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Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Probe Into Biden, Despite Giuliani’s Efforts

Ukraine’s attorney general equivalent says that his country is not investigating Joe Biden or his son Hunter over their activities in the Eastern European nation, despite coaxing from Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani for them to do so, Bloomberg reports.

“I do not want Ukraine to again be the subject of U.S. presidential elections,” Ukraine prosecutor general Yuriy Lutsenko told Bloomberg.

Conservative media began to push a narrative earlier this year of the Biden family’s supposedly nefarious activities in Ukraine, alleging that, as Vice President, Joe Biden used his influence to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the position of his son, Hunter, on the board of a Ukrainian gas company called Burisma.

Giuliani picked up on the allegations, and last week was briefly booked for a trip to Kiev to push the country’s law enforcers to investigate Biden. Giuliani cancelled the trip after the New York Times reported it.

Lutsenko did reportedly say that he was planning to offer Attorney General Bill Barr information about Burisma’s payments to Hunter Biden so the U.S. Justice Department could “check” whether he paid taxes on the foreign income.

It’s not clear whether the Justice Department is investigating allegations of tax evasion by Hunter Biden. Trump and Giuliani have reportedly urged Barr to open investigations into Biden’s activities in Ukraine.

“Hunter Biden did not violate any Ukrainian laws — at least as of now, we do not see any wrongdoing,” Lutsenko reportedly told Bloomberg. “A company can pay however much it wants to its board.”

The report says that Giuliani and Lutsenko met twice this year — once in New York City in January, and another time on the sidelines of a February conference in Warsaw hosted by the anti-Tehran Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK) group.

Lutsenko told Bloomberg that Giuliani asked him if then U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch was “not loyal to President Trump.”

Yovanovitch was dismissed on May 6.


Unsealed Flynn Doc: Trump Camp Floated Reaching Out To WikiLeaks In Oct 2016

A court document partially unsealed Thursday revealed some of what special counsel Robert Mueller’s team told a federal judge back in December about former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn’s cooperation.

The filing revealed that Flynn had “relayed” to prosecutors “statements made in 2016 by senior campaign officials to which only a select few people were privy.”

“For example, the defendant recalled conversation with senior campaign officials after the release of the Podesta emails, during which the prospect of reaching out to WikiLeaks was discussed,” the unsealed document said, referring to the emails of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, which were leaked in October 2016.

The public version of the Mueller report goes into some detail about the discussions within the campaign and among its allies about WikiLeaks’ dissemination of Democratic emails hacked by Russia. However, much of that section is redacted. At least some of the redactions are believed to be related to Roger Stone’s case, where a judge has imposed a gag order.

The public version of the report included details of conversations between Jerome Corsi and Ted Malloch — two Trump allies who had no formal roles on the campaign — about the release of the Podesta emails. It also detailed Donald Trump Jr.’s communications with WikiLeaks over Twitter direct message in the days before and after the Podesta emails were released. Those messages had been made public well before Mueller’s report.

According to Mueller’s report, Trump Jr. sent an email to “variety of senior campaign staff” flagging for them a Twitter DM WikiLeaks sent him a few days before the Podesta emails were released.

The court document unsealed Thursday was filed back in December, before Flynn was set to be sentenced. The sentencing hearing took a dramatic turn however, when the judge railed against Flynn for a sentencing filing that seemed to cast doubt on his guilty plea, while expressing “disgust” and “disdain” with Flynn’s offense. Flynn got the judge’s permission to push back the sentencing until he was fully done cooperating with prosecutors.

The judge, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan, unsealed the document, which still contains some redactions, on Thursday because the government had represented “that there no longer exists a compelling government interest to seal certain information in those records.”

WH Executive Privilege Over Report Stalls Mueller Testimony Planning

The White House’s decision to assert executive privilege over special counsel Robert Mueller’s report could prevent Mueller from answering lawmakers questions during a potential testimony before the House Judiciary Committee,The Wall Street Journal reported.

According to people familiar with the matter who spoke to the WSJ, discussions over that matter have stalled negotiations about Mueller’s possible testimony. The executive privilege assertion could prevent Mueller from speaking about anything that’s not included in the redacted version of the report. The Justice Department’s lawyers are reportedly studying the situation and are expected to offer both sides guidance soon.

The White House asserted executive privilege last week at Attorney General William Barr’s request. The assertion blocked the House Judiciary Committee’s subpoenas demanding the underlying evidence and the unredacted version of the report.

That comes in contrast with Attorney General William Barr’s latest remarks to the WSJ, when he said it was “up to Bob” whether he wants to testify.

