lol, did u call that poor boy a "pig" on purpose?
Oh shit, I just realize that. I Woke up tumbling like a drunk
Aye Pickford my bad bredren.
lol, did u call that poor boy a "pig" on purpose?
lol, did u call that poor boy a "pig" on purpose?
Ain’t this the same guy that ruined homies from Liverpool s career a couple of weeks ago?
How he keep getting way w this
Wouldn't be surprised if someone gets sent off
Coleman v Fernandes been at each other all game!
Man U is Bruno Fernandez team. Just built the team around him. Pretty simple
NGL as soon as fernandes laid it off for Cavani, I expected him to curl it into Pickford's bottom left corner.
The fact that he went the other way though... Assassin finishing!