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Im not going to games for a while atm, not sure how they are gonna work the season ticket situation out... I dont wanna give up my ticket due to waiting lists etc Brighton have actually been really good with communication and the money side of things so far, so hopefully they dont pull some fckry...
I ain't going to say Maguire is lying but the media campaign to prove he's one the good ones is wild

Fam this shit is all very telling...
I know things shouldn't be "black and white" but I am looking at all of this vs say when Sterling had the gun tattoo on his leg showing and how he was "perceived" to be promoting gun culture with some people wanting him removed from the England squad etc.

Anyways, you're right and I agree I ain't saying he is lying either too but.....

Hmm...I’m not sure I’d agree on this one. The likes of Sterling, Pogba or any of the current black players have never been charged with a criminal offence.

Yes there is bias in the media...all day yesterday on every news outlet it was Pogba got the Rona when we all know well over 10-15 players have caught it but Pogba’s name will get you clicks...media bias. This same media bias applies to Jose to by the way...what ever he says will get clicks.

But the reason we know about what the gun tattoo represents is cause the media gave him a chance to let us know ....after they vilified him.

The media was calling Harry a convicted criminal and putting pressure on both Southgate and Utd to do something until it was turned over in a court of law.

Yes, the media has a racial bias...but a criminal offence is serious and if in the space of one week you get arrested, convicted, sentenced and then have it completely quashed...you know the Greek police were unfairly wielding power.

It’s embarrassing for the Greek justice system that within the same week a conviction and sentence was completely overturned so it can be dealt with by a higher court.

I honestly think if this exact situation happened to a black player, English or not...the British media would want to hear from the player.

I do get the point being made tho...
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