Active Member
I honestly don't know if the raptors can beat the cavs and that makes me furious because if the Celtics beat Philly, Cavs going to the finals.
Think about it, if nate Macmillan nugget head ass just did a LITTLE better it would be the difference between a finals appearance and a first round KO that would make bron leave like that smug undercover racist peter vescey keeps saying
I'll be shocked if the raptors win this series I don't care about their bench,seed,top 5 offense/defense their best players are mentally weak. I was never buying the raptors
I think it will be sixers(they will beat the cavs if they can get past boston imo) vs cavs ecf and warriors vs rockets wcf
and if boston beats philly then stevens is literally 1a to pop as best coach in the league