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GOP House Recruit Touted Obama Birther Video, Other Conspiracy Theories

A House candidate that national Republicans have touted as an example of improved diversity recruitment has a long history of touting conspiracy theories — including a video that’s deceptively edited to make it sound as if President Obama said he wasn’t born in the United States.

Restaurateur Irina Vilariño is running for a Miami-based House seat against Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (D-FL), who unseated three-term Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) last fall. National Republicans have highlighted the Cuban-born immigrant’s campaign to argue that they are recruiting a diverse class of candidates.

But while Curbelo frequently broke with his party and carved out a moderate image, Vilariño is a fierce supporter of President Trump, and her Twitter profile is packed with conspiratorial content that may not play well in the swing district.

In March, Vilariño retweeted a video that is edited to make it sound like President Obama says he was born in Kenya.

“It’s true, I’m not an American. I wasn’t born in Hawaii, I wasn’t born in the United States of America. I come from Kenya,” the first video makes Obama say.

In other recent tweets, she touted conservative provocateur Dinesh D’Souza’s suggestion that Obama cheated to get into Columbia University (“inquiring minds would like to know,” she said), highlighted a claim that liberal donor George Soros was behind an effort to torpedo Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation (“follow the money”), and promoted an unfounded claim that Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault, was a promiscuous alcoholic. That final claim comes from an account that touts QAnon, the far-right conspiracy theory that the “deep state” is out to get Trump.

Vilariño defended her decision to share and promote these claims.

“I don’t think any of these tweets warrant an apology, and I am not going to fearfully pander every time someone thinks they might be offended,” Vilariño told TPM via email when asked about the tweets.

She specifically defended many of the tweets on a case-by-case basis as well — including the Obama video.

“It was a very interesting video of the president in his own words. I can see how that could be controversial. However, I don’t see how rehatching [sic] this tweet could be beneficial to finding solutions to our pressing problems,” she said, before accusing her Democratic opponent, Mucarsel-Powell, of “doing the bidding for the socialist agenda.”

Vilariño was one of five female candidates that National Republican Congressional Committee recruitment chair Susan Brooks (R-IN) recently highlighted to her GOP colleagues to show the party was improving on recruiting nonwhite and female candidates. Brooks highlighted her campaign in a closed-door meeting, and later mentioned Vilariño as she talked up the NRCC’s recruitment efforts in a discussion with Roll Call.

Vilariño has been a major Trump supporter for some time, appearing on various cable news networks to defend him and tout the GOP tax cuts.

“I’ve been a supporter since day one you announced your candidacy, and I have Facebook to prove it,” she told Trump during an April 2018 event in southern Florida to tout the GOP’s tax cut proposals.

She also appeared alongside Trump at the White House during a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration last September, where she called for an “American heritage month.” Just days later, she appeared on CNN and dismissed Blasey Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh.

“In the grand scheme of things, my goodness,” she said. “There was no intercourse. There was maybe a touch. Really? Thirty six years later, she’s still stuck on that?”

An NRCC spokeswoman didn’t respond to a request for reaction to Vilariño’s past comments.

It’s unclear whether Vilariño will get national GOP support in the race, or even whether she’ll wind up winning the GOP nomination in her Miami-based district. Curbelo hasn’t completely ruled out a rematch, though it appears less than likely that he’ll run. A GOP source told TPM that a number of other Republican candidates with strong profiles are considering the race as well and may decide to run after it becomes more clear how the Miami mayoral race shapes up, though in a crowded field her Trump ties could help her.

It’s not clear how heavily national Republicans plan to play in this district. The NRCC has it on its initial list of 55 districts it aims to flip, and has been sending out regular press releases attacking Mucarsel-Powell. But Miami is an incredibly expensive media market, especially in a presidential year, and Trump lost the historically competitive district by 16 percentage points in 2016. Without a top-tier candidate, this district may fall off the map.
How do some of yall feel about this?

Kamala Harris isn’t running for vice president. So why do people keep saying she’d be a great No. 2?

This week, Politico quoted several Congressional Black Caucus members “warming to the idea” of a Biden-Harris ticket. “That would be a dream ticket for me, a dream ticket!” Rep. William Lacy Clay (D-Mo.) told the outlet. “If she is not the nominee, that would be a dream ticket for this country.”

