Welcome To aBlackWeb

The Official Suggestions Thread


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
Post any suggestions you have for the site, whether it's something you feel we should add or remove.

I already have the money system added on, I haven't enabled it yet tho. Gonna wait a few weeks before I add that feature.
I checked the control panel and couldn't find the option, I'm sure it's there tho. I'ma holla at the people in the software forums and get the answer, I'll have it posted by the end of the day.
I have one suggestion that our fearless leader may not like, but I am going to suggest it.

I think we should remove the carousel slide show on the forum homepage.

Downloading those high quality images, along with the animation taking place, is probably a battery drainer for smart devices.

Or, you can tell people to switch layouts / themes if they don't like it.
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we gonna get that little white guy with the glasses for cac?
I have one suggestion that our fearless leader may not like, but I am going to suggest it.

I think we should remove the carousel slide show on the forum homepage.

Downloading those high quality images, along with the animation taking place, is probably a battery sapper for smart devices.

Or, you can tell people to switch layouts / themes if they don't like it.

Yea there's an option at the bottom of the page to switch to the default layout.
Look I know niggas got pride, I struggle with it myself sometimes but I suggest that we all put whatever personal emotions and feelings to the side and build with the BB. Individually both of these sites are able to stand on their own but combined would be a powerhouse.

We can promote each other, do business together or even create and host major events irl together.

I'll reach out and set up that meeting if you're down Goldie.

Working with them is the last thing on my mind fam, we got two different missions.

Working with them is the last thing on my mind fam, we got two different missions.

Understandable, but having two different missions is the point, that's what I meant by both of these entities can stand on their own. As long as the missions aren't opposing, having different missions is ideal.

Think of it like a body, every organ, cell, nerve, and vein has a different mission, but they all come together and form Life or a living body.

What your mission for this site specifically? The "about us" hasn't been updated yet. I think updating that is important too.

my 2¢

I ain't think u wanted to be lol I've already had a few people ask that. So I guess we'll have to have an election

I'll make a thread for it on Monday for people to nominate posters, then the top 3 will face each other.

These are different websites. There is no need to compare or compete. We are not monolithic. No one website has sole claim on being a black forum or black site - nor should that be the goal. Quite the opposite. There should be more black oriented places on the internet for us to be and we should want to support them. Yes, we are a minority on the internet and our designated spaces are fewer in number. That does not mean only one can exist, only one should prevail, or users should only pick one place to be.

Do you see non-black websites or businesses adopt that mindset? Starting an endeavor by lowering that of others is a bad omen. It isn't needed. It isn't constructive. It will not help. The "there can only be one" mentality and pettiness is in no one's interest. It will only serve to lower those who partake in it. The focus should be on uplifting.

Understandable, but having two different missions is the point, that's what I meant by both of these entities can stand on their own. As long as the missions aren't opposing, having different missions is ideal.

Think of it like a body, every organ, cell, nerve, and vein has a different mission, but they all come together and form Life or a living body.

What your mission for this site specifically? The "about us" hasn't been updated yet. I think updating that is important too.

my 2¢

My understanding is that the focus of ABW is the entirety of the website, to which the forum is only a supplement. Within the forum, the aim is a discussion space for black people where we can talk about anything. People who are not black are allowed to be here, although that is not who the forum would be geared towards or catering to under any circumstances.

In the same vein as the main site, you'll see the music forum is one of the primary focuses, with areas to discuss battle rap and such. Of course, like most forums, there are also general section for miscellaneous discussion, a relationship specific forum (since so many topics fall under that umbrella), fashion forums in which all genders can participate, a beauty forum where we ladies can discuss grooming (though men can join in too!). As the site grows and thread trends become more apparent, more sub-forums may be needed to organize navigation.

It's still early days :)