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Tucker Carlson Blasts ‘Crazy Old’ Phil Mudd: ‘Unbalanced Guy You See Screaming on CNN’

On Tuesday night, Tucker Carlson went after CNN analyst Phil Mudd for his remarks on the House Intelligence Committee’s recent conclusion made by Republicans that there was no collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign and that they found no evidence that proves that Russia aided the Trump campaign over the Clinton campaign.

Yesterday, Mudd trashed House Republicans for their report, saying if it was “written on toilet paper,” he wouldn’t “stoop to wipe his ass with it.”

Well, Carlson slammed the former CIA official turned CNN pundit since he hasn’t read the report but still acted “like a lunatic on television.”

He then played various clips of Mudd’s most colorful moments, including when he called himself a “proud sh*tholer” in reaction to President Trump‘s reported remarks about countries like Haiti, El Salvador, and other African nations.

“Well, the next time you hear some idiot reporter lavishing praise on the so-called intelligence community and reminding you it’s ‘unpatriotic’ to question their conclusions, keep in mind that Philip Mudd is who they’re talking about, the unbalanced guy you see screaming on CNN,” Carlson said. “He’s the one we’re trusting with our most sensitive secrets, he and a lot of his like-minded friends. There’s now four former CIA officers running for Congress this year as Democrats and liberals couldn’t be more thrilled. Suddenly they love the CIA. They love all large secretive agencies that undermine democracy. They think Crazy Old Phil Mudd is excellent. You’re the one they’re worried about.”

I hope Phil Mudd pulls up on this gutless trust fund baby...
Bruh, the Russians have killed 2 people in London in the past couple weeks, with little hope of retribution because Trump has our hands tied.

I'm certain they're sweating bullets now.
this is why people should really look at how shit didnt pop off like this during Brocks time.
niggas still did shit but they wasnt out in the open with it
lol.....so much winning......believe me

Trump considers ousting VA secretary Shulkin, giving job to Energy secretary Perry


WASHINGTON — President Trump is considering ousting embattled Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin, who has faced an insurgency within his department and fresh allegations that he used a member of his security detail to run personal errands.

Trump has floated the notion of moving Energy Secretary Rick Perry to the VA to right the ship, believing Shulkin has become a distraction, according to two sources familiar with White House discussions. The sources were not authorized to discuss internal deliberations.

Shulkin has faced several investigations over his travel and leadership of the department, but until now has received praise from the president for his work to turn it around. The news comes after Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Tuesday.

Trump raised the idea with Perry on Monday but did not offer the job to him, according to one White House official. Trump has been angry with Shulkin, the official said, but is known to float staffing changes without always following through.

Shulkin did not respond to requests for comment via phone and text message. He has been holding on to his job by a thread since a bruising internal report found ethics violations in connection with his trip to Europe with his wife last summer.

The VA inspector general also is looking into a complaint by a member of Shulkin’s 24-7 security detail that he was asked to accompany the secretary to a Home Depot and carry furniture items into his home, according to two people familiar with the allegation who requested anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

Within the agency, a political adviser installed by Trump has openly mused to other VA staff about ousting the former Obama administration official. And a top communications aide has taken extended leave following a secret, failed attempt to turn lawmakers against him.

“The honeymoon is ending with a crash that hurts veterans most of all,” said Paul Rieckhoff, founder and CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, who has been a close observer of VA for more than a decade. “VA always has bad news, but Shulkin’s ethical and leadership failures are still significant – despite any internal attacks.”

Senior administration officials describe a growing frustration that Shulkin repeatedly ignores their advice, only to beg for their help when he runs into ethical trouble. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity in order to describe sensitive internal discussions, say Shulkin has been given a final warning to end the swirl of distractions. The administration is currently seeking to push Trump’s agenda of aggressively expanding the Veterans Choice program, which major veterans groups worry could be an unwanted step toward privatizing VA health care.

The issue came to the fore at a White House meeting last week, when chief of staff John Kelly told Shulkin to stop talking to the news media without clearing it first with the White House and to stay focused on fixing veterans care.

Shulkin was escorted from that meeting to the Oval Office, where Trump questioned him about his efforts to push the Choice expansion, which lawmakers are now seeking to include in a massive spending bill that must be approved by next week to avert a government shutdown.