Author and journalist Roland Martin tweeted:

“Any member of Congress discussing a Joe Biden/Kamala Harris presidential ticket is showing extreme disrespect to Sen. Kamala Harris. Not one Dem debate has been held. Not one primary vote has been cast. Biden has not earned the nomination and Harris has not lost it. STOP IT.”


Leaked Documents Are ‘Goldmine’ For New York Attorney General’s NRA Probe

The company behind NRATV was paying for National Rifle Association chief Wayne LaPierre’s expensive Italian suits and foreign travel, before charging at least some of those costs back to the NRA itself.

Sound like a puzzling arrangement? You’re not alone.

New York state non-profit attorneys told TPM that the setup raised serious questions about whether LaPierre was using an NRA vendor to conceal costs for his luxury purchases from the organization’s books, and could be fodder for an ongoing investigation into the non-profit by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

These allegations come from documents that were leaked anonymously online on May 10 and subsequently verified by the Wall Street Journal and Daily Beast amid a very public falling out between the NRA and its longtime advertising firm, Ackerman McQueen, which produced NRATV.

Specifically, the documents raise questions over whether the NRA’s board was aware of the luxury expenses and approved them as required under New York state statutes governing non-profits.

“This is a goldmine for the attorney general. This is like having the investigation handed to you on a silver platter,” Sean Delany, a former chief of the New York Attorney General’s charities bureau, told TPM, referring to the documents.

New York requires that non-profits be operated in the interests of the organization’s stated mission and not to benefit its leadership; if the expenses were concealed from the board, regulators may see it as an attempt to circumvent statutory requirements or as an unreported form of compensation, raising potentially troubling questions for the IRS.

New York also defines related party dealing as any arrangement where an insider has a financial stake and the non-profit participates. In this case, the NRA has had numerous contracts with Ackerman, while the vendor appears to have agreed to pay LaPierre not in cash, but in suits and foreign travel.

Related party transactions trigger a requirement for the non-profit’s board to conduct a review.

The NRA and Ackerman did not reply to requests for comment. But the gun rights group said in comments to the Wall Street Journal that the board was aware of the transactions.

However, that is now in dispute. NRA board members Allen West and Timothy Knight — two out of the group’s board of 76 — denied that the the board was aware of the expenses as they were incurred, and called on Tuesday for LaPierre to resign over the allegations.

The NRA sued the Oklahoma City-based image-maker back in April. The NRA filed the lawsuit in a bid to force Ackerman to supply it with documents to audit the pair’s relationship, amid suspicions that the ad firm was over-billing the NRA.

The history of the two entities’ decades-long relationship suggests that the ongoing battle is only the latest — and arguably most dramatic — episode in a story long been marred by allegations of overly cozy relations between top NRA and Ackerman execs.

The leaked documents reveal Ackerman’s behind-the-scenes response to the lawsuit. The company appears to have waged a pressure campaign against LaPierre, with an assistant from the NRA’s then-president Oliver North.

Ten days after the lawsuit was filed, Ackerman sent LaPierre two letters. One is titled “RE: Clothing purchases by Ackerman McQueen (AMc) on your behalf” while the other is titled “RE: Documentation of expenses incurred by Ackerman McQueen (AMc) and billed to the National Rifle Association (NRA).”

The first letter purports “to address your wardrobe you required us to provide, specifically, purchases at the Zegna store in Beverly Hills, CA.” Ackerman goes on to demand that LaPierre either provide receipts for $274,695 in suits —bought from luxury Italian retailer Ermenegildo Zegna between 2004 and 2017 — or “a complete, itemized list of the items purchased.”

The second letter accuses LaPierre of “fail[ing] to provide written approvals, receipts, and other support for expenses related to your travel” under an American Express card that Ackerman issued the NRA leader.

Ackerman goes on to document what LaPierre charged to that credit card. Expenses include stays at the Budapest Four Seasons, a $12,900 “Car & Driver” in Italy, and the rent for an NRA intern’s apartment.

Ackerman says in the letter that these expenses were “billed to the NRA.”

Both New York state and federal non-profit regulations prohibit so-called “excess benefit transactions,” that is, a case where a tax-exempt organization begins to compensate board members, donors, and other related parties for more than the value of their services.

Delany said that billing luxurious expenses like travel to Europe to the NRA through Ackerman could be a way to conceal the payments.

“We’re talking about expenses that wouldn’t have been legitimate expenses if they had been paid directly by the NRA in reimbursing LaPierre,” he said.