The Attorney General Is Speaking The Language Of Fox News

Every time Attorney General Bill Barr appears in public, it becomes clearer just how well-versed he is in the language and conspiracies that burble up out of the far-right’s fever swamps.

Take a look at the interviews Barr gave to Fox News and the Wall Street Journal this week. While enumerating the steps he will take to investigate the origins of the Russia probe, Barr — intentionally or by osmosis — repeated numerous talking points used by conservative ideologues over the years to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

On Fox News and Capitol Hill, Republicans have insisted that President Trump and his associates were subject to illegal surveillance during the 2016 campaign. They have also contended that the entire probe was based off of the notorious Steele dossier — an opposition research product about the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia — and that U.S. government officials like former FBI director James Comey actively worked to influence the outcome of the election.

Relevant detail — like the fact that the Steele dossier was not, in fact, the source of the Russia probe, and that the Trump campaign appeared willing to accept any help Russia was willing to offer — go unmentioned. So, too, does the fact that Hillary Clinton was also being investigated by the U.S. government throughout the 2016 campaign, a fact that Comey reminded the world of one week before voters went to the polls. That probe was based in part off of opposition research accusing her of abusing her position as Secretary of State for personal financial gain.

Barr’s interviews reveal the extent to which the sitting attorney general is willing to legitimize and advance this misleading conservative narrative on the Russia investigation. Take a look below:

‘Thumb on the scale’
In his interview to the Wall Street Journal, Barr cautioned that, “just like we need to ensure that foreign actors don’t influence the outcome of our elections, we need to ensure that the government doesn’t use its powers to put a thumb on the scale.”

Contrast that with Rep. Mark Meadows’ (R-NC) accusation that the FBI was “putting their thumb on the scale to undermine Donald Trump” during the 2016 election:

Devin Nunes and his counterintelligence concerns
In the interview with Fox, Barr described his view of what the “real” origins of the Russia investigation were: a bogus counterintelligence probe in which the Obama administration illegally surveilled U.S. citizens working for the Trump campaign.

“To use that to conduct counterintelligence against an American political campaign is a strange—would be strange development,” Barr said.

That sounds an awful lot like the narrative which came out of the House Intelligence Committee when it was under control of the GOP during the first two years of Trump’s term.

Take a look at what former House Intelligence Committee chair Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo last year.

“It took a long time to actually get this… the original intelligence, the original reasons that the counterintelligence investigation was started,” Nunes said. “This is really important to us because a counterintelligence investigation uses the tools of our intelligence services, that are not supposed to be used on American citizens. So we’ve wanted to know what intelligence they had that actually led to this investigation.”

Rats, rats everywhere
During Barr’s appearance on Fox, host Bill Hemmer broached the topic of whether the Justice Department has a rat infestation.

Hemmer asks Barr, “Do you smell a rat at this point?”

To which the attorney general replies, “I don’t know if I’d describe it as a rat. I would just say that the answers that I’m getting are not sufficient.”

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee made a similar point in 2018, implying that he smelled a rat in the FBI with respect to its treatment of Trump.

Rudy’s noose and Barr’s
Barr also told Fox that he is reviewing a January 2017 meeting at Trump Tower, where then-FBI director James Comey told Trump about the allegations contained in the Steele dossier.

Comey memorialized the meeting in notes he wrote down immediately afterwards, which is standard practice at the FBI. Yet conservatives have seized on that practice as an attempt to “entrap” Trump. The right has also argued that the Steele dossier was the basis for the entire Russia investigation, claiming the opposition research allowed the FBI to obtain FISA warrants to monitor Trump campaign associates’ communications during the campaign.

In response to a question about the time period between the 2016 election and Trump’s inauguration, Barr said that “there were some very strange developments during that period. That’s one of the things we want to look into.”

After Hemmer followed up, Barr said, “such as the handling of the meeting on January 6, between the intelligence chiefs and the President, and the leaking of information subsequent to that meeting.”

Yesterday, Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani made a similar point about the same encounter on Fox, saying, “the reality is that Comey is, the noose is tightening around his neck really bad.”

“Comey in January told the president [the Steele dossier] was ‘salacious and unverified.’ How did it become ‘salacious and unverified’ over five months? When they used it in affidavits in which Comey says on the top of the affidavit that it’s verified, in footnote five, page 15, he says it’s reliable, not unverified,” Giuliani said, tying it back to the dossier’s supposed role in convincing a judge to issue the FISA warrants. “In other words, he either lied to the President or he lied to the court. I’m betting on he lied to the court and we call that perjury Jim and Brennan may be a witness against him.”

Lara Trump Makes Bizarre Attempt To Mock Dems For Wanting To Beat Trump In 2020

Isn’t that how elections work?

