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Morning Joe Gets Tense After Challenging Mississippi Senate Candidate Over Confederate Flag

Morning Joe hit the road today, broadcasting their show from Oxford, Mississippi. As such, they invited various local politicians to their influential airwaves, and it as an interview with Republican Senate candidate Chris McDaniel in which things seem to get a little tense. Or, at least, the interview was collegial but tense ideological clash based on race and American history vis-a-vis the Confederate flag.

Things got interesting when regular panelist Eddie Glaude, Jr. (who hails from Moss Point, MS) noted that 38% of Mississippi residents are black, before asking the GOP Senate hopeful where he stood on issues he saw related to the African-American population of the state.

“Your position around the Confederate flag and hip-hop as a source of gun violence. Your position around Robert E. Lee. I can go on and on and on,” a thoughtful Glaude, Jr. listed before asking “how do you convince black folk in this state are you not a danger to them?”

McDaniel, a conservative radio show host, defended his position on the Confederate flag by citing polls that claim 65% of all Mississippians are in support of the flag, but understanding that it is offensive to some.

Glaude, Jr. pushed back asking how specifically how McDaniel would speak to those 38% African-American residents of the state.

McDaniel drew boos from the audience in attendance when his reply hit what seemed to be a sour note. I’m going to ask them, after 100 years of relying on big government to save you, where are you today? After 100 years of begging for federal government scraps, where are you today?”

McDaniel quickly clarified that he was talking about Mississippi being the dead last state of the union in terms of wealth, but the damage was done. The fact that the people of color on the Morning Joe panel appeared to outnumber the people of color in the audience didn’t make for an any less tense discussion.
The walls are closing in but Trump can easily ignore the subpoena as long as the GOP controls the House and Senate because he knows there are no consequences involved. That changes however if the Democrats get control during the midterms.


If President Donald Trump wanted to pardon his former campaign chief Paul Manafort, "that ship has really sailed" now that Manafort has struck a plea deal, former Justice Department official Matt Miller told CNBC's "Power Lunch" on Friday.

Manafort pleaded guilty on Friday to conspiracy charges and has agreed to cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing investigations.

"It's not just Manafort's agreement to cooperate in the future that is important. It's the fact that he's already told the prosecutors everything that he knows and he's answered the questions that they would have asked," said Miller, former chief spokesperson for the Justice Department and NBC News analyst. Mueller would not have entered into a deal and agreed to any type of reduction in sentencing otherwise, Miller said.

Manafort's guilty plea relates to money earned from consulting work on behalf of pro-Russia politicians in Ukraine and predates his time with the Trump campaign. However, Manafort has agreed to cooperate "in any and all matters as to which the government deems the cooperation relevant."

Manafort attended a controversial meeting at Trump Tower during the campaign. Also in attendance were Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, along with a Russian lawyer who was offering dirt about Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

"If the president were to pardon him now and allow him to walk free tomorrow, Bob Mueller already knows the answers to those questions, and he can still compel him to testify with a grand jury subpoena. He can compel him to testify at trial," Miller explained.

And if Manafort gave answers that contradicted what he already told prosecutors under oath, he could be charged with perjury, he added.

Famed defense attorney Alan Dershowitz told MSNBC on Friday that Manafort was probably hoping for a pardon but agreed now it is "too little, too late."

"There will be no pardon. It would backfire at this point because, number one, if he's given a pardon, then he can't take the Fifth Amendment," he said. "He would have to testify anyway. He could be called in front of a grand jury. So the pardon is off the table."

Dershowitz said it remains to be seen whether Manafort's plea deal will help prosecutors.

The White House and Trump's attorneys responded swiftly to the deal.

Rudy Giuliani, Trump's attorney for the Russia probe, said: "Once again an investigation has concluded with a plea having nothing to do with President Trump or the Trump campaign."

"The reason: the President did nothing wrong and Paul Manafort will tell the truth," Giuliani said.

However, minutes after Giuliani's statement was released, another Trump lawyer, Jay Sekulow, sent a "corrected statement" that said the same thing but omitted the words "and Paul Manafort will tell the truth."

Sooooo...he had to fight for roles and fight to get better grades to get into the school he wanted. So is saying he's mad b/c he feels those things are entitled to him, and he shouldn't hav had to go thru that???
His smug response about the confederate flag, hip hop and black folk was disgusting.......him getting elected in Mississippi wouldn't surprise me

Finally watched. I don't agree with what dude said, but we've got to get away from sensationalizing the smallest shit. This wasn't even that bad.

This is why the really bad shit gets ignored now. If everything is a big deal nothing is a big deal.
Finally watched. I don't agree with what dude said, but we've got to get away from sensationalizing the smallest shit. This wasn't even that bad.

This is why the really bad shit gets ignored now. If everything is a big deal nothing is a big deal.

I thought the same thing. He made a few decent points even though it was hypocritical coming from him.
Remember a couple of days ago when I stated Trump more than likely won’t see impeachment cuz some high level dems ain’t really with it and someone called me uninformed

Remember a couple of days ago when I stated Trump more than likely won’t see impeachment cuz some high level dems ain’t really with it and someone called me uninformed

Fam, Diane Feinstein being on some fuckboy shit ain’t nothing new. It’s exactly why she was primaried several weeks ago.

Old crusty Democrats like her and Harry Reid were constantly standing in Obama’s way during his two terms.

By the way, my bad for labeling you uninformed a couple weeks ago. It was just some “heat of the battle” type shit. You’re cool people.
Fam, Diane Feinstein being on some fuckboy shit ain’t nothing new. It’s exactly why she was primaried several weeks ago.

Old crusty Democrats like her and Harry Reid were constantly standing in Obama’s way during his two terms.

By the way, my bad for labeling you uninformed a couple weeks ago. It was just some “heat of the battle” type shit. You’re cool people.
Fuck this niggas apology @Elzo69Renaissance

This nigga needs hands