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Man in many cases there’s no way to tell what’s a lie or the truth when it come to dealing with the affairs of men. lol. Some things we can’t know. Luckily we not on the hook for that.
It’s interesting when a comment is made and something like this happens and that comment isn’t the norm for that person posting.

Example: posting “something bad is going to happen today” everyday means nothing

Posting “something bad is going to happen” on a day it does…


Not saying he’s psychic or he had anything to do w it. It’s just interesting.
I feel like i went thru this one time before. I was coming home from work stopped at a light. It was a long ass light too bc three avenues cross each other.

I had this heavy, dreadful feeling come over me outta nowhere. Feeling like something bad was gonna happen but didn't know what.

I called my lady to check up on them and for whatever reason she asked me am I good I said yea just something feels off idk what. Went about our day.

Hours later the Oct 7 shit happens but it wasn't til like a week later my lady reminded me about the phone call and I suddenly remembered going thru that. She didn't even know what all was going thru my head she just remembered me being a lil "different".

It's funny bc she knows I'm not that type of person when it comes to spirituality or energy or whatever. I never had that happen before but I know what I felt.
