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I don’t see the big deal with him avoiding the Janet shit. What was he supposed to say? They did it on purpose. They was stuck to the it was an accident train.

I mean when you tell somebody your IGNORED but yet he follows that person around commenting on his threads.

Holla at some folk.

Zoom ID: 821 7842 6976

Day 1 (Day 0 was yesterday - Moving Day) from the B-House balcony.

We HERE now!
Some talented genius on YouTube took it upon themselves to put together the entire story of Marlo in chronological order, like a real movie. Pretty damn good job to

The dumbest shit is they asking the cacs the apartment number ... what if they answer all the questions correctly they get to stay?

When they shut the door in her face I lost it. Like yall just gonna have a meeting in my fucking apartment?

Yeah I might have just said fuck it and chose violence that day man. Wouldn't even want to stay there after that. Total violation.

Cops went about it like she was bullshitting.
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