Lara Trump, President Trump’s daughter-in-law and a senior adviser for his 2020 campaign, said Friday it was “a little bit sad” that Democrats’ are so focused on defeating the President.

She was referring to a new Fox News poll that surveyed Democratic primary voters on candidate characteristics that were “extremely” important. At the top of the list was whether the Democratic candidate can defeat Trump in 2020.

“That’s a little bit sad isn’t it?” Lara Trump said on Fox News. “Shouldn’t you want someone that you think can run the country well, that’s gonna do the best job at being president, not just beat Donald Trump? But I think it actually speaks to the fact that there are still a lot of people who out there that are very upset that Hillary Clinton did not win in 2016.”


Treasury Refuses Dem Subpoena For Trump Tax Returns

The Treasury Department confirmed Friday it would not comply with a congressional subpoena for the President’s personal and business tax returns, setting the stage for a high-profile court battle.

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin wrote in a Friday letter that the request “lacks a legitimate legislative purpose,” basing his conclusion upon an as-of-yet unreleased legal opinion from the Department of Justice.

House Ways and Means Committee chair Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA) said in a statement that “issuance of these subpoenas should not have been necessary.”

“The law, by its terms, does not allow for discretion as to whether to comply with a request for tax returns and return information,” he added.

Neal said on CNN on Friday that he expected to file a lawsuit to obtain the information as early as next week, should Treasury miss the deadline as expected.

“I anticipate they won’t meet that deadline, and the result will be that we will likely proceed to court as quickly as next week,” Neal said. The Ways and Means chair issued a subpoena for six years of Trump’s returns last week, following more than a month of delays from Mnuchin.

Since House Democrats took the majority in January, Neal has moved cautiously in his quest to obtain the President’s tax returns, specifically tailoring each step of the process for the prospect of a lawsuit.

As chair of the Ways and Means committee, Neal is empowered to demand the returns of any filer under a 1924 statute. The same law mandates the Treasury Secretary “to furnish” the returns upon request.

But few expected Mnuchin, whose boss is the first president in 40 years to be elected without disclosing his returns, to comply with the demand.

Going forward, courts will likely consider whether Neal made the request with a legitimate legislative purpose in mind.

The Ways and Means Committee has gone to great lengths to demonstrate that he has done so. He tailored the request itself to focus on investigating whether the IRS is auditing President Trump’s taxes in an impartial fashion, notwithstanding the conflict of interest inherent in having the tax authority audit its boss.

Even before issuing the request, Neal took pains to establish that he was not issuing the request in the heat of the moment or out of emotion, but rather in line with House Democrats’ legislative and oversight priorities that aren’t directly tied to Trump himself.

That caution led to complaints from some lawmakers on the Ways and Means committee and from outside activists that Neal was taking too long in pursuing the documents. Critics suggested that Republicans were unlikely to respond in good faith and more likely to employ a strategy of delaying on the request as long as possible.

MO Rep. Apologizes For Misspeaking About ‘Consensual Rapes’

Missouri State Rep. Barry Hovis (R) has apologized for using the phrase “consensual rape” on the House floor while he was defending an eight-week abortion ban.

“Most of my rapes were not the gentlemen jumping out of the bushes that nobody had ever met. That was one or two times out of one hundred,” he said of his law enforcement career, per CNN. “Most of them were date rapes or consensual rapes, which were all terrible, but I sat in court — sat in court — when juries would struggle with those types of situations where it was a ‘he-said, she-said,’ and they would find the person not guilty. Unfortunate, if it really happened, but I had no control over that, because it was a judge or a jury making those decisions. But we’ll just say someone is sexually assaulted. They have eight weeks to make a decision.”

Rep. Raychel Proudie (D) got up afterward to denounce his comment and confirm that there is no such thing as consensual rape.

A Kansas City Star reporter said that she spoke with Hovis afterwards, who apologized and said he misspoke.


Report: Republican Party Accepted Large Donation From Steve Wynn In April

The Republican Party in April accepted two large donations from disgraced casino mogul Steve Wynn, who resigned from his company and the Republican National Committee last year after he faced several sexual misconduct allegations, Politico reported Friday.

Wynn donated $248,500 to the RNC and $150,000 to the National Republican Senatorial Committee last month, two people “familiar with the contributions” told Politico.

The casino mogul resigned from his role as RNC finance director in January 2018, and he stepped down as CEO of his company a few days later.

Several women accused Wynn of a pattern of sexual misconduct, including his employees. Two other women also accused Wynn of rape. At the time that the allegations surfaced, Wynn vehemently denied them.
