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Fox’s Kilmeade Frets About ‘Diseases’ That Immigrants Could Bring To America

Brian Kilmeade, co-host of “Fox and Friends,” expressed fear Monday about the “diseases” that “entire populations” of immigrants could bring to the United States.

“What about diseases? There is a reason you can’t bring a kid to school unless he is inoculated,” Kilmeade said. “Is it too much to say we just can’t have countries’ entire populations come in here without being looked at as hard-hearted? To me it’s a practical way of having a nation that everyone looks up to and wants to be a part of. That’s part of the reason why America is America. There is a process.”

Republicans have been focusing on the “caravan” of immigrants slowly trekking to the United States from Central America as a midterm boogeyman.

DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen echoed the base’s talking points this weekend, floating the option of banning these immigrants, most of whom are fleeing unbearable violence and poverty in their home countries, from seeking asylum in the United States.


At Georgetown Prep Reunion, Kavanaugh Welcomed Back With Open Arms

At a Georgetown Prep reunion event this weekend, Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh was welcomed with cheers and selfie requests, according to a Sunday New York Times report.

During a football game, he posed for a picture with his old classmates — after requesting that everyone drop their beers.

After the game, Georgetown Prep president Rev. James Van Dyke reportedly addressed Kavanaugh’s class of 1983, saying that “we’ve all been thrown into the mix together” and that he’d “heard so many of your names.” He also praised “the loyalty that you have had to each other, the way that you have looked after each other, and not just in the big stories but also a lot of small stories.”

According to the New York Times, Van Dyke’s speech was interrupted with cheers of “Squi!” and “P.J.!” referring to two of Kavanaugh’s classmates that came up repeatedly during the Senate hearings called because he was accused of sexual assault by professor Christine Blasey Ford.

Nielsen Doesn’t Rule Out Sealing Border To Asylum Seekers: Everything Is ‘On The Table’

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen on Sunday did not deny reports that President Donald Trump is considering sealing the U.S.-Mexico border, even to asylum seekers, via an executive order. Such an action would be contrary to U.S. and international law requiring that asylum seekers be given an opportunity to make their case.

“On what legal basis could he do that?” Fox News’ Christopher Wallace asked Nielsen, after noting a report that Trump could order the border closed “even to those seeking asylum.”

Nielsen didn’t answer directly. “This caravan is not getting in. There’s a legal way to enter this country. Those who choose to enter illegally will be stopped.”

Multiple outlets reported this week that Trump is considering sealing the southern border to asylum seekers via an executive order citing his national security authority, despite Trump himself admitting he has no proof to back up his claims that criminals and terrorists are among those asylum seekers and migrants headed toward the border. In any case, the caravan is currently about 1,000 miles away from the U.S.-Mexico border.

Wallace pressed: “On what basis can you say that this caravan poses a national security threat?”

“We have a crisis at the border right now,” Nielsen responded, before adding, referring to the number of people apprehended daily while crossing the southern border: “We essentially see caravans every day with these numbers.”

“I think what the President is making clear is every possible action, authority, executive program is on the table to consider to ensure that it is clear that there is a right and legal way to come to this country, and no other ways will be tolerated,” she said.

Wallace pressed again: “We’re talking, in many cases here, about women, about children, about babies. How do they threaten national security?”

After pointing out that the caravan “isn’t a ticketed event,” Nielsen asserted: “This is about the rule of law, this is about understanding who is in the flow. And Chris, I cannot tell you, as secretary of Homeland Security, that I know every person in this flow.”

“What I do know,” she continued, “is that we stop 3,000 people a year who have travel patterns similar to terrorists attempting to come in the southwest border.”

Reached for comment, a DHS spokesperson did not clarify what “travel patterns similar to terrorists” are.

Nielsen also asserted that “in general, we stop, across the United States, 10 known or suspected terrorists a day from getting into the United States.”

That appeared similar to claims made by Vice President Mike Pence and White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders in recent days. Pressed for details about the statistic, a DHS official gave TPM a different, more general version, that “On average last year, DHS prevented 10 individuals tied to terror — known or suspect terrorists — each day from traveling or attempting to travel to the United States.” The official said “there is no report to link to” that backs up the assertion, just unpublished “DHS data.”

As Sessions’ Firing Seems Imminent, Allies Lobby Trump To Allow Graceful Exit

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sensing that Jeff Sessions’ days at the Justice Department may be numbered, some of his supporters want the White House to allow for a graceful exit for an attorney general they believe has dutifully carried out the administration’s agenda even while enduring the president’s fury.

