Let me eat this shit up.
Very Easy
Your 10 black students, in 2028, those 10 black students that's in that class won't just be voting just to vote. That number will be lower participants in the election if the Dems don't have a 'care package' in place for the needs and wants of black people
Black folks want something for their Vote. Simple
Care Package is present to black folks in 2028, that those 10 black students, instead of 8 who voted in 2024 and didn't get shit and took an L, have learned from the other 2 who said "I told you so, I told you to sit your ass out this race" Now with the care package on the tabel, All 10 black student will vote
With the care package off the table that 8 that voted for NOTHING, that number will be lower.
You and the Knight dude, need to understand this, get it pressed on your forehead, BLACK FOLKS WON'T COME OUT TO THE POLLS IN BIG NUMBERS UNLESS THERE'S A CARE PACKAGE FOR THEM.
Now you digest this statement.
Black folks will NOT go to the polls in HIGH numbers if the Dems are not offering them shit that they want.
You chew on that statement 35 times before swallowing, Let me highlight it for you