The Lonious Monk
Celestial Souljah
i think them being smart enough to have a diverse cast of heroes isn’t necessarily pandering. Not to mention the characters they are using are mostly IP that was created before the MCU was a thing.
but I guess, if using real life situations that involve folks from all walks of life is pandering then everyone panders.
It's about the motivation bruh. If they are using a diverse cast because they believe it makes the best use of their owned IPs and is the best thing for the stories they are trying to tell, it's not pandering. If they are using diverse casts because they want to appeal to people of all walks of life in an effort to get more money, that's pandering. They are clearly doing the latter.
Pandering isn't necessarily a bad thing. As long as its not done at the expense of the quality of the material, it shouldn't be an issue.