It seems unlikely that efforts to soften a possible dismissal after the Nov. 6 midterm election would find sympathy in the White House, where President Donald Trump’s rage remains unabated over the attorney general’s recusal from the Russia investigation. A hand-picked successor could theoretically oversee the rest of the probe in place of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

But some supporters say they hope that if and when Sessions is replaced, his record as senator and attorney general will be recognized and not overwhelmed by Trump’s attacks, or that the administration will at least respect the Justice Department by guaranteeing a smooth transition.

A scenario advocated by at least one Sessions ally, former Cincinnati Mayor Ken Blackwell, would allow him to remain on the job until January and be permitted to resign on his own then rather than be fired immediately after the midterms. Blackwell said allies have made their case to administration officials that Sessions has successfully pushed the president’s core priorities, including on illegal immigration, and deserves some sort of recognition from the White House that “he has more than a passing grade.”

“It is not unknown, from anyone from John Kelly to Jared Kushner, that there is a base of support,” said Blackwell, referring to Trump’s chief of staff and son-in-law. “A portion of that base is ready to continue advocacy for his service.”

Newt Gingrich, a former Republican House speaker who is close to the White House and calls himself a longtime “admirer” of Sessions, said he would be open to serving as an intermediary if asked between the White House and Sessions supporters.

“He deserves a graceful exit. His career deserves a strong conclusion,” said Gingrich, who called Sessions “a strong conservative who has done strong work at the Department of Justice.”

Sessions, who has publicly acknowledged the president’s displeasure, has plowed forward with the conventional duties of the job, including a regular calendar of events and announcements. On Friday, he spoke first at the Justice Department news conference announcing the arrest of a mail-bomb suspect in Florida.

The president, though mindful that Sessions remains popular among much of his base, would seem unlikely to sign off on a plan to extend Sessions’ time in office, according to a White House official and an outside adviser familiar with Trump’s thinking but not authorized to publicly discuss private conversations. Trump has repeatedly had to be talked out of firing Sessions before November and has signaled to allies that he wants to make sweeping changes at the Justice Department once the midterms have concluded.

He told The Associated Press this month that he was “not thrilled” with Sessions but made no commitment to dismiss him.

If Trump were to wait, it would not be out of deference to Sessions, but rather because the White House would be managing the fallout from the midterms and preparing for a pair of presidential overseas trips in November, according to the official.

Sessions’ decision to recuse remains his original sin in Trump’s eyes. Trump has fumed that Sessions has not done more to protect his personal interests and has vented about what he sees as Sessions’ failure to get a handle on immigration and his lack of emphasis on combating transnational criminal organizations.

Cameron Smith, a former Sessions Senate aide, said, “The idea that this gets better — they stand next to each other and sing common praises — I just don’t see anybody looking at that seriously.”

After being berated by Trump over the recusal decision last year, Sessions offered his resignation, but it was rejected. He has been widely viewed as determined to stay in the job because he believes in Trump’s agenda, which largely mirrors his own interests, and reluctant to leave a job for which he gave up a Senate seat.

For more than a year, Trump has repeatedly polled advisers as to whether he should fire Sessions. Some of his closest aides, including attorney Rudy Giuliani, have counseled him not to do so, at least not yet.

The case that Sessions’ protectors outlined to Trump largely consists of three components:

— Firing Sessions, a witness in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of obstruction of justice, would add legal peril to his standing in the Russia probe.
— Doing so would anger the president’s political base, which Trump cares deeply about, especially before the midterms.

— A number of Republican senators would rebel against the treatment of a longtime colleague and potentially not hold confirmation hearings for a replacement if the GOP holds onto the Senate.

Blackwell, the Sessions friend, said conservatives are divided between those who support firing him immediately and those who regard him as loyal to their cause, protective of their ideals and propelling Trump’s agenda. Gingrich, for instance, calls the recusal “inexcusable” even as he professes admiration for Sessions.

The ground appears to have softened recently after some influential Republicans, including Sen. Lindsey Graham, suggested Trump would have the right, after the elections, to select a replacement he trusted.

Smith said one way Trump could enable a respectful exit would be for the White House to craft a smooth succession plan and allow Sessions to be part of the process.

Ed Meese, a Reagan administration attorney general and Sessions friend, said he wasn’t thinking about Sessions’ departure because “I don’t want to see him fired at all.”

“I think he’s taken it with grace,” Meese said of Sessions’ response to Trump’s anger. “What he is recused from is less than 1 percent of the department and he has done an outstanding job in everything he’s done in the department.”

