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The Official MCU Thread

....they won't

Most overrated movies and team in the entire MCU


All the shit folks have complain about other MCU movies(and other superhero movies) GOTG 1 had. Shitty ass villain, that none of you niggas even remotely bring up EVER. That dance off was some of the corniest shit ever. And I barely remember the plot. Someone mentioned before their best movie(s) are Infinity War and End Game

2 is trash everybody agrees on that.

3 is the only good one
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All the shit folks have complain about other MCU movies(and other superhero movies) GOTG 1 had. Shitty ass villain, that none of you niggas even remotely bring up EVER. That dance off was some of the corniest shit ever. And I barely remember the plot. Someone mentioned before their best movie(s) are Infinity War and End Game

2 is trash everybody agrees on that.

3 is the only good one

“It's ill when MCs used to be on cruddy shit
Took home Ready to Die, listened, studied shit”
