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Theory and Possible Spoiler.

Widow is going to be a Skrull.

Toys have released in Thailand that show her with LONG RED HAIR.

While in the trailer she stills has blonde He-Man hair and blonde eyebrows.
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Theory and Possible Spoiler.

Widow is going to be a Skrull.

Toys have released in Thailand that show her with LONG RED HAIR.

While in the trailer she stills has blonde He-Man hair and blonde eyebrows.
Timeskip fam.....
Yea ok.

But the other toys from that line all contain them in their new gear... Cept starlord and cap i think.

She's a skrull. Or Ross. Or the other Ross.

The time jump is the exact reason why I think she is a skrull. Think about it... Who else sttands to gain the most in the galaxy to have the ability to time jump witjout the timestone?

Think mother fucker.

Mark my words.
Reports are saying Disney is considering on letting the Black Widow film be rated R. Would be dope and could definitely open it up for some fucked up fight scenes. I think they do pretty good with Widows fighting style already though. Her scenes in the first Avengers film were GOAT especially in the beginning when she was undercover with those russian mobsters.
It Black Widow is R rated then there’s no more excuses for their other properties.

Honestly now that I think about it I think the whole "no Rated-R" stuff is just some PR shit.

I know we've only cared about the Disney/Fox buyout and what it means for the Marvel properties. But didn't the buyout mean that Disney gets Fox's entire movie library? They ain't pay 70 billion for just the marvel properties and not be able to stream movies like Die Hard.
Honestly now that I think about it I think the whole "no Rated-R" stuff is just some PR shit.

I know we've only cared about the Disney/Fox buyout and what it means for the Marvel properties. But didn't the buyout mean that Disney gets Fox's entire movie library? They ain't pay 70 billion for just the marvel properties and not be able to stream movies like Die Hard.
Definitely a good point. That was the purpose of the buyout so they can have content for their new streaming service.
Definitely a good point. That was the purpose of the buyout so they can have content for their new streaming service.

I just saw this on Screen Rant

There's a lot more than just superheroes bundled into the Disney-Fox deal, however. It also includes movie franchises like Avatar, Alien, Predator, and Die Hard, leading many to wonder how Disney's famously family-friendly brand will handle properties that are inherently geared towards older audiences. There are fears that Fox's R-rated franchises could get shelved entirely following the deal. Hopefully, once the acquisition is complete, we'll get a clearer picture of what the future looks like.


They might put their R-rated stuff on Hulu (Disney gets a piece of that in the deal) but Disney ain't just gonna drop all the R rated movies they get in deal.
Yeah, during the time of the buyout news there was a little freakout of them making Deadpool PG13. The CEO Bob Iger said something along the lines of "the franchise will be able to continue with the R Rating". Cant remember word for word what he said, but the gist was Deadpool could continue on as an R Rated franchise. I think they did the PG13 Deadpool 2 as a test of sorts to see if a PG13 deadpool could work. There hasnt been anything official revealed, but I think Disney execs are already behind the scenes on some of Fox's current stuff to see how they can adapt them under Disney. Example being Kevin Feige reviewing the script for Dark Phoenix. So i think Marvel/Disney may have had a bit of influence on seeing if Deadpool 2 PG13 would work, if being successful, they could fully have him in the MCU as PG13 just like the rest of them.

Hopefully these Black Widow rumors are true though and she will have her film R Rated. I dont see why they wouldnt be able to keep Deadpool R Rated and just make sure he is a bit toned down in his cameo appearances in other films since he will be working under a different team of writers/directors anyways.

I know marvel was a decent sized reason for the Fox purchase, but Disney also now has their hands on a bunch of different franchises that have a lot of spin off/sequel potential. That was a big reason they bought Lucasfilms for Star Wars. George was releasing films whenever, but there was so much money being made from stories in books/comics and other forms of media with all these characters that existed in that universe that have an established fanbase.