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Trump: I’ll Keep Sessions Around At Least Until Midterms

President Trump told Bloomberg News Thursday that he will not fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions before the midterm elections. What happens after that, Trump declined to say, according to Bloomberg.

“I just would love to have him do a great job,” Trump told Bloomberg.

Trump has attacked Sessions with a greater-than-usual frequency in recent days, including seeming to blame Sessions for the campaign finance charges brought against his former fixer Michael Cohen, which implicated the President as well.

In a Fox and Friends interview earlier this month, Trump said Sessions “never took control” of the Justice Department, to which Sessions replied that the department “will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.”

Trump additionally took issue with reports that White House counsel Don McGahn, who Trump announced will be dismissed in the fall, was responsible for the President not firing Sessions or special counsel Robert Mueller.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) even appeared to give Trump the green light to fire Sessions recently, saying he had “time for hearings on nominees that the president might send up here that I didn’t have last year.” And Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Trump was “entitled to an attorney general he has faith in, somebody that’s qualified for the job, and I think there will come a time, sooner rather than later.”

“Clearly, Attorney General Sessions doesn’t have the confidence of the President,” Graham added.
President George Bush in Kenya was better and he shook em up with that brother like he knew what he was doing....Lol


That guy is tryin to hard.

there is a black guy right behind trump n one two broads from his left. Also to trumps far right there is a asian dude. And there def 1, maybe two brown ppl.
Those few black/brown people look like the same ones that travel to all of Trumps rallies as props.

Giuliani: We’re Working On A Mueller Counter-Report On ‘Personal Stationary’

Much of President Trump’s personal legal team’s focus is currently being sunk into assembling a “counter-report” to whatever special counsel Robert Mueller finds in his ongoing probe, the legal squad’s attack dog Rudy Giuliani told the Daily Beast.

Like the rebuttals of the opposing party that often air after a President’s state of the union, Trump’s lawyers appear to be focusing on complaints they already have about Mueller, since they don’t actually known what his report about Trump will say.

One half of the report — already 58 pages long, according to Giuliani — is devoted to questioning Mueller’s “legitimacy” and any “possible conflicts” among federal investigators — already a favorite smear tactic of the President and his allies.

The latter half will address the substance of Mueller’s findings — though Giuliani admitted to the Daily Beast that there have been some difficulties in pulling together this section, since Trump’s lawyers are still in the dark about what Mueller will conclude.

They’ve undertaken no independent investigation or interviews of their own, according to the Beast, and everything they’re putting in the report is already Google-able.

“I don’t think there’s anything in it that isn’t publicly available in some form or another,” Giuliani said. “There is no [secret] grand jury material here…It’ll be our report, put out on…personal stationary, and it would be in response to their report…We may have to use it in court, or [send to] Congress.”

Giuliani told the Beast that if it exceeds 100 pages it will include an executive summary.
I think 45's repeated remarks publicly about Kap and the NFL players anthem issue can only help Kap's case. With all of these rallies between now and November, he will keep bringing it up also

Pretty much.

Remember Jerry Jones said Trump admitted to him this was a winning argument for his base. This pretty much gave the owners a reason to keep Kap out.

The anthem protest is Trump's fall back plan. When shyt continues gettin worse for him in the media over this investigation...he throws a rally in area that's filled wit his base...feeds them red meat by bringing up Hillary...Obama...fake media...and then the anthem protest. Rinse & repeat.