The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

tbh the facade of American exceptionalism and freedom. And a culture of greed and selfishness makes America especially vulnerable to a global pandemic like covid. The idea of doing something or giving up certain luxuries for the greater good seems jus stupid to a large portion of the population.

Plus when you add in the fact some ppl actually believe its a hoax makes it even worse.

I blame a lack of critical thinking, lack of emotional intelligence and certain politicians for this cluster fuck.

Lotta these politicians dont fact check or correct their voters when they say/spread dumb shit. Cuz they want their vote. They dont try to raise the social consciousness of the ppl.

Like I always think about when ppl kept praising McCain for correcting the cac for calling Obama a Muslim. Which was cool and would never happen today....but i always said McCain should have said "no ma'am obama is a Christian. He is not a Muslim. But even if he was a Muslim why should that matter. He is a human being." But i guess, ya know.

These politicians gotta do a better job holding the voter to a higher standard. But thats not gonna happen. So in a pandemic you end up w a situation like this....whatever happens, happens. There will be thousands of unnecessary death, the health care system will be on the verge of collapse, nurses n doctors will experience PTSD due to constant stress n death(which no one is talking about).

So putting in lockdowns n curfews, which will cause a loss of many small businesses really doesn't make any sense. Cuz the ppl are gonna do dumb shit regardless. The country is in no better place than it was in April. smh
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Not agreeing with Paul at all but the 'you're not immune' assumption is only partly true. Here in Holland we only had 4 cases where people caught the virus twice since the pandemic started and only one of them died, which was a 91 year old woman who suffered an obscure form of cancer.

The overal data world wide seems to display that reinfections - let alone lethal reinfections - are extremely rare.
I just remember that fuckin moron hollering, "Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid, Covid..." at his goddamn Rona Rallies like it was OUR fault we kept bringing it up.

Why can't we throw this bastard out NOW? The longer he stays there, the more fucked up people will get without any real decisions being made.

A true leader would've started a national lockdown and said fuck the blowback.
See this is the same shit im talking bout


I'll say it again. These morons need to start doing. That's the only way unfortunately. The sad thing is that one day something worse is going to come along and we've now learned that we're fucked when it does.