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Remember when Beto was the flavor of the month? When he was supposed to be the next Obama? America loves to prop up their next great white hope. Muthafucka looked manchurian as fuck up there tonight.


The only 3 I would even consider voting for on that stage tonight. Warren is just smarter than every candidate up there. Booker has the most experience as a Political leader. Castor has the best connection with the younger generation. I like all 3 of them. They clearly stood out compared to some of them other turkeys up there. Also Tim Ryan needs to lower his fucking voice. Klobacher has a weird ass vibe yo. She doesn't have the reach to get votes in the south at all though. She's northern as fuck.

Every white man on that stage was below average as fuck. Like seriously the greatest advantage in this world is to be a white man.
Booker and Warren were the clear front runners to me.

I heard all this hype about that Beto cat prior to this but after this debate... I don't really see what all the hype was about at all
Booker and Warren were the clear front runners to me.

I heard all this hype about that Beto cat prior to this but after this debate... I don't really see what all the hype was about at all

He's white.

I think Booker will be the number one choice as a VP if he doesn't get the nomination. I thought Castro showed everybody that he's a serious candidate though. He'd also be a really good VP candidate. A Warren/Booker ticket would be very strong.
I'll tell you one thing....Beto's Spanish is way better than Booker's lol but he did not have a good night. He looked incredibly flustered when Castro called him out.

I'll tell you one thing....Beto's Spanish is way better than Booker's lol but he did not have a good night. He looked incredibly flustered when Castro called him out.


If Beto was smart or had any good advisers he'd drop out tomorrow and end his campaign. He then should start his Senate campaign in Texas. If he was smart he'd run for that Senate seat in TX and help the party.

In 5-4 Split, Supreme Court Won’t Touch Partisan Gerrymandering

The Supreme Court won’t rein in partisan gerrymandering, Chief Justice John Roberts said in an opinion in two cases Thursday.

The court split on the issue 5-4 on conservative-liberal lines.

“Our conclusion does not condone excessive partisan gerrymandering. Nor does our conclusion condemn complaints about districting to echo into a void,” Roberts said in his opinion. “The States, for example, are actively addressing the issue on a number of fronts.”

The court had before it two partisan gerrymandering cases: one challenging a map drawn by Democrats in Maryland and another challenging a GOP map in North Carolina.

The court’s decision raises the stakes on the 2020 elections, where in many states voters will chose the lawmakers who will draw the maps for the next decade of redistricting.
I don't trust polls I'm liable to consider an aggregate of polls but polls on their face... Nope

Diblasio had a moment what he nsaid at one point needed to be said but no chance...

Tim Ryan looked like a groomsman who was on the verge of passing out

Inslee is a fucking cheeseball him and him political seminar 101 communication skills it

Tulsi Gabbard was all over the place running through her resume..

Klobuchar and her folksy bullshit wonder bread

Booker was strong

Castro came out with choppa

Elizabeth Warren was her usual self

That Mitch McConnell question was absolutely trash was there a worse question than that.. I missed a few minutes...
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