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Trump Supporter Who Allegedly Threatened To Kill Members Of Congress Arrested

A supporter of President Trump, who allegedly made more than 2,000 threatening calls to members of Congress over the past three years, was arrested, according to charging documents obtained by the Associated Press.

In his phone calls, the man, Scott Brian Haven, allegedly threatened to kill members of Congress and went on obscenity-laced rants about Democrats apparent efforts to dismantle Trump’s presidency. In one phone call last month, Haven said he was standing right behind an unnamed member of Congress and he threatened that he was about to “shoot him in the head.”

“I’m going to do it now, are you ready?” he said, according to the charging documents, which did not mention the names or political parties of lawmakers he threatened.

Haven was arrested in Kaysville, Utah on Tuesday and was charged with interstate transmissions of threats to injure.

With Contempt Threat Looming, Trump Admin Continues To Stiff House Census Probe

The threat of committee contempt votes did not push the Trump administration into fully cooperating with House Democrats’ investigation into the addition of the census citizenship question.

On Thursday evening, both the Commerce Department and the Justice Department told the House Oversight Committee they would not turn over the documents the committee had demanded in subpoenas that even got the support of a committee Republican.

Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD) earlier this week had given the agencies one final chance to turn over the documents by Thursday before the committee moved forward with contempt votes for Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and Attorney General Bill Barr.

The requested documents include unredacted versions of communications at Commerce, as Ross was pressuring his staff to get a citizenship question added, as well as drafts of the formal request for the question written by DOJ official John Gore. Additionally, the committee is seeking answers from Gore on specific questions he declined to respond to, per the direction of a DOJ attorney, in a voluntary interview earlier this year. The Department has refused to let him sit for another interview unless he can again be accompanied by a DOJ attorney.

On Thursday, the Justice Department claimed that the Gore documents the committee was demanding were protected by various privileges, while continuing to insist that he would not be made available for an interview unless a DOJ attorney was allowed to sit in.

Likewise, the Commerce Department said that the redacted information it to was withholding was protected by certain privileges that had already been backed by a judge in one of the legal challenges the administration is facing over the question.

“There is no information to hide; there is institutional integrity to preserve,” Commerce official Charles Kolo Rathbum said in the letter.

The Oversight Committee in a statement Friday morning denied that the agencies had legitimate reasons to refuse to turn over the documents.

“We gave Attorney General Barr and Secretary Ross every opportunity to produce the documents the Committee needs for our investigation, but rather than cooperate, they have decided that they would rather be held in contempt of Congress,” Cummings said in the statement. “They produced none of the documents we asked for, they made no counter-offers regarding these documents, and they seem determined to continue the Trump Administration’s cover-up.”
We all have different opinions and my opinion is not better than yours so I think it's always very important to repectfully disagree with people you don't necessarily agree with. However, when it comes to Candace Owens, I just can't. I just want to tell that dumb broad to shut the fuck up everytime she opens her mouth. Is she for real? Is she a troll? Who's paying her to be so delusional? She is getting on my fucking nerves SMH.

Some Maine Republicans Fret New State Ballad Is Too Hard On The Confederacy

Maine legislators recently approved a new state ballad, a task one would expect to be simple and drama-free.

Alas, in the year 2019, it’s not so easy. Some Republican state lawmakers in the northeastern state were concerned that the ballad chosen cast too negative of a light on the Confederacy, according to a new report from the Maine Beacon.

The song, titled “The Ballad of the 20th Maine,” tells the story of a Maine infantry regiment that fought in the Civil War, and unsurprisingly, has a pro-Union message. Two Republicans found this inappropriate.

“I find it a little bit, we are united states, we are not Union, we are united states. And I find it just a little bit – I won’t say offensive but that’s what I mean – to say that we’re any better than the South was,” Republican state Rep. Frances Head said last month while discussing the song, per the Maine Beacon.

Republican state Rep. Roger Reed expressed similar hesitations.

“I am a lover of history and especially a lover of the civil war period and regardless of what side people fought on, they were fighting for something they truly believed in,” Reed said, according to the Beacon. “Many of them were great Christian men on both sides. They fought hard and they were fighting for states’ rights as they saw them.”