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The Official 2017-2018 NBA Thread

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Calderon and TT prolly gonna start. And Pacers are gonna be 2-0 before the night is over.
I'm not saying the Rockets cant win, but I'd go 60-40 for the warriors without Curry.
This man knows

People say with Steph it’s going 7. W/o Steph, Hou may push it to 6. Won’t be as hard a series for GS as cats implying but it gotta play out.
Bilfiger should be alive to watch Bledsoe get his ass busted and answer for it

He stayed defending that wack ass trade. Took a shooter out the lineup who won ROY playing the point to insert Bledsoe who can’t shoot and got D Wade knees. dude getting worked by a nigga who comes off the bench after Marcus Smart

And Terry can play, don’t get me wrong but he shouldn’t be busting your ass
Sabonis missing wide open looks too lol. Cleveland gonna fuck off any lead whenever Bron gets some rest
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