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The Official 2020/21 NBA Thread

Yea, you accept that even though its a terrible trade. You get to keep Bam, and compete during Pat and Butlers window.

Thats a ton of shit to give up though. So cant be mad at not doing the trade either.
That trade is a season ending injury to any of those three players from being horrible and then you turn into the nets from last decade with a butler rapidly approaching his mid 30s with harden not too far behind
That trade is a season ending injury to any of those three players from being horrible and then you turn into the nets from last decade with a butler rapidly approaching his mid 30s with harden not too far behind


Im still doing that trade cause Harden, Butler, and Bam can compete for a ring for the next 3 years.

But not doing the trade isnt bad either.

Im still doing that trade cause Harden, Butler, and Bam can compete for a ring for the next 3 years.

But not doing the trade isnt bad either.

It is bad because he ended up in the East on a team that clearly better now
Atleast you real with it.

I dont gotta explain heat fans. But yall remember bulls fans following butler and rondo to shit on them? And more then that, they was on Thibs shitting on him every game when he was on the wolves. Lmaoooo.

Making shit up


Im still doing that trade cause Harden, Butler, and Bam can compete for a ring for the next 3 years.

But not doing the trade isnt bad either.
Maybe if harden was a strong character guy Miami woulda been more inclined to do it
Atleast you real with it.

I dont gotta explain heat fans. But yall remember bulls fans following butler and rondo to shit on them? And more then that, they was on Thibs shitting on him every game when he was on the wolves. Lmaoooo.

Fam Butler quit and let that fuck nigga Wade lead him into trashing the players, the same thing y'all getting on Harden for doing. It's fuck that nigga


We never shitted on Rondo, he was a real one
If butler trashing you, it’s YOUR fault lol

you sounding like wolves fans mad at Jimmy when just like wolves fans you haven’t seen the playoffs since he left

take the accountability and thank Jimmy for keeping it real about MIROTIC, and those other bums

they not even worth you being upset with Jimmy lol
If butler trashing you, it’s YOUR fault lol

you sounding like wolves fans mad at Jimmy when just like wolves fans you haven’t seen the playoffs since he left

take the accountability and thank Jimmy for keeping it real about MIROTIC, and those other bums

they not even worth you being upset with Jimmy lol
You'll turn on him soon enough when he let his true colors come out in Miami
You'll turn on him soon enough when he let his true colors come out in Miami
You been saying this since 2019 lol

His true colors already came out in Miami this is who he is. You can’t judge butler for how he acted when he was playing for shit organizations and pussy coaches

your players had a group chat to shit on yall coach lmao trust me it’s a bulls issue not a Jimmy one

let the hate go
You been saying this since 2019 lol

His true colors already came out in Miami this is who he is. You can’t judge butler for how he acted when he was playing for shit organizations and pussy coaches

your players had a group chat to shit on yall coach lmao trust me it’s a bulls issue not a Jimmy one

let the hate go
It took 4 for it to come out on the Bulls, he is what he's shown to be
I will when you let go of your hate of Lebron for leaving Miami. This back and forth bores me so move along
So what I do dictates what you do? lol I’m getting too many fans

also I’ve hated Lebron before he even came to Miami I know you already knew that so you saying that is...idk
Anyhoo I have no idea what games actually come on TV anymore and I haven’t watched a full game since like last Thursday

everybody out, games are postponed, etc

barely looked at that fantasy league also