No it's not, it's pretty explicit in saying the DOJ is not to renew any contracts (
Source). There is no stipulation for Presidential oversight. You might've misunderstood the statement in the NBC article that says "
Biden is telling an executive agency under his control what kind of contracts they can enter". That's not to say Biden is telling them what contracts to renew, it's saying Biden is expressing his executive control over an agency under his purview in saying they cannot renew certain contracts. That is, essentially, telling them what kind of contracts they can enter.
For real though, mass incarceration is rooted in racism. There wasn't some uptick in crime, they just started to criminalize every damn thing we did. Got weed up there with crack and just all the really foul shit when it comes punishments but let a white boy get caught with some coke. Black dude get caught with some marijuana and they make it out like this mfer was the damn antichrist.