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This dude is hilarious... I for one am enjoying watching the hallowed office of the presidency and America’s standing in the world being burned to the ground

Did Trump Just Quote Tomi Lahren to Claim His Critics Want War With Russia?
Want to hear a terrifying scenario? Tomi Lahren, the millennial outrage huckster, appears on Fox & Friends to talk about war with Russia. President Donald Trump, naturally, is watching. He then parrots her comments on his Twitter account, exposing the madness to the world.

That appears to be what happened Wednesday morning, when the president spoke out about the negative reaction to his disastrous press conference with Vladimir Putin, in which he defended the autocrat against the US government’s charges that Russia interfered in the US election.

If that sounds like a profoundly inane talking point ripped straight from Tomi Lahren’s Facebook page, that’s because it might be.

Lahren appeared on Fox & Friends at 6:35 a.m. to bash critics of Trump’s presser, and had this to say:

“These are the final stages of Trump Derangement Syndrome and you’re going to see it more and more as we head into the midterms,” Lahren said. “Do you want this president to rage war against Russia because Hillary Clinton lost the election?”

“Look at the outrage, the selective outrage from the left, because it would almost seem as if that is what they want,” she continued. “Would you like him to work towards diplomacy, or world peace, or would you like him to be aggressive towards Russia because Hillary Clinton lost the election?”


WH Doubles Down On Slip-Of-Tongue Defense: He Was Saying ‘Wouldn’t’

Fresh off an interview with “Fox and Friends” on the White House lawn on Wednesday morning, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway doubled down on President Donald Trump’s defense that he simply misspoke when he said “I don’t see any reason why it would be” Russia that interfered in the 2016 election.

When asked why it took the White House so long to clarify if Trump’s comments — that made it appear as though he publicly supported Putin’s denial of election meddling — had actually just been slip of the tongue, Conway essentially repeated Trump’s own defense on Tuesday.

“The President went back and looked at the transcript and said ‘I was saying wouldn’t, not would’ — a double negative,” she said.

She also said Trump “stands with the intelligence community.”

“He has said that he knows Russia meddled in the election, but many of you promised collusion and that it impacted votes and it swung an entire election result and you have no evidence of that which, I guess is why you’ve moved on,” she said. “Also I think very important to note is the range of issues that President Putin and President Trump discussed.”

On Tuesday Trump made a rare self-correction in front of the media, which was reportedly pushed by Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and said “The sentence should have been, ‘I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t or why it wouldn’t be Russia.’”

Sherriff "Soft Shoe" Clarke and Wisconsin governor Scott Walker are next on that Summer Jam screen

Ex-Sheriff David Clarke’s 2015 trip expenses paid by alleged Russian agent’s group


Butina appears to be seated behind Clarke in a video of the NRA delegation's tour of Russian firearms company Orsis. The video, posted by Orsis deputy chief executive Stanislav Novoselov, shows Clarke being complimented for his shooting ability while test-firing a gun.

At the end of the video, Clarke and other members of the NRA group receive watches from Orsis.



Butina is now charged with being a covert Russian agent.

In a criminal complaint, the Justice Department says her job was to "identify and exploit personal connections with U.S. persons having influence in American politics."

The complaint does not name any Americans.

In a photo posted by Butina's group, The Right to Bear Arms, she and Clarke are posing in a group photo in front of a sign that reads, "Welcome to Russia comrades."


The Right to Bear Arms paid $1,200 for Clarke's meals -- an average of $200 per day he was in the country, according to Clarke's financial disclosure form.

Butina's group also paid $3,000 for Clarke's hotel, $1,000 for his transportation in Russia and $800 for an expense labeled "excursions."


The NRA paid for the rest of Clarke's $40,000 expenses for a 16-day overseas trip that also included a stop in Israel.


Clarke was not the only Wisconsin politician to meet Butina.

Republican Gov. Scott Walker met the Russian woman during an event in Tennessee during the run-up to Walker's short-lived presidential campaign in 2015. Butina also attended Walker's campaign launch event, according to her Facebook page.

In a blog post, Butina praised Walker and said the two had a conversation.

Walker's campaign has said Butina got a photo with the governor, but that's as far as it went. The governor has not spoken publicly about the interaction.

Lmao @ that Russian spy chick taking a photo with everybody who is compromised. Only a matter of time before we get a pic of her and Kanye in the studio in Wyoming.

White House: Being Redheaded Does Not Make Someone A Russian Spy

When asked about the arrest of Mariia Butina, the Russian national charged with acting as a foreign agent, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders pivoted to the brief frenzy of speculation earlier this week that Butina was present during an Oval Office meeting with President Trump.

“But just to clarify, there was massive media hysteria yesterday over confusion between that individual and a White House staffer, which I think shows, frankly, the outrageousness and the desire to find the negative in everything that this President does,” she said after dodging the question.

“Just because somebody is redheaded, they were accused of being some sort of spy for Russia. I think that this has gotten totally out of control,” she continued. “You guys need to take a little bit of a step back, slow down, and quit going after the Trump administration on every single thing that takes place.”


White House: Trump Was Just Saying ‘No’ To More Questions, Not Russia Threat!

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that President Donald Trump was saying “no” to additional questions from journalists, not “no” to the existence of a threat from Russia when he spoke to the press on Wednesday.

“ I had a chance to speak with the President after his comments and the president was — said thank you very much and was saying no to answering questions,” she told reporters Wednesday. “The President and his administration are working very hard to make sure that Russia is unable to meddle in our elections as they have done in the past and as we have stated.”

