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The Official Gardening Thread

Also doesn anyone know their soil pH level is???

I asked the company I got my soil for my beds for what the pH level was and they said 8.6-8.8 which is sh!t for growing things like tomatoes, its the same place I got it from last year and things did OK, so I hope they got that wrong!!!

Though I did have bit of trouble with spots and end rot on a couple plants so maybe that was the cause???

Next year Im gonna actively seek out soil that is around 6.0-7.0 pH level... I normally shovel 4-6 wheel barrows off the top and mix in new soil each year, so I'll just blend it in...

Ive grown one tomato and one pepper in some bagged up potting mix in my greenhouse just in case...
I cant handle spicy food these days but jalepeno & basil salt sounds fckn dope!!!

Ive just planted 4 tomato plants, one sweet bell pepper and some pepper plant my dukes gave me so I'll see how they turn out... And some herbs in the Trug too...

Annoying two of the sweet honey cherry tomatoes arrived damaged couple days ago, I got refunded for them and planted them anyways so hope they still take...

My cucumber should arrive in a couple days too, hope that arrives in good order... So annoying the local garden centres didnt have any grafted F1 honey tomatoes or cucumbers this year, hate getting plants in the post... I was too slow to get my sh!t in order...

Also has anyone grown Brussel sprouts before??? I planted two of them but they dont look too good...

Sounds good!

My dad grows brussel sprouts from time to time. Gotta look out for them if they are overwatered they might get mold on the leaves from what ive seen.

Got some yellow and regular beets coming up

Some cucumbers. Put a lil mesh net around it so the bugs dont get it before I do lol

Also got a couple kinds of tomatoes coming up but they looking pretty beat today its been windy out. Im pruning off all the yellow leaves. What are honey tomatoes? đź‘€
Also doesn anyone know their soil pH level is???

I asked the company I got my soil for my beds for what the pH level was and they said 8.6-8.8 which is sh!t for growing things like tomatoes, its the same place I got it from last year and things did OK, so I hope they got that wrong!!!

Though I did have bit of trouble with spots and end rot on a couple plants so maybe that was the cause???

Next year Im gonna actively seek out soil that is around 6.0-7.0 pH level... I normally shovel 4-6 wheel barrows off the top and mix in new soil each year, so I'll just blend it in...

Ive grown one tomato and one pepper in some bagged up potting mix in my greenhouse just in case...

I dont know too much about soil ph and all that but I know they have testers to see what it is. The also have soil additives where you can increase or decrease the ph of the soil depending on what you need. I think lime increases the ph and compost can reduce the ph.
Sounds good!

My dad grows brussel sprouts from time to time. Gotta look out for them if they are overwatered they might get mold on the leaves from what ive seen.

Got some yellow and regular beets coming up
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Some cucumbers. Put a lil mesh net around it so the bugs dont get it before I do lol
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Also got a couple kinds of tomatoes coming up but they looking pretty beat today its been windy out. Im pruning off all the yellow leaves. What are honey tomatoes? đź‘€

Sh!t think I might had overwatered them already, I gave them a good soaking when I planted them and couple days later with some feed lol It gets hot in the polytunel think it might not be ideal temp for them... I'll let them chill for abit then and see how they do...

I dont know too much about soil ph and all that but I know they have testers to see what it is. The also have soil additives where you can increase or decrease the ph of the soil depending on what you need. I think lime increases the ph and compost can reduce the ph.

Yeah I was thinking its easier to raise the level but not so much lower it (permanently), apparently the home kits arnt too accurate but you can send a sample off over here to RHS and they can test it for you, would be interesting to know the pH of my garden soil for fruit plants and things...

Though my honeysuckle and loganberry plants seem to be doing well and theyre in the ground...
First honeyberry sightings!!!


Anyone had this on their plants before??? Looks like washing up liquid or something... Its all over the honeyberry...

Does it look like a cocoon like?

The fruit??? Yeah kinda, would say theyre more bell shaped but they do vary slightly in shape...

The white stuff on the leafs and branches look like bath bubbles, very strange...

Its only my second season growing them, they seem very easy and also very hardy plants to grow...
Found out what the white bubbles are, 'spittlebug excretions'...

The fruit??? Yeah kinda, would say theyre more bell shaped but they do vary slightly in shape...

The white stuff on the leafs and branches look like bath bubbles, very strange...

Its only my second season growing them, they seem very easy and also very hardy plants to grow...
Yea I was talking about the white stuff on it but I see you posted it I have em on my peach tree
Yea I was talking about the white stuff on it but I see you posted it I have em on my peach tree

After some Googling think its normal around Spring and nothing too major at the moment and its being monitored in UK, as in parts of Americas and Europe spittlebugs have spread Xylella bacteria which can wipe out large areas of plants, crops and forrest...

So I grabbed some basil from the garden and sliced the jalepenos up. Put them all on the rack and dehydrated them for some hours.



After they were dried out I mixed it all together with some coarse sea salt and came out with this. Tastes pretty good. I had the grinder on high. Next time im set it to low so its not as fine. I like it to be a bit more coarse than how it came out.

So I grabbed some basil from the garden and sliced the jalepenos up. Put them all on the rack and dehydrated them for some hours.

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After they were dried out I mixed it all together with some coarse sea salt and came out with this. Tastes pretty good. I had the grinder on high. Next time im set it to low so its not as fine. I like it to be a bit more coarse than how it came out.

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Looks absolute fire...

Some red jalepenos mixed in with the green for the aesthetic would be dope too...
Harvested some yellow beets. Gonna wait till the others are ready and im gonna try to pickle some of them. Might roast the rest

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Chopped off some of the basil flowers. Ima dehydrate that and grind it up PXL_20240523_213203426.MP.jpg PXL_20240523_213209452.MP.jpg

that pickeled jalepeno experiment is still going. I thought the longer I kept it in the vinegar brine the less hot it would get.. ate a couple earlier and them shits still spicy lol. Pretty good tho
Harvested some honeyberries today... Think I may of picked them abit early, as although they are soft and easy to pick the couple I tried are pretty bitter/sour...

After abit more research I believe when you think they are ready, its best to give them another week or two so the flesh turns more redish than green and they become sweeter...

Ive still got somemore to pick so its all good, seems each year the two plants produces tons more fruit, they seem a really easy and low maintenance fruit bush to grow though...

Was looking at my peach tree I think it hit a wall not growing like it did it at first getting plenty of water and gave it some more plant food. I'll see how it comes along in the next couple weeks
Harvested some honeyberries today... Think I may of picked them abit early, as although they are soft and easy to pick the couple I tried are pretty bitter/sour...

After abit more research I believe when you think they are ready, its best to give them another week or two so the flesh turns more redish than green and they become sweeter...

Ive still got somemore to pick so its all good, seems each year the two plants produces tons more fruit, they seem a really easy and low maintenance fruit bush to grow though...

you just eat them straight up or can you make something out of them like juice or jam?
AIte so I pickled those yellow and a couple red beets the other day. Boiled them first then peeled and sliced them. Tossed some onions in there as well just cuz. Boiled the water, vinegar, sugar, salt, mustard seeds, peppercorns and garlic together and put some bay leaves in it as well. Let it cool to room temp then tossed it in the fridge for two days. Tastes pretty damn good. They say its better if you let it sit for 2 weeks tho.

Our dwarf avocado tree. I think we might actually get some avocados this year. Usually them joints be small and just fall off but ive been giving it some plant food and it seems to be responding good as hell to it



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