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The Official World Politics Thread

Is there any Republican you know that's going to work to improve our communities?

I can't say as to your community. But the point is to pay attention to your local ballots. Blindly voting Democrats hasn't helped us yet. They look at us as the black vote only and offer nothing in return. Time for us to start getting picky.
Now that this 51-49 Senate vote has been performed almost down the party line.......its pretty evident the vote will be about the same once the Mueller probe results are released.......this will fall short of the mandatory 67 votes to impeach a President
Black people do not owe the Democratic party anything. It is not our responsibility to fight the Republicans. We need to focus on us and make sure our local government is filled with people who work to improve our communities. The Democratic party has frankly taken the black vote for granted to the point they don't even bother to pander to us anymore. Pay attention to your local positions and let the national parties fight it out amongst themselves. We have bigger things to worry about.

And I'm not a man.

This is such a horrible take. You are totally missing the point when you say black people don't owe Democrats anything.

NO SHIT!!!!!!

We all know this but that isn't the point. The point is black people for a multitude of reasons keep failing to read the defense. The longer we keep believing in this fantasy that if black folks just look out for each other that we'll be alright the longer we'll remain stagnant like we are. When are we gonna admit that any and everything black people want in this country cannot get done without white approval? I mean more than half of the eligible black voters in this country don't even fucking vote and would rather sit at home and make dumbass empty arguments about how there's nobody out there fighting for our interest.

It's like niggas are too dumb to read the play. When people like me tell you to vote a straight Democratic ticket I'm not telling you to bend the knee to white Democrats. I'm telling you that the only path to widespread success in this country for black people will 100% have to go through white people and in todays society we have two choices. Democrats or Republicans. We are trailing by multiple touchdowns. We're not gonna get it all back in one play so stop running four verts. Take the short yardage. Take what the defense is giving you because truthfully we are lucky to even still be allowed to play.

And no the Democratic party does not take the black vote for granted. Black people take the black vote for granted. How many niggas stayed home and didn't vote for HRC using that same logic you're using? Yeah it's important to worry about your local community but please let's not act like niggas can't do both.

And do you mind explaining what possible bigger things do black people have to worry about than voting? I mean.......this utopia where black people just live amongst ourselves in our little communities and let white people run the country is fallacy. It's not realistic and more important it's a dangerous way of thinking.

You might not see it but all of your talking points were Republican talking points. They would love for niggas to stay home and get angry at Democrats and only worry about themselves while they turn the country back to the 1800s like they want it to be.
This is such a horrible take. You are totally missing the point when you say black people don't owe Democrats anything.

NO SHIT!!!!!!

We all know this but that isn't the point. The point is black people for a multitude of reasons keep failing to read the defense. The longer we keep believing in this fantasy that if black folks just look out for each other that we'll be alright the longer we'll remain stagnant like we are. When are we gonna admit that any and everything black people want in this country cannot get done without white approval? I mean more than half of the eligible black voters in this country don't even fucking vote and would rather sit at home and make dumbass empty arguments about how there's nobody out there fighting for our interest.

It's like niggas are too dumb to read the play. When people like me tell you to vote a straight Democratic ticket I'm not telling you to bend the knee to white Democrats. I'm telling you that the only path to widespread success in this country for black people will 100% have to go through white people and in todays society we have two choices. Democrats or Republicans. We are trailing by multiple touchdowns. We're not gonna get it all back in one play so stop running four verts. Take the short yardage. Take what the defense is giving you because truthfully we are lucky to even still be allowed to play.

And no the Democratic party does not take the black vote for granted. Black people take the black vote for granted. How many niggas stayed home and didn't vote for HRC using that same logic you're using? Yeah it's important to worry about your local community but please let's not act like niggas can't do both.

And do you mind explaining what possible bigger things do black people have to worry about than voting? I mean.......this utopia where black people just live amongst ourselves in our little communities and let white people run the country is fallacy. It's not realistic and more important it's a dangerous way of thinking.

You might not see it but all of your talking points were Republican talking points. They would love for niggas to stay home and get angry at Democrats and only worry about themselves while they turn the country back to the 1800s like they want it to be.

I never said stay home and not vote. I'm committed to doing my part by voting and I encourage everyone around me to vote. I go a step further and I'm an election official. Been doing it for ten years. But I also firmly believe everyone should be well aware of just who they are voting for. Voting for a straight ticket without taking a look at each of the candidates is absurd.
I never said stay home and not vote. I'm committed to doing my part by voting and I encourage everyone around me to vote. I go a step further and I'm an election official. Been doing it for ten years. But I also firmly believe everyone should be well aware of just who they are voting for. Voting for a straight ticket without taking a look at each of the candidates is absurd.

You are correct. That is absurd. The problem however, is that Republicans are laying by different rules. Democrats will talk your head off about how wrong something is while Republicans will do whatever it takes to win. We are beyond the point of people being well aware of who they are voting for. You can't ask people to do that while Republicans continue to elect these monsters.