On Wednesday, Trump responded “no” to questions from reporters about whether Russia is still targeting the U.S. That response appeared to contradict statements from his intelligence director last week. Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats said Friday that the U.S.’s digital infrastructure was “literally under attack.”

The clarification comes just one day after Trump made a rare correction to his own remarks. He told reporters he meant to say “wouldn’t” not “would” during a press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“The sentence should have been, ‘I don’t see any reason why I wouldn’t or why it wouldn’t be Russia,’” he told reporters Tuesday.

NBC’s Hallie Jackson to Sarah Sanders: ‘Why Should This President Have Any Credibility to Americans?’

During a contentious press briefing on Wednesday, NBC’s Hallie Jacksonpushed back on President Donald Trump‘s repeated reversals over Russia.

“This is the second time in three times that the president or White House has come out and reversed what the president has said,” Jackson probed, referring to Trump saying during this morning’s cabinet meeting that “no” Russia is not targeting the United States.

Sanders then claimed it was not a reversal, she was just interpreting what POTUS said.

Jackson then followed up: “But why should this president have any credibility to Americans in what he says if in fact 24 hours later or in this case three hours later the White House comes out and says ‘just kidding?'”

Sanders tried again.

“I was interpreting what the president’s intention was and stating the administration’s policy,” Sanders tried to explain. “It is not exactly what you just explained. We never said “Just kidding.” And I think that you can take the fact that the president has credibility because he saw he had misspoken and he wanted to clarify that yesterday, which he did.”

Sanders then tried, unsuccessfully, to move on — as she tried to recognize The Hill’s Jordan Fabian for a question. But in a rare display of briefing room camaraderie, Fabian yielded to Jackson.

Judge Orders Russian Mariia Butina Detained Until Criminal Trial

A federal magistrate in Washington D.C. Wednesday ordered Mariia Butina held in detention until her trial on charges of failing to register as an agent of Russia and conspiring against the United States.

Butina also pleaded not guilty during the preliminary hearing. She was indicted by a federal grand jury in the nation’s capital Tuesday following her arrest there Sunday.

Federal prosecutors argued that Butina was an “extreme flight risk” who should not be allowed to go free pending trial.

Butina, who was seeking to be released on bail, contended that she had already been cooperating with various inquiries prior to her arrest. Her attorney, Robert Driscoll told the court that she had been contacted by the Senate Intelligence Committee in the fall of 2017 and testified before the committee for eight hours in April behind closed doors. She also provided the committee with some 8,000 pages of documents, Driscoll said.

Driscoll also revealed that that in March 2018 the Federal Election Commission inquired with her about certain contributions.

FBI agents searched Butina’s residence on April 25, Driscoll said, adding that she and her attorneys were present for the search.

Reminder: Prosecutor Said ‘Trump’s Son Should be Concerned’ About Wiretaps of Butina’s Alleged Handler

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has received wiretaps obtained by Spanish police which implicate Donald Trump Jr. in a plot to meet with Alexander Torshin, a high-ranking official of Russia’s Central Bank, according to a federal prosecutor in Spain on Friday. And, the prosecutor notes, those wiretaps don’t bode well for the president’s son.

The above information was originally reported in May of this year but is receiving revived interest across social media because Torshin is said to have been the handler of alleged Russian agent Mariia “Maria” Butina. Butina was recently arrested on charges of attempting to influence U.S. politics and policy on the Kremlin’s behalf.

This Torshin-Trump meeting is alleged to have occurred at and during the National Rifle Association’s annual convention in Louisville, Kentucky in May of 2016.

Prosecutor José Grinda leads high-profile investigations into Spanish and foreign organized crime operating in Spain. According to Grinda, FBI officials recently requested and received transcripts of wiretapped conversations between Torshin and Alexander Romanov. The latter man, Romanov, was convicted of money laundering–after pleading guilty–in mid-2016.

On one such recording, Romanov apparently refers to Torshin as “El Padrino,” or the godfather.

In a statement provided to Yahoo News in May, Grinda noted:

Just a few months ago, the wiretaps of these telephone conversations were given to the FBI. Mr. Trump’s son should be concerned.

Grinda’s comments appear to signal that the FBI is investigating Torshin–likely as part of special counsel Robert Mueller‘s probe into Russian electoral interference during the 2016 U.S. general election.

Torshin is considered a political ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin. During the 2016 election, Torshin made numerous contacts with conservative activists and even sought to arrange a meeting between Putin and then-candidate Donald Trump. This meeting, of course, never occurred. As noted, Torshin himself did meet with the president’s eldest son during the NRA’s May 2016 convention.

According to Grinda, the FBI did not outline its reasons for requesting the surveillance transcripts. He said, “I don’t have to ask them why they want this information.” Grinda did note, however, that if the U.S. attempts to use the material in a court case against anyone, a more formalized–and more detailed–request will have to be made to the Spanish government.

Torshin has been wanted in Spain since 2013 at least, when the Guardia Civil attempted to arrest him as he had planned to travel to the Spanish island of Mallorca for Romanov’s birthday party. Prosecutors, led by Grinda, wanted to arrest Torshin over allegations of organized crime and money laundering.

During their investigation, the Guardia Civil wiretapped Romanov’s phone and reportedly obtained 33 conversations with Torshin–including the one allegedly implicating Donald Trump Jr. Ultimately, however, Torshin never showed up to the party. Spanish authorities believe he was tipped off by Russian intelligence.