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Added to Calendar: 08-29-24

The Stranger is Sauron and the Harfoots are taking him to Mordor (inadvertently)

Halbrand might not be the rightful king. He def has a history with Adar

I think Theo is half elven. Black elf his daddy and he knows it

Elrond and Durin....that plot still tricky to me



The creation of Mt Doom and Mordor is ingenius

A land forever covered in shadow indeed
So did you book readers know that the evil elf wasn't Sauron?

Battle scene and then the landscape scene after the sword was inserted was pretty awesome

I'm guessing that whole scene was a vision she sees since she was alive during the lord of the rings so she can't die this soon right?

I dont think that was a vision. Did you watch the preview for the finale next week?
Good episode. Next week gets real. Those Numenoreans are not ready. I was reading the character bios which is a cool feature on Prime. It says the Harfoots will develop into Hobbits in the future. This whole package is really high quality. Netflix and Dinsey need to follow.

Also WTF is Shadow of Mordor/War? Make a new LoTR RPG too.


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You're kidding right? You never heard of shadow mkrdor of shadow of war?