With Shulkin present, the president telephoned conservative Pete Hegseth, a “Fox & Friends” contributor who was vetted in late 2016 for VA secretary, to get his views on how to proceed with the expansion. Hegseth, a former president of the conservative group Concerned Veterans for America, declined to comment for this article.

Dan Caldwell, executive director of CVA, lauded the White House focus on Choice amid the ongoing controversies involving Shulkin. “Despite the internal drama going on in the VA, which has been a distraction, Congress has continued to work to a solution that everyone can rally around,” he said.

Shulkin is blaming the internal drama on a half-dozen or so political appointees whom he had considered firing, only to be blocked by Kelly.

“I regret anything that has distracted us from what we should be focusing on, which is serving veterans,” Shulkin told the AP shortly before release of an inspector general report that faulted the VA for “failed leadership” and an unwillingness or inability of leaders to take responsibility for accounting problems at a major VA hospital that put patients at risk.
UK going in right now.

The Parliament or whatever you call that shit......they tired of Putin and speaking real tough.

They kicking out 23 diplomats and said Putin was fucking with they universities and think tanks.

Trump gonna have to stand up
UK going in right now.

The Parliament or whatever you call that shit......they tired of Putin and speaking real tough.

They kicking out 23 diplomats and said Putin was fucking with they universities and think tanks.

Trump gonna have to stand up

Boled....lol lol


WaPo: Pruitt Soundproof Phone Booth Cost Closer To $43,000 To Install

The $25,000 private phone booth Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt had built in his office actually cost $43,000 including costs to install the structure, the Washington Post reported Wednesday morning.

The booth itself cost $24,570, but the EPA paid more than $18,000 for the booth’s installation, which included removing closed-circuit television equipment, pouring concrete, adjusting a ceiling, and painting.

EPA spokesman Jahan Wilcox defended the phone booth to the Washington Post on Tuesday when asked about the new estimate of costs.

“In September of 2017 we thoroughly discussed why this secure communications line was needed for the Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,” Wilcox said.

The Post first reported on the booth back in September. A spokesperson said at the time that the booth would be a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), which is used to access classified materials.

Emails Show Carson And His Wife Were Involved In Buying Dining Set

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson and his wife Candy Carson were involved in the process to select a $31,000 dining set for Carson’s office suite, according to emails obtained by watchdog group American Oversight through a Freedom of Information Act Request.

In an August email about the dining set, a HUD staffer referenced “printouts of the furniture the Secretary and Mrs. Carson picked out.” Another email to Carson’s chief of staff and executive assistant included a quote for the new dining set, which was originally listed at $24,666. The emails obtained by American Oversight were first reported by CNN.

Carson cancelled the order for the dining set following several reports on the agency’s order for new furniture. In a statement earlier this month, Carson said that he “made it known that I was not happy about the prices being charged and that my preference would be to find something more reasonable” and that he was “surprised” to learn that HUD ordered the $31,000 set. When the story first broke, a HUD spokesman said that Carson was unaware of the purchase.

Asked about the newly released emails, HUD spokesman Raffi Williams told CNN on Tuesday, “When presented with options by professional staff, Mrs. Carson participated in the selection of specific styles.”


CNN: Trump Eyeing Broader Staff Shakeup

President Donald Trump is considering ousting more of his administration’s top officials, CNN reported Wednesday.

Among those who are reportedly likely on their way out, according to CNN: National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, Chief of Staff John Kelly and Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin.

People familiar with the matter who spoke with CNN said McMaster appears to be ready to move on, following months of reports that the Pentagon was looking for a job for him that would serve as a promotion upon leaving the White House. Kelly was reportedly orchestrating the removal of McMaster. Among those reportedly being considered to replace McMaster include John Bolton, who served as the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. under the President George W. Bush administration as well as National Security Agency Director Admiral Mike Rogers and others, according to CNN.

Kelly’s departure is seen as less imminent that McMaster’s, CNN reported, but Trump’s outside advisers are reportedly putting out feelers for candidates to replace him, according to those who have been approached about the position.

