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Schlapp: Dems Raising Kavanaugh Allegations Now ‘Incredibly Disturbing’

White House Director of Strategic Communications Mercedes Schlapp called Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) decision to sit on allegations made against Brett Kavanaugh in order to protect the identity of the victim “incredibly disturbing,” heaping onto the White House’s reported plan to slam Democrats over the rollout of the accusations.

During an interview with Fox Business Network on Tuesday, Schlapp — whose husband is a longtime Trump supporter and the chairman of the American Conservative Union — reiterated the White House’s support for Kavanaugh and slammed Feinstein for her “delay tactics” in bringing up the allegations “last minute.”

Schlapp also said she spent a “lot of time” with Kavanaugh during their “younger years” and claimed the judge was “incredibly professional.”

Feinstein knew about a letter sent by an anonymous woman in July, but sat on the allegations to honor the victim’s request to keep her identity under wraps. She announced in a statement last week she’d turned a letter over to the FBI.

Once the contents of the letter began to leak, the accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, revealed herself in an interview with The Washington Post and outlined her claims that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in high school. Since then, the Senate Judiciary Committee and members of Congress have called for both sides to testify before a confirmation vote can take place. Those testimonies are scheduled for Monday.


‘#IStandWithBrett’: WH Will Assemble Various Women As Kavanaugh Character Witnesses

As the White House concocts its counterattack to professor Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegation, the team plans to assemble women from various times in Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s life to attest to his moral rectitude, according to a Monday CNN report.

The White House has reportedly been rounding up the 65 women who signed a letter singing his praises, asking them to publicly voice their support. They also may hold a press conference with Kavanaugh’s female friends and advocates.

Some female former coworkers have started the movement of their own volition, tweeting “#IStandWithBrett” and relating flattering stories and characterizations.

Per CNN, the caution with which the White House is planning its next steps is most notable in President Donald Trump’s behavior, when he restrained himself from his usual tack of going after the accuser at a Monday press conference.

This is likely because if Kavanaugh is ultimately forced to drop out and Republicans fail to shove another nominee through, the seat could remain open after the midterms during which the Republicans’ Senate majority may be imperiled.

Andrew McCabe Is Publishing A Book Titled ‘The Threat’ About Trump, FBI

David Taintor

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is writing a book about his tumultuous tenure in the Trump administration, titled “The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump.”

“I wrote this book because the president’s attacks on me symbolize his destructive effect on the country as a whole,” McCabe said in a statement released by his publisher. “He is undermining America’s safety and security, and eroding public confidence in its institutions. His attacks on the most crucial institutions of government, and on the professionals who serve within them, should make every American stand up and take notice.”

Schiff: Trump Declassifying DOJ Materials ‘A Clear Abuse Of Power’

The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee called President Trump’s move to declassify Justice Department materials related to the Russia investigation “a clear abuse of power” that risks exposing U.S. intelligence-gathering strategies.

“With respect to some of these materials, I have been previously informed by the FBI and Justice Department that they would consider their release a red line that must not be crossed as they may compromise sources and methods,” Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) said in a Monday night statement, chastising Trump for directly intervening in an ongoing federal law enforcement probe.

“This is evidently of no consequence to a President who cares about nothing about the country and everything about his narrow self-interest,” Schiff continued.

The White House announced Monday that Trump asked the Justice Department to immediately declassify documents pertaining to the FBI’s application to surveil former Trump campaign aide Carter Page, as well as all texts on the Russia probe sent by former top government officials.

The targeted officials include figures Trump has spent months attacking, like fired FBI Director James Comey and former Justice Department lawyer Bruce Ohr.

Democrats Decry ‘Sham’ Kavanaugh Hearing After GOP Refuses Additional Witnesses

Senate Democrats slammed their GOP counterparts for scheduling what they described as a “sham” hearing on allegations of sexual assault levied against Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Tuesday, ripping them for refusing to allow corroborating witnesses.

“We’re calling for an investigation, an assessment of the facts, for other witnesses to be heard from, and then have this hearing,” Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), a member of Democratic leadership, told reporters Tuesday afternoon.

Facing mounting pressure, Senate Republicans announced Monday evening that they’d hold a hearing next Monday to look into whether California professor Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were teenagers.

