I don't think I'll ever understand why muhfuckas get super indignant when they get caught shoplifting.
I just came back from the Von's down the way 'cause I forgot to get more black tea for the morning (and a can of Asahi beer for tonight). I'm in line behind some broad but I knida noticed security and the manager chick hovering around doing dumb shit. The broad had the belt full but then started telling the cashier to put stuff back. I noticed she had a couple of Ross bags in the cart with her, not too odd 'cause there's one nearby. So she knocks her bill down to $15 pays and tried to leave but the moment she wals away from the cashier security, the manager, and some other cat I think is loss prevention converge on her. LP dude is like "I saw you fill up that Ross bag with cleaning supplies", ole girl is on some denial shit then dude is like "look, you were sloppy and got caught, give us the products back", now she's mad like he's in the wrong and once they call for Metro to come out she starts unloading one of the Ross bags, throwing shit at each of them, talking mad shit and just angry as shit but it's directed towards them.
I'm like, you got caught, let it go. Take the shit you paid for and bounce and maybe they won't trespass you. But now she acting like an ass and dude is like "don't ever come back, you're going to be trespassed". She took the shit she paid for and bailed. I could hear her still talking shit as she ran by me in front of the store.