They don’t hear us anymore - if they ever even did - folks like
@TheNightKing @Playmaker88 @shutupGabi and them are just blindly getting boosters and the US is like a damn parallel universe at the moment lol.
The currently available vaccines don’t work against the new variant (and didn’t work that well against the previous Delt-variant to begin with but hey ) governments in Europe are preparing a new campaign with a - by Pfizer BioNtech provided - adjusted vaccine for the 4th and 5th shots in 2022, not sure they’ll work either but the contracts were signed last year already so …
people are going into their 3rd year of Covid bullshit , don’t see any improvement in their healthcare facilities yet do see their government actively invest in big pharma and QR / Corona safety passports and still can’t see the writing on the wall and that they’re getting conned.
There is no science behind getting a booster, the ’vaccine’ works really well for people that don’t seem to need em and really not that well for folks that need em (the ‘risk groups’).
the hospitals here in The Netherlands are full with fully vaccinated people. 60+ male , overweight folks etc. All over Europe the hospitals are full with fully vaccinated folks… who are dying in comparable numbers as the ‘unvaccinated’ are .
Are there less hospitalization now compared to the first year of covis cause the ’vaccines’ work or due to the given that it’s our 2nd covid season and everybody and their madres already caught the virus and natural immunity through infection is a real thing?
meanwhile the vaccine producers still arent legally liable, are not letting go of any patents and the contracts signed with the EU ministeries will be released to the public in 2055 or some shit …
Good thing that there isnt a track record of corruption in the EU and human rights and life have always been well gaurded … oh … wait .