I recognize what games are worth the full pricelol from the Kakarot thread.. to the FF7 Remake thread... to this thread... you seem to be uhhh.... "thrifty" when it comes to coppin games
but you play more games by being thrifty anyways
but Kakarot I never wanted to play, FF remake I was put off by the installments when I’m sure you can get 2 or all 3 for a better price down the line, but also is a game I never played, and the last of us I played like the first hour and then watched somebody play the game on YouTube. It’s not a game I’m too interested in
But the trend is, if a game is that good I’ll probably get it at some point but since when it comes out I have no interest, I won’t get it
so it’s not even being thrifty on purpose but just buying what you like
2k20, MK11, COD, Star Wars fallen order, were all bought the first day though