Trump’s ‘Executive Time’ Puts Him Totally Out Of Step With Predecessors

Unlike his predecessor, President Donald Trump chafes at being scheduled, sitting through hours of policy meetings and being kept from his phone and television for long chunks of time.

These unusual preferences have created a presidential schedule unlike any other, with Trump’s days officially starting in the late morning or afternoon, and usually only punctuated with a couple of events, largely political in nature.

According to a Monday Politico report, every President has different preferences. Barack Obama stayed up late; George W. Bush woke up early. Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter made calls in the middle of the night when issues or ideas arose.

Trump varies from his peers in that he tends to avoid the brunt of policy-making altogether. According to schedules obtained by Politico, Trump spent only two hours on policy last week. He received the Presidential Daily briefing just twice in five days. In contrast, Obama averaged about six to seven hours of policy meetings per day, according to his deputy policy chief of staff Nancy-Ann DeParle.

Trump’s Campaign Manager Reportedly Wanted Roseanne to Appear at Rally After Her Firing

Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale likes a show and bringing big names to back Donald Trump and apparently, one of the names he floated to have stand with the president at a rally was none other than Roseanne Barr.

Parscale made the suggestion after Barr was fired for making a Twitter slur. The move riled some even within the Trump camp, according to the New York Times.

The New York Times reports:

He tends to think in headline-making concepts, but sometimes Mr. Parscale has failed to consider the potential problems of an unconventional approach. When Roseanne Barr was fired from her ABC show over a racist Twitter post, Mr. Parscale mused about the possibility that she be invited to appear alongside Mr. Trump at his campaign rally later that night. Others quickly rejected the idea.


King: If My Neo-Nazi-Linked European Pals Lived In US, They’d ‘Be Republicans’

Questioned Saturday about his long history of fraternizing with European groups criticized for their links to neo-Nazis, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) responded with a remarkable self-own.

King cited Austria’s Freedom Party—an extremely anti-immigrant, populist political party founded in 1956 by a former SS officer—to argue to the Washington Post that it was more fair to refer to these groups as “far right.”

“If they were in America pushing the platform that they push, they would be Republicans,” King told the Post.

The Freedom Party is currently led by Heinz-Christian Strache, who was active in neo-Nazi circles as a youth and who claimed to have met with former national security adviser Michael Flynn at Trump Tower in winter 2016. Other members of the party shared photos online that they said were taken at Trump Tower on election night, where they celebrated Trump’s victory.

In February, a high-ranking official from the party resigned after revelations that a fraternity that he used to lead distributed a songbook that joked about killing Jews.

The Post caught up with King after 11 people were murdered at a Pittsburgh
synagogue on Saturday by a man who allegedly screamed “all Jews need to die” before opening fire.

The tragedy brought new attention to King’s record of espousing anti-immigrant views, retweeting neo-Nazis, and, most recently, endorsing a white nationalist candidate for mayor of Toronto.


New Quinnipiac Poll: O’Rourke Gains 4 Points, Narrows Cruz’s Lead
Kate Riga

Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) has gained ground in the newest poll from Quinnipiac University. He’s now down 5 points (51-46) from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) as opposed to his 9-point deficit (54-45) just three weeks ago.

Per Quinnipiac, Cruz is holding on to his lead due to his gender advantage: he is winning handily with men, while O’Rourke only has a modest edge with women.

Thousands Of Troops, Up From Initial Estimate Of 800, Could Head To Border

WASHINGTON (AP) — Three U.S. officials say the number of military troops deployed to the southern border in support of the Customs and Border Patrol could be in the thousands.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a troop plan that was not yet completed and had not yet been approved by Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

The Wall Street Journal reported the planned deployment was likely to be much higher than officials had disclosed late last week when preliminary figures of 800 to 1,000 were cited. The Journal reported that the Pentagon plans to deploy 5,000 troops, mainly military police and engineers.

The troops are expected to perform a wide variety of functions such as transporting supplies for the Border Patrol, but not engage directly with migrants seeking to cross the border from Mexico, officials said.

Nope! White House Falsely Claims Trump Won Popular Vote

Kate Riga

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders blatantly lied at Monday’s press briefing about one of her boss’ biggest fixations: the 2016 election results.

Sanders said that President Donald Trump won the votes of an “overwhelming majority of 63 million Americans” in 2016. In reality, Hillary Clinton won 65.8 million votes to Trump’s 63 million, winning the popular vote by about 2.8 million ballots.