How about this......

While you take your time and look at each candidate and find the one that best suits you Republicans will continue to pour money into organizations that tell them which candidate to vote for and they will continue to show up and vote for them. As far as black people go there has never been a candidate that even comes close to suiting us but the only way to eventually get to that point is to do exactly what republicans are doing. Throw out the fucking rules and play dirty. Fuck the morals and values and second thoughts when voting. Play dirty or keep getting blown out.
I can't say as to your community. But the point is to pay attention to your local ballots. Blindly voting Democrats hasn't helped us yet. They look at us as the black vote only and offer nothing in return. Time for us to start getting picky.
Can't be picky with 2 choices. It's either a Democrat or a Republican. What you're saying sounds noble, but it's not practical given our current set of circumstances.

I don't know a Republican I would vote for over a Democrat. It's the whole lesser of 2 evils thing. That's fucked up too, but not voting the lesser of 2 evils is how we got Trump and we see how that's going.

And people voting independent is also how we got Trump so voting 3rd party isn't effective either.
less of the two evils is rather simplistic view... one of the the biggest problems in politics has been the middle there is no such thing thats basically purgtory.
less of the two evils is rather simplistic view... one of the the biggest problems in politics has been the middle there is no such thing thats basically purgtory.
I don't understand. So are you saying don't vote lesser of two evils cause it's simplistic or do vote lesser of two evils cause there's no middle?
saying shit like its the .. lesser of two evils is simplistic and a wrongheaded take

as far as the middle that is the source of ...do nothingness aka status quo

I also dont believe in "independent" wishy washy motherfuckers they can all kick the biggest or rocks
saying shit like its the .. lesser of two evils is simplistic and a wrongheaded take

as far as the middle that is the source of ...do nothingness aka status quo

I also dont believe in "independent" wishy washy motherfuckers they can all kick the biggest or rocks

So you saying don’t vote?
fuck No vote dem and the up and coming leaders need not follow in the vein of their predecessors go forward and dont look back. i was never a big bernie cat i thought he was a one trick pony however his existence has a purpose

More women and minorities are running ever than before and seem to be far more progressive thats necessary
African Americans are in a really shitty position regardin' the vote because Republican policies are likely to be (way) more harmful than Democrat policies, but votin' Dem each time means the Democrats don't have to offer anything for it.

I'm a pragmatist so I'd prolly vote Dem but really its about makin' sure the local level politicians keep the higher ups on message.
African Americans are in a really shitty position regardin' the vote because Republican policies are likely to be (way) more harmful than Democrat policies, but votin' Dem each time means the Democrats don't have to offer anything for it.

I'm a pragmatist so I'd prolly vote Dem but really its about makin' sure the local level politicians keep the higher ups on message.

This whole notion that Democrats don't have anything to offer for black folks is false. That is a Republican talking point.

Does this sound familiar?

"Democrats have done nothing for you. You should vote for me. What do you have to lose?"
This whole notion that Democrats don't have anything to offer for black folks is false. That is a Republican talking point.

Does this sound familiar?

"Democrats have done nothing for you. You should vote for me. What do you have to lose?"

I didn't say they have nothin' to offer, I said that Republican policies are more likely yo be harmful than Democrat policies. I put it that way because it's wrong to say that Democrats will help blacks; it's dependant on each Dem. Centralists may as well be conservative.

Even so, like I said I'd vote Dem because I kno' that they are far more progressive and such policies are beneficial to all poor people, which is pretty much the best all us blacks in white countries can get.

That said tho' the Dems could be led by a socialist someday and that would be dope
I didn't say they have nothin' to offer, I said that Republican policies are more likely yo be harmful than Democrat policies. I put it that way because it's wrong to say that Democrats will help blacks; it's dependant on each Dem. Centralists may as well be conservative.

Even so, like I said I'd vote Dem because I kno' that they are far more progressive and such policies are beneficial to all poor people, which is pretty much the best all us blacks in white countries can get.

That said tho' the Dems could be led by a socialist someday and that would be dope

Saying Democrats will help blacks is not wrong. As black people, our only path to success in this country is to push through this wall with Democrats. There is no other option. All of this black building, buying black, banking black, black utopia shit does not have the foundation to get far in this country at all. If it did then we would've rose up a long time ago and would be leading this nation now but we aren't. A very small percent of black people even vote and some of the ones that do even vote Republican or third party like idiots.

The reason why I say it's Dem no matter what is because the only other option is vote Republican or third party which is dumb or don't vote at all and buy into all of this black people are independent shit. Black folks aren't organized nearly enough to go away from our best option at this point in time which is to vote Dem no matter who the candidate is. At least later on we can manuver ourselves into better position should we choose to replace the Dems we vote for. There is no wiggle room with Republicans. They don't like us.