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The Official 2017-2018 NBA Thread

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I need the Cavs to kick the shit out of the Bulls tonight, put us back in our place to tank. Hoiberg need to be fired, jackass can't even lose right
nba refs are fucking bad man lol

i have no idea what they are looking at half the time
Thank you Cleveland, now lets see the Bulls make another 10 game losing streak.

This kid Markonnen really been impressing me. The future looking bright with Dunn playing the way he has, Portis and Niko playing well and Lavine coming back sometime next month. Add a high draft pick in the offseason and we'll be alright nest season
Knicks had me getting nervous but once again Cool Bease came through with needed scoring great win
The Pistons annoy the hell out of me when we play man I don't know what it is lol
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This Heat team is injury-prone like a muthafucka. You'd think we had the Pelicans medical staff the way players have gone down the last couple years
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