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Trump Tries To Block Discovery In Emoluments Case

The Justice Department is trying to prevent state attorneys general from beginning the discovery process against President Donald Trump in one of the pending emoluments lawsuits against him.

In a late Nov. 30 filing in the case, DOJ attorneys told a federal court in Maryland that discovery in the case should not proceed until appeals in the case can be heard.

U.S. District Judge Peter Messitte had previously declined Trump’s request to dismiss the case and had declined to allow Trump to appeal that decision immediately. The Justice Department indicated in the filing that the solicitor general is planning to appeal both decisions to the 4th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, and to seek a stay of proceedings in the lower court.

“Accordingly, the President does not believe that discovery should commence now but should await the Court of Appeals’ resolutions of the mandamus petition and stay application,” the feds wrote in the filing. “If this Court nevertheless finds that discovery should proceed now, then the President does not object to the discovery schedule proposed by Plaintiff.”

The state attorneys general for Maryland and the District of Columbia sued Trump in June for allegedly violating the Constitution’s emoluments clause, arguing that by allowing his Pennsylvania Avenue hotel to receive visits from foreign officials and by having federal officials maintain financial relationships with foreign states, Trump violates the compact between the states and the federal government.

The state attorneys general have indicated that discovery in the case would likely consist of six months of interviews with potential witnesses, as well as obtaining records and information on how DC’s Trump International Hotel has helped Trump financially as president.

The state attorneys general cited a separate case over the government’s decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census in an attempt to head off Trump’s appeal and have the judge allow discovery to begin before the appeal court can weigh in.

In that case, discovery continued in spite of a pending appeal before the Supreme Court.

“If the Supreme Court’s grant of certiorari is not a sufficient basis on which to stay active litigation, then surely Defendant’s suggestion that he might file a mandamus petition is no reason to stay discovery, particularly when discovery will be primarily focused on third parties,” the state attorneys general wrote.

Khashoggi Friend Sues Israeli Surveillance Firm, Claiming Spyware Led To Murder

JERUSALEM (AP) — A Saudi dissident has filed a lawsuit against an Israeli surveillance company, claiming its sophisticated spyware targeted him and helped lead to the killing of his friend, Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The suit, filed in a Tel Aviv court on Sunday, follows others previously filed against the company. But because of the dissident’s ties to Khashoggi and his high-profile killing Oct. 2 at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, it is likely to shine a greater spotlight on the Israeli company and the Israeli government, which licenses the export of the surveillance technology.

According to the lawsuit, Omar Abdulaziz, a sharp critic on social media of the Saudi royals and a resident of Canada where he has received asylum, said he was friends with Khashoggi and worked with him on a project meant to rein in pro-monarchy Saudi trolls.

The lawsuit says Abdulaziz received and clicked on a link sent to his phone in June 2018 that he argues exposed his mobile communications to Saudi authorities. It says Abdulaziz faced increased harassment by Saudi authorities after he clicked on the link, including the detention of family members in Saudi Arabia.

The lawsuit says the plaintiff plans to argue that the cooperation between the two activists was “a crucial factor” in the decision to have Khashoggi killed and that there was a direct link between the surveillance carried out on Abdulaziz and the slaying of the U.S.-based columnist for The Washington Post.

A 15-member assassination squad sent from Riyadh strangled and dismembered Khashoggi at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul two months ago. His remains have yet to be found.

Ankara insists the orders for the killing came from the highest levels of the Saudi government, but not King Salman. The Saudi agents blamed for the killing included some members of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s security entourage. Riyadh denies the allegations that the crown prince was in any way linked to Khashoggi’s killing.

“The spying that was directed against (Abdulaziz) and the disclosure of the content of the conversations and messages between him and Khashoggi through the system contributed significantly to the decision to assassinate Mr. Khashoggi by the assassins at the consulate,” the lawsuit states, citing news reports and other sources claiming that NSO Group sold Saudi Arabia the technology in 2017 for $55 million.

The lawsuit says Abdulaziz was notified that his phone was compromised by internet watchdog Citizen Lab, which says it has used an internet survey technique to identify suspected spyware infections linked to the Israeli company.

Abdulaziz is demanding 600,000 shekels — about $160,000 — in damages from the company, as well as an order preventing it from selling its technology, known as “Pegasus,” to Saudi Arabia.

The NSO Group’s smartphone-hacking technology has emerged as a favorite for authorities seeking to crush dissent across the Middle East and Latin America. The Israeli firm’s software is part of a larger family of malware that allows spies to take remote control of phones from anywhere in the world — turning the devices in targets’ pockets into powerful surveillance tools.

In a written statement, NSO Group said the company’s technology “enables governments and law enforcement agencies to fight terrorism and crime.” It said it takes “an extremely scrupulous” approach to the sale of its products, which also undergo vetting and licensing by Israel’s defense ministry.

