forces and greater coordination with NATO on defense planning,” though the first half of the sentence was later removed. Diana Denman, who sat on the platform committee’s national security subcommittee, told Reuters that the Trump campaign had a direct hand in altering that language.

Sessions’ meetings with Kislyak have created problems for him before, after he initially failed to disclose them when asked by former Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) if he was aware of any contacts between the Trump campaign and Russian officials during the attorney general’s January 2017 confirmation hearing. The revelation of those meetings by the Washington Post a couple months later forced Sessions to recuse himself from the Russia probe, leading to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein taking over the investigation and appointing Mueller as special prosecutor.
Texas woman sentenced to 5 years in prison for voting while on probation

On the day of the presidential election, Nov 8., 2016, Mason arrived at her polling place to find that her name wasn’t on the voter roll, St. John said.

An election worker offered to help, he said, and presented her with a provisional ballot, which allows a person to cast a vote as long as they certify they are eligible by signing an affidavit. Small print at the top asks the voter to certify that if she is a felon, she has fully completed her sentence, including supervision or parole of any kind. Mason tried to explain to the judge that, since an election worker was helping her, she was not reading carefully, which, St. John said, failed to sway him.

Ultimately, her vote didn’t even count. Provisional ballots are subject to review, which ultimately led to an investigation of Mason.

“I don’t think I’ll ever vote again,” she told the news outlet after her indictment. “That’s being honest. I’ll never vote again.”

Texas woman sentenced to 5 years in prison for voting while on probation

On the day of the presidential election, Nov 8., 2016, Mason arrived at her polling place to find that her name wasn’t on the voter roll, St. John said.

An election worker offered to help, he said, and presented her with a provisional ballot, which allows a person to cast a vote as long as they certify they are eligible by signing an affidavit. Small print at the top asks the voter to certify that if she is a felon, she has fully completed her sentence, including supervision or parole of any kind. Mason tried to explain to the judge that, since an election worker was helping her, she was not reading carefully, which, St. John said, failed to sway him.

Ultimately, her vote didn’t even count. Provisional ballots are subject to review, which ultimately led to an investigation of Mason.

“I don’t think I’ll ever vote again,” she told the news outlet after her indictment. “That’s being honest. I’ll never vote again.”

This is what happens when you take common sense and good judgment out of the legal process.