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The Official 2020/21 NBA Thread

Heard that Klay contract might be a nasty one since the warriors are paying him 67 mil in two seasons he’s not playing

and then in year 3 of the contract he’s costing 37 mil in his first action back in over 2 years

then after that when he’s making 40 mil for 2 years
Klay is gonna end up on the lakers before AD's contract expires
I could see it but ehh idk if I would do that if I’m the lakers

a 33 year old co star making 40 mil off after an Achilles injury as a 2nd option when you might have better younger FAs in a few years
Look at wiggins actually applying himself for the first time in his career

I said it before the Klay injury though but the warriors were still in the mix they have a guy that’s completely forgotten about and the third (now maybe 2nd option) as a constant threat to give you 25 a night

And I would imagine being on this team he would naturally play better
Before the schedule release tonight let me ask. What 5 teams that you don’t root for are you looking forward to watching this season?

for me it’s:

Wiggins as a secondary ball handler and playmaker will be huge for them. He just has to be consistent.