While Trump initially didn’t have an issue with President Barack Obama-era holdover Shulkin, he now wants him out, according to two sources familiar with the discussions who spoke to CNN. Shulkin has recently come under fire because one of his staffers altered an email that made it easier for his wife to travel to Europe with Shulkin on the taxpayers’ dime. Trump is reportedly looking to his Energy Secretary Rick Perry as a replacement, and Shulkin could be forced out within the next few days, according to The Washington Post.

Trump publicly signaled there may be more turnover soon, telling reporters Tuesday, “I’m really at a point where we’re getting very close to having the Cabinet and other things that I want.”

Reports: Trump To Name Larry Kudlow Top Economic Adviser

President Donald Trump will name Larry Kudlow as the next National Economic Council director, according to Wednesday afternoon reports from CNBC and the Washington Post.

Kudlow will replace Gary Cohn, who resigned as Trump’s top economic adviser last week.

Trump’s announcement naming Kudlow to the post could come as soon as Thursday, according to CNBC.

Kudlow served as an adviser to Trump during the 2016 campaign, but does not agree with the President on every issue. Kudlow will join the administration as Trump prepares to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports, a plan Kudlow has vocally opposed.

Kudlow is currently a CNBC commentator and hosts his own radio show. Trump, an avid cable news viewer, is likely drawn to Kudlow’s television chops. Previously, Kudlow worked on economic policy for Ronald Reagan’s administration.

Tucker Guest Katie Hopkins Goes on Bizarre Racial Tangent About ‘Black Rhinos’: I’m ‘Endangered’

Tucker Carlson invited British media personality-cum-demonstrable loon Katie Hopkins on his Fox News show Tuesday night to discuss the three alt-right activists who were denied entry into the U.K. on Monday.

Hopkins — who gained fame on the U.K. version of The Apprentice, and went on to write a column for the Daily Mail that cost the tabloid hundreds of thousands in legal battles and was eventually dropped — now works at an an obscure far-right media outlet called The Rebel.

Carlson opened his interview with Hopkins by declaring that “only a country that really hates itself, its heritage, its own people, would act like this.”

He then lathered on the feigned-outrage he has become practiced in, balking at the notion that Christians are being denied entry into the U.K. “in favor of ISIS members.”

“What animates this?” he asked Hopkins.

Hopkins informed a befuddled Tucker that while the U.K. has a conservative government in power, “it seems to be that being white is considered wrong, being Christian is considered wrong, Trump is wrong.”

“And there’s a list of right answers: to be Islamic is right, to welcome back jihadis is right, we shouldn’t prosecute them, we should embrace them.”

“We’re up there on the endangered species list,” Hopkins continued, as a horrified Tucker hung on to her every word. “To be a white Christian conservative woman like myself — I’m right up there on the endangered animal list, up there with the black rhino.”

“And the black rhino has an advantage because he’s black,” Hopkins concluded.

Carlson, unfazed, moved on to warn that the U.K. is a “democracy, purportedly,” and “you still get to vote there for the time being.”


Trump Reportedly Considering Appointing John Bolton Because of His TV Commentary

While a strong cable news presence would not be an important job qualification in other administrations, in President Donald Trump’s White House, TV appearances might just be a make or break in the hiring process.

Sources close to Trump told the Daily Beast‘s Lachlan Markay and Asawin Suebsaeng the president is a fan of former UN ambassador and frequent Fox News guest John Bolton’s television commentary, which led Trump to add his name to National Security Adviser shortlist. While H.R. McMaster fills the role now, reports suggest he may be headed out the door soon leaving a spot for a Fox News darling to fill.

Additionally, with Gary Cohn out as director of the National Economic Council, Trump tapped CNBC economic analyst and former cokehead Larry Kudlow to fill the role. Given Trump’s renowned love for cable news, he has seen Kudlow in action for many years. So, despite the two disagreeing on free market issues such as trade tariffs, the TV economist is set to enter the administration.

An administration official who spoke to the Beast defended the recent chaotic shake-ups with the following line:

It’s just figuring out your people. A Fortune 500 CEO probably looked good to him on paper, but he meshes better with a junior rep from Kansas [Mike Pompeo]. I wouldn’t read a seismic shift into it, but he’s definitely figuring out who he does and doesn’t like around him, and acting on it.”