“We do not tolerate misuse of our products. If there is suspicion of misuse, we investigate it and take the appropriate actions, including suspending or terminating a contract,” it said.

There was no immediate comment from Israel’s defense ministry.

NSO has been under the spotlight for months after dissidents, journalists and other opposition figures have come forward to claim the company’s technology has been used by repressive governments to spy on them. These include Mexican and Qatari journalists who have already filed lawsuits against the company and an Amnesty International employee who was allegedly targeted by the software.

The new suit comes days after the human rights group said it was considering legal steps to have NSO Group’s export license revoked. It said it had made an urgent request to Israel’s defense ministry to have the company’s export license revoked following the targeting of one of its employees. It said the request was denied.

“We thoroughly reject this inadequate response. The mountain of evidence and reports on NSO Group and the sale of its spyware to human rights-violating regimes is substantial proof that NSO has gone rogue,” said Molly Malekar, programs director of Amnesty International Israel.

By continuing to approve NSO’s export license, she added, Israel’s defense ministry is practically admitting to knowingly cooperating with a company whose “software is used to commit human rights abuses.”

Newly Elected GOP Rep. Admits He ‘May Have’ Broken Campaign Finance Law

Newly elected Rep. Ross Spano (R-FL) admitted Friday that loans he made to his campaign committee “may have been in violation of the Federal Campaign Finance Act.”

In a letter dated Friday to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), a lawyer for Spano listed $180,000 in personal loans Spano took out during his congressional campaign from two people, who Spano claims are longtime friends, between June and October.

Around the same, Spano personally lent his campaign nearly the same amount from “personal funds.”

While candidates for federal office may donate or loan an unlimited amount of their own personal wealth to their campaigns, according to federal election law: “If any person, including a relative or friend of the candidate, gives or loans the candidate money ‘for the purpose of influencing any election for Federal office,’ the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate even if they are given to the candidate directly.”

Loans given for the purpose of influencing a federal election, according to the law, are subject to standard $2,700-per-election limits.

Spano and his lawyer have painted the episode as one big oversight.

“When Representative-Elect Spano took out the personal four loans and when Representative-Elect Spano made the four loans to the Committee, he believed he was acting in full compliance with the law – as did Mr. Carreno and Ms. Hunt when they entered the promissory notes with him – based on the consultations they had at the time,” his lawyer wrote to the FEC. (Read the full letter below.)

But Spano’s defeated Democratic opponent, Kristen Carlson, has referred the matter to the FBI for investigation, and according to the Tampa Bay Times, Spano’s Republican primary opponent, a former state representative, “has also accused him of breaking the law.”

“I don’t know if that amount of money would have affected the outcome of my race,” Carlson told the Times, “but I really do believe it affected the primary race.”

And the Tampa Bay Times reported during the campaign itself that Spano was months overdue in filing a personal financial disclosure form that ultimately revealed the personal loans he took from the two friends.

Spano also initially lowballed the amount of one loan. A footnote in his letter to the FEC blames the mistake — which listed a loan of $75,000 erroneously as $35,000 — on a “draftsman’s error.” A Spano spokesperson told the Times Saturday that he had not yet received “any letter of inquiry” from the FEC, the paper reported.

Days After Cohen Plea, Matt Schlapp Claims Mueller Has ‘No Case’

Matt Schlapp, husband of White House Director of Strategic Communications Mercedes Schlapp and chairman of an influential conservative lobbying group, suggested on Fox News Monday that special counsel Robert Mueller has “no case.”

The comments come just days after President Trump’s former attorney pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the timing of Trump Tower Moscow dealings and also amid email evidence that an associate of Roger Stone may have lied about his communications with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.


Michael Cohen’s Sentencing Memo Is Packed With Tantalizing Details



SWAT Officer Demoted For Wearing QAnon Patch in Photo With VP Mike Pence

A SWAT officer with the Broward County Sheriff’s department was demoted after he was caught in a photo with Vice President Mike Pence wearing a QAnon conspiracy patch.

Matt Patten, a deputy on the Florida county’s SWAT team, was reprimanded and demoted over the incident, the Miami New Times reported Monday.

Patten was snapped wearing the patch while meeting with Pence at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. The photo was posted on Pence’s official Twitter page, and spotted by Right Wing Watch’s Jared Holt

The tweet was deleted by Pence’s account some time afterwards.

The QAnon conspiracy theory, popular amongst a particularly gullible faction of Trump supporters, holds that the president is at war with the “deep state,” a cabal of pedophiles intent on sabotaging his administration from within.

In a written reprimand obtained by the Times, the Broward Sheriff’s Office called QAnon “controversial” and said the photo made them seem “biased” politically.

“This resulted in negative ramifications on a national platform as a controversy for the Broward Sheriff’s Office, the County, the SWAT team, and Sergeant Patten,” the reprimand said, per the Times. “The controversy also caused the V.P.O.T.U.S. Office Website to delete the image.”