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FEATURED The Official 2024 Presidential Election Thread


I don't get this take bc up until just a couple weeks ago they were denying Biden being too old

Yes, it's funny AF that they all changed their tune in unison but they are not pro trump at all.
Who is they, the hosts? Cuz up until recently they were mainly reporting on Trumps legal troubles.

And if you have a "debate" with 2 candidates & after it mainly focus on attacks on 1 of them, saying how horrible they performed, but gloss over the other person who also performed just as bad. You look like you're pro someone. Or the person that cuts you checks is pro someone.
What black men SHOULD do is go rogue, and have no political loyalty to ANY party. Fuck Democrats and Repbulicans both.
Literally, fucking VERBATIM.

There truly needs to be a 3rd party solution for this.

Between the Trash Ol’ Party tearing itself apart, and the Blue Donkeys latched to Grandpa, this country is in seriously trash shape, leadership-wise.

Sounds like something I said about....I dunno.....seven, eight years ago.

They are ALL idiots. On BOTH sides of the aisle.

Unless there's a MASSIVE 3rd party movement coming, you're more than welcome to provide a rational solution.
Sounds like something I sa-….wait.

For the 36,000th time: I am politically INDEPENDENT. I have no allegiances or alliances to ANYONE. And unlike you, I WORK to improve my community for black people. You've been talkin that Umar shit for 6 years, and still have yet to show ANY proof of work done to improving your black community in Oakland besides running your keyboard on this shit.

THAT'S enemy shit. Talk BIG shit, and does ZERO to back it up.

Fuck Trump. Fuck Biden. Fuck you if you ain't helping. Get out there, and put in some work instead of crying about some old ass Cac still in office.

You don’t teach.
You don’t tutor.
You don’t volunteer.
You don’t donate to any reputable organizations that actually support and help black communities, other than Umar’s grifter ass and Tariq Nasheed’s bullshit museum.
You never went to an HBCU.
You don’t even clean your muhfuckin block.
You don’t even wanna fucking vote. How the fuck do you have ANY leg to stand on to criticize anyone?

Shut the ENTIRE fuck up with that fake-ass Pan-A-fake-can ass bullshit.

I hate it when the smart dummies try to think they’re smart and end up even bigger dummies.

I bet you thought you discovered gold here.
Literally, fucking VERBATIM.

Sounds like something I sa-….wait.

I hate it when the smart dummies try to think they’re smart and end up even bigger dummies.

I bet you thought you discovered gold here.
Nah. I checked all those quotes and they start from 2022, get the fuck out of here, newbooty

I've been talking the same shit since this site opened in 2017. I went into the 2020 election standing on that shit

if this is how you felt FROM JUMP whyyy did you initiate this ongoing beef with me to protect bidens/democrats?

After you initiated beef with @Race Jones for the same reasons, leading to her exit off the site?

You went on a one man mercenary mission against our wonderful sister Angel Reese, on behalf of Jill Biden, who was in the wrong and RACIST. You have deprived yourself of being happy for Angel living her best life cuz you CHOSE to be a plantation guard dog

These old white politicians make you lash out against other black people in a Heartbeat... now all of a sudden when you know you're getting ready to lose, you wanna start talking like you got some sense

You done made enemies out of people for saying the same shit you're saying

Peak hypocrisy nigga

White house releases statement about parkinsons expert visiting white house 8 times in 8 months​

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You know what the problem is with dickheads like you, Trilla No Frilla?

You never can admit when you are beaten, or when you’re just simply wrong.

I’ve been advocating for 3rd party candidates since before ABW was a thing. Ever since the AHH days, I’ve been the one asking about 3rd parties, while you’ve been too much of a chameleon cunt to even care about who’s running this country.

Too bad you’ve had your head up Angel Reese’s snatch to even bother to ask.



So, seriously: since your “Grand Plan” is to not vote for anyone, stay that way and shut THE fuck up about who I choose politically.
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Who is they, the hosts? Cuz up until recently they were mainly reporting on Trumps legal troubles.

And if you have a "debate" with 2 candidates & after it mainly focus on attacks on 1 of them, saying how horrible they performed, but gloss over the other person who also performed just as bad. You look like you're pro someone. Or the person that cuts you checks is pro someone.
Trump got coverage for lying but that's way diff than a guy who ppl start questioning can even handle the job. Apples and oranges. Problem is covering Trump's lies non stop for the last 8 or so years doesn't hit hard in 2024, it's par for the course. And also evidence they never been pro trump.

Your logic is for the last 8 years they waited until a week ago to just completely do a 180 bc the owners are Republican. Not likely.

There's mega donors threatening to pull out if Biden doesn't get replaced. There's no way this isn't gonna get major coverage.

Don't know if he's talking about this one but #trumppedofiles is trending

Earlier in the year, when the Ep list came out and all those names was on the flight logs there wasn't a peep about it because I would guess Trump's name wasn't on it. And the 3 mentions about Trump was a woman saying how Trump wasn't involved.

Now a few weeks about more documents came out and it was focused on Trump's prior relationship with Ep. And now you see people trying to approach the subject but mainstream outlets won't touch it. Why is that?

What really went down with Ep will eventually come out and many people will have to do mental backflips because their favorite celebrities are all involved.