But the GOP didn’t consult Democrats before announcing that day. They didn’t even ask Ford if she’d be available to testify then. And they are refusing to allow any other witnesses besides Ford and Kavanaugh, limiting the committee’s ability to be able to look at other corroborating evidence and more accurately weigh whether she’s telling the truth. And the White House and Justice Department haven’t instructed the FBI to investigate the matter, keeping them from probing the facts of the case. Ford has said she’d testify in front of the Senate, but has yet to respond to Republicans’ demand that

Those maneuvers to rush through Kavanaugh’s confirmation in spite of the serious allegations that have been brought against him have Democrats incensed.

“We should not be rushing to judgment with a sham hearing on Monday,” Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) said, after arguing Ford’s “account is specific, she told her therapist five years ago, she told her friend last year, she passed a polygraph test and she has everything to lose.”

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, was visibly enraged by the GOP’s approach.

“What really bothers me and gets me so angry is that the white house is victimizing this person,” she said. “To the men in this country, just shut up and step up. Do the right thing for a change.”

As Democrats walked away from the microphones at their weekly Senate press conference, Hirono confronted Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who was walking to the mics.

“Do the right thing!” she said while pointing at him, according to the Washington Examiner.

McConnell, for his part, said the one-on-one Monday hearing was plenty to hear out both sides.

“It’s pretty obvious this is all about delaying the process but the accuser has a right to be heard,” he said. “Monday is her opportunity.”

McConnell didn’t answer questions about why other witnesses wouldn’t be allowed to testify.

Trump: FBI Won’t Investigate Kavanaugh Allegation Because It’s ‘Not Their Thing’

President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the FBI is not following up on professor Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh because “this is not really their thing.”

“I don’t think the FBI should really be involved because they don’t want to be involved,” Trump said. “If they wanted to be, I would certainly do that. But they say this is not really their thing. I think politically speaking, the senators will do a very good job.”

According to a Bloomberg report, the FBI requires a request from the White House to conduct a follow-up investigation on the accusation.

The White House and Department of Justice, on the other hand, argue that it’s not the FBI’s job.

Senate Democrats are clamoring for the investigation, but the White House and Republican senators have been dismissive.


Trump Reportedly Angry at GOP FL Gov. Candidate Ron DeSantis for Being ‘Disloyal’

You may remember that when President Donald Trump started questioning the Puerto Rico death toll of 2,975, Ron DeSantis––the Republican candidate for Florida governor––distanced himself from the President’s remarks.

“He doesn’t believe any loss of life has been inflated,” a statement from his campaign said.

After that, Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs raged at DeSantis and Rick Scott for, essentially, betraying the president.

And now it turns out Trump himself wasn’t particularly happy with DeSantis (whom he endorsed in the gubernatorial primary). Per Politico:

The president has told close associates in recent days that he views DeSantis — who won his Aug. 28 GOP primary thanks to Trump’s strong support — as profoundly disloyal for distancing himself from the president’s assertion that the Hurricane Maria death toll was inflated by Democrats for political purposes…

Trump views the former congressman as politically indebted to him, people familiar with the president’s thinking say, because he believes DeSantis owes his electoral success to him. The president has privately maintained that he was correct with his comments about the hurricane’s death toll, and has expressed frustration that DeSantis crossed him on the matter.

The DeSantis campaign said in a statement to Politico, “Ron DeSantis knows first-hand that President Trump honored all requests for Hurricane Maria relief and it is sad, though predictable, that Democrats are wrongly politicizing this issue and that the media is constantly trying to drive a wedge between the president and members of his own party.”

Those words are nice to hear. What actions has he taken before running for office regarding what he is saying? If he has been felt that way he should have some track record of work he has put in behind the good things he is talking.

Shaun King promoting the same shit that keeps fucking black people over. Can't keep doing the same shit over and over and expecting different results. How many times have we black people heard a candidate talk a good game for our votes then once in office none of that shit they was talking about is put into action. Can't keep GIVING away votes just because what someone is telling us.

The old saying still holds weight and true: Actions speak louder than words
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Those words are nice to hear. What actions has he taken before running for office regarding what he is saying? If he has been felt that way he should have some track record of work he has put in behind the good things he is talking.

Shaun King promoting the same shit that keeps fucking black people over. Can't keep doing the same shit over and over and expecting different results. How many times have we black people heard a candidate talk a good game for our votes then once in office none of that shit they was talking about is put into action. Can't keep GIVING away votes just because what someone is telling us.

The old saying still holds weight and true: Actions speak louder than words

Research for yourself.