Marcus Owens, a former IRS nonprofit monitoring unit chief, told TPM that it sounded like a way to route extra compensation for LaPierre through one of its closest vendors.

“It suggests that items were intended to compensate him and they were not treated as compensation on the books and records of the organization,” Owens said.

The problems have the potential to go further. According to Delany, if excess expenses are found to be unrelated to the NRA’s business operations, that could qualify it as “taxable income.”

That could raise questions over whether LaPierre has accurately reported the totality of his income to the IRS.

There’s also a separate question over whether the setup adds up to an inside deal, or something else. LaPierre was granting Ackerman business through the NRA while using the ad firm’s American Express card, creating a conflict of interest.

“It’s certainly something that I would want to know more about if I were on the board,” Daniel Kurtz, a former New York charities bureau attorney, told TPM.

But the lawsuit and its ensuing spillover into the public sphere have left some NRA members mystified. Allegations of self-dealing between the NRA and Ackerman have long circulated, raising the question of why the NRA would file a lawsuit that could expose its own financial mismanagement.

Jeff Knox, the son of an NRA officer who raised concerns about the group’s relationship with Ackerman in the 1990s, told TPM in an email that “it all seems way over the top.”

“Too many moving parts, and too little solid information,” Knox wrote. “When in doubt… Follow the money.”

Nadler Blasts ‘Outrageous’ White House Rejection Of House Obstruction Probe

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) called the White House’s sweeping rejection of his committee’s requests related to whether President Trump obstructed justice “outrageous” while speaking to reporters Wednesday afternoon.

“The White House is making the outrageous claim that a president cannot be held accountable in anyway to the American people, ” he said.”They say the Justice Department cannot hold him accountable since a sitting president can’t be indicted, and now they’re saying Congress cannot hold a president accountable. This is ridiculous — it would make the president above the law and of course we totally reject it.”

The White House on Wednesday swatted away the House Judiciary Committee’s requests for documents and interviews with witnesses related to potential obstruction by President Trump. The White House argued that Congress’ effort is “duplicative” of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe.

Nadler seemed frustrated, but unmoved by the letter, vowing to hold in contempt “whoever doesn’t comply with subpoenas.”

Three Florida Radio Stations Promise to Air Trump Speeches Every Hour, Every Day Until 2020 Election

A Florida-based radio station operator has announced that they will use three of their channels to air President Donald Trump‘s speeches and rallies around the clock until Election Day 2020.

Gulf Coast Media Inc. – the owner of Bay County stations WRBA-FM, WKNK-FM and WASJ-FM – said in a press release that their new programming arrangement will have the stations playing two-minute portions of Trump’s speeches every hour of every day for the next 18 months. Owner Samuel Rogatinsky told the Orlando Sentinel that he doesn’t expect any objections to this from listeners since the stations air in “Republican territory.”

“We ran it by a bunch of listeners and people in the area, and nobody’s upset about it,” He said. “Nobody’s offended by it. It’s not an issue.”

Gulf’s press release says its aware that the move “may not be consistent with conventional commercial FM radio,” but it goes on to say that they’ve made their decision out of thanks for the president’s promise to provide $448 million in federal relief for communities in the Florida panhandle that were slammed by hurricanes last year.

People around the world think that Floridians are accustomed to getting battered by Hurricanes and have for the most part ignored the huge losses experienced by people in Panama City and Bay County. People have forgotten about us and the community is so thankful that President Donald Trump made it crystal clear that he was here to help us. After announcing the $448 million relief fund President Donald Trump stated, ‘No games, no gimmicks, no delays. We are just doing it – You’re getting your money one way or the other.'”

CFPB Anti-Discrimination Official Forced Out Over Racist Blogs

A Consumer Financial Protection Bureau official, Eric Blankenstein, has been fired following an internal investigation into his racist blog posts.

Blankenstein was the policy associate director of the Office of Supervision, Enforcement and Fair Lending, the CPFB wing that’s meant to combat discrimination by banks and financial institutions.

According to an email obtained by Bloomberg, he will leave the agency on May 31.

In September last year, the Washington Post discovered Blankenstein’s blog posts from 2004 that argued that “hate-crime hoaxes” are more common than “actual hate crimes.”

Blankenstein also complained about “racial idiocy” at the University of Virginia when students pushed the school to designate racism as an honor code violation. In that same post, he described hate crime legislation as “making it illegal to have a thought.”

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