Blue_London OG Jun 25, 2019 #12,281 Wonder if Chelsea can recruit Japans manager, The passing and movement the trust in their game
D dontdiedontkillanyone Show some love, you losers! Jun 25, 2019 #12,294 The handball decision was bullshit. Japan got mugged off something silly
Hundredeyes Active Member Jun 25, 2019 #12,295 Yooooooo Holland mofos! Japan was laying the smackdown on us lol wtf, handballs like that used to mean no pen, ref gave no fucks...absurd shit.
Yooooooo Holland mofos! Japan was laying the smackdown on us lol wtf, handballs like that used to mean no pen, ref gave no fucks...absurd shit.
Blue_London OG Jun 25, 2019 #12,299 Northside7 said: Seven European teams? Smdh France for the win. Click to expand... I think the Americans are more ruthless than the French. France has struggled to create chances tough one to calll
Northside7 said: Seven European teams? Smdh France for the win. Click to expand... I think the Americans are more ruthless than the French. France has struggled to create chances tough one to calll