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Dude was basically playing the victim and trying to get people to feel sorry for him.

Narcissistic behavior when you think about it.

Bolded...idk bout that. Homie do got issues tho.

imo he was jus tryin to "explain" the situation, where he has been the last few months n where his head is at now

But of course it jus shows u tho....money dont buy happiness.
Idk if I’m ever gonna stop wearing a mask

I barely had the sniffles in 3 yrs

Pre Covid 2019/2020 feels like it was 10 yrs ago

It's crazy that the concept of wearing a mask in public especially if you're sick, not even covid just sick in general, gets people here in the US in such an uproar meanwhile its been a common thing in some countries for a long ass time. Like no I don't want you coughing and sneezing around me if you're sick. Why that idea is so offensive is crazy
It's crazy that the concept of wearing a mask in public especially if you're sick, not even covid just sick in general, gets people here in the US in such an uproar meanwhile its been a common thing in some countries for a long ass time. Like no I don't want you coughing and sneezing around me if you're sick. Why that idea is so offensive is crazy
You know what it is. It's their "freedom" to do what they want to do. This country is always backwards when it comes to the health of others.
It's crazy that the concept of wearing a mask in public especially if you're sick, not even covid just sick in general, gets people here in the US in such an uproar meanwhile its been a common thing in some countries for a long ass time. Like no I don't want you coughing and sneezing around me if you're sick. Why that idea is so offensive is crazy

lol Bruh people in America actually fight against having accessible healthcare for everyone. This country is full of idiots and insanity.
Who else been carrying it because I don’t think anybody knows anybody else.

For the past 2-3 years, it's been that blonde chick who left after last season.

Her, and..........like I said earlier.........The Weekend Update (Michael Che/Colin Jost) musical guests......and celebrity hosts.
That's the way opponents of Universal Healthcare framed it. They always forgot to mention that people's health insurance premiums, copays, and deductibles would go away, and most people would actually end up saving money when everything was put in place.
I haven't really looked into it. Google search gave me this site that says this stuff isn't covered under their universal healthcare
What’s not covered?
Prescription drugs, dentists, eye exams, hearing aids, private hospital rooms, psychologists, counsellors, physiotherapists, cosmetic surgery and tests required for immigration papers, driver’s licences and insurance.
I don’t think people are upset when it comes to wearing a mask as courtesy. Especially around the elderly

It’s the fear-mongering ad mandates around the masks that people have an issue with and I can see both points of views.

I don't agree with fear mongering...but folks don't even know what they actually consider to be fear mongering. To many who oppose mask mandates its anything that says "wearing a mask can help stop the spread of *insert random thing here* and they consider that to be fear mongering.

I can tell that he is one of those workers that's been a temp for over 90 days, but he about to get hired soon
I haven't really looked into it. Google search gave me this site that says this stuff isn't covered under their universal healthcare
What’s not covered?
Prescription drugs, dentists, eye exams, hearing aids, private hospital rooms, psychologists, counsellors, physiotherapists, cosmetic surgery and tests required for immigration papers, driver’s licences and insurance.

Bernie's Medicare for All plan included most of that.

[*]Create a Medicare for All, single-payer, national health insurance program to provide everyone in America with comprehensive health care coverage, free at the point of service.
[*]No networks, no premiums, no deductibles, no copays, no surprise bills.
[*]Medicare coverage will be expanded and improved to include: include dental, hearing, vision, and home- and community-based long-term care, in-patient and out-patient services, mental health and substance abuse treatment, reproductive and maternity care, prescription drugs, and more.
[*]Stop the pharmaceutical industry from ripping off the American people by making sure that no one in America pays over $200 a year for the medicine they need by capping what Americans pay for prescription drugs under Medicare for All.
Bernie's Medicare for All plan included most of that.

And taxes are paying for all of that
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