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The Official 2024 Presidential Election Thread

Long post incoming.

I’d fight fire with fire.

I’d run an ad with shots of him saying dumb shit and looking flabby and sick and the tagline would be “Not ‘Fit’ to be President”. I’d imply he might not make it 4 more years. I’d just continually insult him on shallow shit because that’s all he and his followers understand. See how effective the “weird” tagline was?

And that’s all of the attention I’d give him directly.

Then I’d pull one of his moves and just take credit for every little thing.

I’d take credit for the stimmy’s since I was in Congress when it was passed.

When the stock market hit records I’d be running ads saying I did that shit.

When the interest rates were cut I’d take credit for that shit.

Now Target and Walmart is saying they’re cutting prices, I’d take credit for that shit.

When some food producers admitted to collusion and gouging, I’d attack them and say “see I told you so, I got them scared of prosecution by me”.

Now that border crossings are lower than when Trump was president, I’d take credit for that shit and say Trump went weak on the border towards the end with lack of a wall being proof. Then I’d say I’ll actually build the wall and put remain in Mexico back in place, but be more humane about it. Totally steal Trump’s ideas like they were my own.

I’d show people that sex changes for felons was under Trump and say “it’s 2024, you don’t have to hide your support for the LGBTQ community?” to subtly suggest he might secretly be for LGBTQ rights, lol. And include the pics of Vance in drag and say it’s ok to be who you are now.

And when people say why didn’t you do all of this in the last 4 years, I’d totally throw Biden under the bus and say that was Biden’s agenda, this is mine. Or I’d say this was a staged plan that’s finally paying off and under me it will fully pay off. Then go into what I will be doing by outlining my policies.

Just off top of my head. I’d polish this if I had time to really think about it.
I don't know if you can beat him by being him
I don't know if you can beat him by being him
I’m petty so maybe I wouldn’t be the best strategist, lol.

Either way, it’s not being him it’s using his own tactics against him.

And I guess it depends on the strategy. If you are trying to turn Trump voters your way, using his tactics are the only way.

If you’re trying to secure the base and get undecideds, then what she’s doing now will work but she has to be a million times more personable and ready to answer the tough questions authentically and unscripted.

Either way, I think taking credit for things and being confident in that is a winning strategy regardless. She’s so timid about taking credit for anything and Biden did some good things. It’s all about marketing and messaging which Trump is good at, at least to his supporters.
Founding Fathers knew someone like Trump was possible:

“When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents...— despotic in his ordinary demeanour — known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty — when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity — to join in the cry of danger to liberty — to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion — to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day — It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may ‘ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.’ … No popular government was ever without its Catilines and its Caesars. These are its true enemies.”
-Alexander Hamilton

“… cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”
_George Washington

“A Man compounded of Law and Gospel, is able to cheat a whole Country with his Religion, and then destroy them under Colour of Law … .”
-Benjamin Franklin

Putin and Kim getting ready for Trump to take over so they can run all over Ukraine with impunity.

Kamala should have mentioned this last night! Should have said “you see NK sent troops to Ukraine. Do you think that’s a coincidence? They think Trump is going to win so they’re joining forces to take over Ukraine once Trump is sworn in. Could Trump have negotiated this with Putin in those many calls he had with him? Could he have written Kim love letters about this like he did in office? I don’t know, but you have to wonder.”

That’s how you use Trump’s suggestive tactic against him.